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I just downloaded the demo for Combat Mission two nights ago and have been addicted since. I am going to be ordering the game real soon. Very excellent game and as a table top war gamer I appreciate the realism.

But what I wanted to share, was in the demo for Chance Encounter I screwed the pooch early and lost my StuG's fast, within four rounds actually. And only took two out of the five Shermans down.

But from reading some of the articles on how infantry tactics work in this game, I was able to get my fire-teams in motion and waste the other three Shermans with PanzerSchrek salvos within the next fifteen rounds. After that, mop-up was a piece of cake.

I know this is newbie drivle, but I was pretty exited at the plan working and I am loving the game, so I had to share.

Take care,


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Welcome aboard Vitalls! biggrin.gif

That doesn't sound too bad. I have faced more humillating defeat frown.gif

IMHO, get your credit card ready and buy the game right now! You won't regret it! That is the best advice an "old-timer" can share with you.

Anyway, if you want to have a taste of playing against another fellow human, I think there are a number of people who are still playing Gold Demo PBEM. smile.gif

Ah, you remind me of setting up a "green horn" advice section...



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

Get the CMSOD at Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/

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Guest ckoharik

Don't wait any longer. Buy it NOW! NOW!

I remember the first time I saw the screenshots and read the write-ups. Man was I impressed. Then, once I played the demo I knew I had to buy it. Luckily I got my order in right before they ran out of stock! Have been playing the game ever since.

To really improve it you'll want to hit the numerous sites that are hosting the replacement graphics files (mods). They take the visuals to a whole new level.

Buy now!

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Let's not forget there are also sound mods, interface mods, hair-raising 3rd parties scenarios and operations available for FREE!

Did I mention there will be a North African Campaign Total Conversion?



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

Get the CMSOD at Combat Missing Command Post (CMCP) at http://www.angelfire.com/games3/CMCP/

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I ordered the game before I even finished Chance Encounter. In fact, the very second I launched it and heard the ambient sounds, saw my troops, the trees, the tanks, man I was HOOKED! I've been gaming for a very LOOONG time, and I've been waiting for something like this since the beginning.

Once you get the game your play the hell out of it. After about a month the newness will finely wear off and you'll download some mods. Then it'll be a whole new game again! Once you start PBEMing you'll never quite!

There's one thing I’d like to suggest right away though. Put the latest patch on it its not already. Then download Mad Matt's sound mod at http://www.combatmission.com . It’s incredible!



"I don't need my junkie friends all knockin' at my door. I just wanna do an old time waltz with a buxom Irish whore!"

-Shane MacGowan

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First, let me say that CM is the best wargame ever! Now, let me tell you about my first experience.

I was heavy into SP:WAW last summer when the first reports about CM came in. At first I scoffed. Cheesy 3d, just trying to cash in on the FPS crowd. (Note -- I had never SEEN the game other than the screen shots at the BTS site) Besides NOTHING could be better than SP.

Also, my comp at the time was a 233 with no 3d card, and only 32 megs ram. Zoom to 6 mo. later.

New computer (super-fast Athlon), cable modem -- I decide to download the demo. It sits on my HD for a few weeks (I'm playing Rogue Spear and Combat Flight Simulator) before I ever open it.

I open it and play chance encounter. At first the 3d views are hard to get used to, I have troubles issuing orders, and I play a couple turns. I start by issuig long, sprawling movement orders, just so I can keep hitting go w/out having to give orders.

By about turn 15 I realize that I screwed up, my men are in disarray and I realize that this game has a competent AI as well as an accurate portrayal of weapons and tactics.

I was mildly impressed and a few days later I loaded up the other scenario -- Valley of trouble. The moment I saw that panorama with its steep rolling hills, quaint village, and that fearsome bunkered ridge-line, I was in love.

That, I think now, was the defining moment, and the next morning I hurried to the web-site only to find the game was out of stock!

For the next few weeks I play those two scenarios, slowly, savouring each turn, until the game finally comes. I have played no other game since, well except a little Midtown Madness 2, but that was with my son smile.gif

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I'd been meaning to try the demo for awhile, but was wrapped up with Baldur's Gate II, a fantasy RPG (for you grognards that stands for Role Playing Game, not Rocket Propelled Grenade). I finally downloaded and installed the CM demo. Step one: jump in and start pushing units in Chance Encounter: "those question mark flags must be hidden enemy units, just like in East Front". Step two: bog one Sherman down ("immobile? he wasn't fired upon!"), quickly lose another to a Stug. Step three: RTFM! Step four: now partially clueful, devise a plan of attack and achieve much better results in combat.

Step five, buy CMBO. (Happily, it arrives three days later!)

I won a major victory in Chance Encounter and a minor one in Valley of Trouble (both demo). I was a little disappointed that I didn't appear to get credit for all victory flags in VoT even though the Germans surrendered, but the point is that both games were exciting. This is definitely the 3d wargame I've been waiting for.

After reading this board for awhile I realize a few warts exist, but I haven't yet played a game without any.

I still haven't downloaded any mods, but I will... oh yes, I will.

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Thanx all for your encouragement to buy.

I will as soon as I have the money, mortgage and all that, getting in the way right now!!!

But I have a question, I have checked out the mods and all of that, what will work with the demo and what will not? It may be a few weeks until I can order the game and I am already fiending for more more more.

Again, thanx for all the help.


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Well, pretty much all the terrain mods will work. Then the Sherman mods and the StuG and Panther G mod. DD's uniforms will work. Skies will work as well, but there really isn't that great of selection of skies.

But I suggest the Marco Bergman Sherman Plainpack and install it into the demo. It really changes the Sherman graphics.

Grab Panzertruppen's buildings while your at it. You think the buildings are cool in the demo, you ain't seen nothing yet.

DD's grass and trees are a must. Go to CMHQ's 3rd Party Mods to get most of these. There is also a "Must Have" barbed wire mod in the Terrain section. Adds's a wooden frame to the graphic to give it a 3D look.


For your dream car click here.

For a Close Encounter click here.

Hey look! I can see my house!

And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!

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Welcome Vitalis

Most of the mods work only with the full version of the game, but I remember that CoolColJ has made some very good mods for the demo version only. Unfortunately I haven't got the URL to his homepage so you have to contact him via E-Mail.

If you are short on money, contact your local organ donation center. Once you have the full version in your hand you ain't got that much use for some of your body parts.


Turret down

Hull down

Track down

Pants down

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Welcome, Vitalis!

We greet you warmly!

Don't forget time-honored and most mandatory newbie rite of sending $20 to each person whose username has the magic word "member" under it. We all had to do it, now it's your turn....besides, it'll give you something to do while you await the mailperson.

Relax and enjoy...you have been Assimilated.

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