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How many games do you know that have reached this level of perfection?

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Originally posted by redbastard:

Seven Cities of Gold (Atari 800)

I remember that game! I played that on the Commodore64!!!! I remember that!

As to MoM2, that game has been killed more times than a zombie in a Bruce Campbell movie. If it is made... Oh, the humanity.


"The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again. Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization."

-Eugene Rabinowitch

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I would have to concur that without exception CM is the best supported entertainment software product, bar none! As far as gaming perfection, that is rather elusive, but there have been some revolutionary games that were damn addictive including:

X-com UFO Defense ('nuff said already on this one)

Command and Conquer (the true Granddaddy of RTS)

Crusader No Remorse (isometric view Champion and predecessor to that "new look")

Half-life (if you don't have this, your not a computer gamer :P)

Tribes (revolutionized MP team-play possibilities)

Wing Commander (the genesis of all space-based simulators)

Baldur's Gate (perhaps single-handidly resurrected the role-playing genre)

Railroad Tycoon (the roots of most micromanagement "God-games")

ah, there are just too many to list smile.gif

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Guest Mikey D

How many games do I know that have reached this level of perfection? Well, the latest version 'Tombraider' just added cleavage to the main character. Greatly enhaces the gameplay


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You got that, WESY.

The original X-Com is still a game I play. Brilliant.

I would give CMBO the edge though based on their continual contact with the players. It would have been so easy for BTS to just ship it and start work on the sequel. A company that truly cares.


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Originally posted by gaffertape:


Ooh yes! I've only used a Playstation twice, and in both cases it was to play Return Fire head-to-head. Man, were my eyes red after those sessions.

Granted, the beer helped.


Can you tell us about Return fire on a Play Station Head to head?

What is it?

What is it like?

SP2? or SP1?

is it a FPS or RTS?

is there strategy and tacitcs are just "shoot'em up"?


-tom w

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

It disappoints me greatly that there is still a great deal of bitching and complaining about this great game.

I would like to ask all partcipants to step back for a minute and consider the meaning and intent of your posts.

Does your post promote Combat Mission?

Do you have something positive and constructive to say that will add to the game?

Have you identified a previously unknown flaw in the game?

Is your post fair, balanced and supported by rational logic or historically accurate documentary evidence?

If we are all "really" trying to support BTS and really trying to make CM and better game lets take a minute and step back think about how far this game (our passion) has come in the last 6 months and how close to absolute perfection it is now.

In case this thinly veiled reference was too thinly veiled for some here, I'm refering to all the "constructive critismm, and positive feedback" BTS has been getting lately regarding the minor, and really not exactly life threatening, changes that were made to the QB Combined Arms Points allocation table.

so from Stripes I leave you with the wisdom of Sgt. Hulka:

"LIGHTEN UP FRANCIS" ! smile.gif

-tom w

Good & well to offer this post, Tom, as a perspective "milestone." But.....on an added note of perspective, I have to say that most (not all) of the recent forum bitching this past week has come from newer CM gamers.

A few of these newbies have even declared now that this forum is too "reactionary" for them and have declared to bail out. Well, many of us old timers MIGHT sit back and say, "good riddance!", but I also recall that several of the old timers also generated quite a bit of "heat" when they started posting here. Heck, I stirred things up on occasion too in my days of relative forum "youth".

I heartily agree, Tom, that people posting queries to BTS should do so in a respectful tone and be willing to listen to the rationales that are logically offered by BTS and others here. And the querical should not make unsubstantiated knee-jerk insinuations that BTS opted for game design decisions which are "unrealistic." Such an insinuation usually poisons the discussion at the get-go.

But my added concern is that some old-timers here can be a bit overly defensive in their responses, such to the point that new CM gamers MIGHT become easily discouraged.

Some of these new posters will indeed get easily discouraged and leave, that's the way it is. Do we have to bend over backwards to accomodate these guys? Certainly not. But do we also want them to drop out as potential customers for future CM products too?

What all of this is saying is, SEEK A BALANCE. A newbie should be encouraged to be respectful and abide to forum rules (BTS will certainly encourage this anyway.) But we should also look for ways on how a newbie could be encouraged to stick it out, gain some civility, join this great CM community, and start making positive contributions. Then we all win.


"My name is Francis...but everyone calls me PSYCHO! And if I hear any of you ever call me Francis....I'll kill you!!!" wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Spook (edited 01-24-2001).]

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I can think of several Games that reached Perfection hmmm.. let's see

X-com Ufo Defense

X-com Terror from the Deep

RailRoad Tycoon

RailRoad Tycoon2

Master of Orion

Master of Orion 2

Freespace 2


I own Civnet and Civ2 but after playing them for a while you realize that they're not very good. Diplomacy is useless, people keep landing on your island and it was okay for a while but the games tend to get very repetitive because you're always fighting.

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Originally posted by Spook:

What all of this is saying is, SEEK A BALANCE. A newbie should be encouraged to be respectful and abide to forum rules (BTS will certainly encourage this anyway.) But we should also look for ways on how a newbie could be encouraged to stick it out, gain some civility, join this great CM community, and start making positive contributions. Then we all win.


"My name is Francis...but everyone calls me PSYCHO! And if I hear any of you ever call me Francis....I'll kill you!!!" wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Spook (edited 01-24-2001).]

Thanks Spook

That's kind of what I was getting at.

Thanks also for the "My name is Francis...but everyone calls me PSYCHO! And if I hear any of you ever call me Francis....I'll kill ya!!!" wink.gif

Followed immediatly be Sgt Hulka:

"Lighten Up Francis!"

That line Always makes me smile.

I think Stripes is Funnier than Kelly's Hereos but they are both entertaining.

-tom w

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