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Will voice chat (ie Roger Wilco) be in CM2?

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I can type ok, but the spoken word is golden!

Does anyone know the status on this subject? I've run a search but haven't come up with anything specifically. I know I really don't need it, (like caller ID) but its nice to have.


'Lets go you apes! You want to live forever?'

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It works right now! Both players MUST have DirectX 8.0 We have been using RogerWilco, Battlecom and Team Sound sucessfully. I assume others will work also. There's individual preferences on which program to use but make sure and set it up for PTT, otherwise the firefights activate your mike and comes back over your opponents mike and back and forth. You end up stuck in some sort of wierd time warp deal!


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!

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No problem mate! I hope the word get's out to more players. Surprised the guys over at the Cesspool aren't making sure everyone knows so they can verbally batter their opponent as they play! Maybe not as public as running them up the flag pole but satisfying none the less!


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!

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