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Axis flags in CMBO; why different?

Guest SS_Obergruppenführer

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Originally posted by Doug Williams:

Scipio wrote:

And you never will in this lifetime. At the risk of starting a philosophical/religious discussion that will quickly get locked I will simply make the comment that I believe human beings are not inherently "good".

Frank Zappa thought people both, 'stupid and bad.' ... all except for him of course =grin=

seriously, there is a school of thought which postulates that humans and the things they do are ultimately, 'neither good nor bad; they simply are the way they are.'

of course this flies in the face of what most monotheists believe.

i guess we're getting into 'general discussion territory.'


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It is unfortunate that the intolerant Nazi's co-opted a lovely Native American symbol and left it tainted with the smell of their racist philosophy. We are left to ponder whether we are offended by the symbol or what it recently came to represent. A symbol is not evil, but the Nazi's surely were. I'd prefer not to play with the mods that use the swastika. Not just because I'm a liberal PC hippie granola-cruncher, but also because I don't want to offend my Jewish friends who also love this game.


"So be cheery, my lads, let your hearts never fail,

While the bold harpooner is striking the whale!" -Nantucket Song

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[...un-lurking process completed.]

Now that we all know it is illegal in Germany and leaving all the good points on how it is completely unnecessary for gameplay and morally questionable, let me add the legal consequences to owning (and or selling) products containing ANY fascist symbols in Germany: CONFISCATION, likely to be followed by criminal proceedings.

From an international business point of view, it is sound practice to exclude fascist symbols.



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I hate to beat a dead horse, but I couldn't let this go.

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Yes, how unfortunate that we live in a society where everyone is treated equally regardless of who their father was, what colour their skin is, or the type of genitals they have. What a shame.

in response to "I blame the Democrats-them and their touchy feely PC crap"

Oh, please. The proposition that the ideas of the P.C. "liberal" left have anything to do with true equality is laughable. The modern left has take the idea of "equality" that fueled the civil rights movement of the 50s and 60s, and completely corrupted it. The original noble premise was to judge people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character (as Dr. King so eloquently put it). Civil rights originally stood for equal opportunity, in that minorities should have the same rights as any other citizen, and not be excluded on the basis of skin color/gender. At that time,it didn't matter how smart or motivated a black college/job applicant was, he/she wasn't going to get a chance to prove him/herself. By and large, that is no longer true. A well qualified person that is by chance also a member of a minority group can do anything he/she wants to. However, this is not enough for some. Over time the leftist elites have pushed the idea that opportunity is not enough. It is no longer adequate to allow equally qualified candidates to compete, we must now guarantee equal results.

As a result we have a society where one of the first questions asked in any situation where some sort of limited resource, over which the government has any control at all, is distributed (federal jobs, college admission, government contracts, cabinet appointments) is not "is the person the best candidate," but rather "is the person a member of a 'disadvantaged' minority." God help the person who believes that merit should matter more than race, ethnicity or gender, the P.C. establishment will immediately label you a bigot irrespective of your actual record.

The true inheritors of the ideas of equality as envisioned by the Mason and Madison are conservative. The progressive ideas of individual rights, liberties and their attendant responsibilities (i.e. the philosophy of classical liberals) are far more evident in the conservative/libertarian movement (I exclude the southern conservatives that have roots in the DixieCrat movement from this group) than in the quasi-socialist views of the P.C. modern liberals.

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Originally posted by Marlow:

I hate to beat a dead horse, but I couldn't let this go.

Oh, please. The proposition that the ideas of the P.C. "liberal" left have anything to do with true equality is laughable. The modern left has take the idea of "equality" that fueled the civil rights movement of the 50s and 60s, and completely corrupted it. The original noble premise was to judge people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character (as Dr. King so eloquently put it). Civil rights originally stood for equal opportunity, in that minorities should have the samerights as any other citizen, and not be excluded on the basis of skin color/gender. At that time,it didn't matter how smart or motivated a black college/job applicant was, he/she wasn't going to get a chance to prove him/herself. By and large, that is no longer true. A well qualified person that is by chance also a member of a minority group can do anything he/she wants to. However, this is not enough for some. Over time the leftist elites have pushed the idea that opportunity is not enough. It is no longer adequate to allow equally qualified candidates to compete, we must now guarantee equal results.

As a result we have a society where one of the first questions asked in any situation where some sort of limited resource, over which the government has any control at all, is distributed (federal jobs, college admission, government contracts, cabinet appointments) is not "is the person the best candidate," but rather "is the person a member of a 'disadvantaged' minority." God help the person who believes that merit should matter more than race, ethnicity or gender, the P.C. establishment will immediately label you a bigot irrespective of your actual record.

The true inheritors of the ideas of equality as envisioned by the Mason and Madison are conservative. The progressive ideas of individual rights, liberties and their attendant responsibilities (i.e. the philosophy of classical liberals) are far more evident in the conservative/libertarian movement (I exclude the southern conservatives that have roots in the DixieCrat movement from this group) than in the quasi-socialist views of the P.C. modern liberals.

Amen to that.


Andreas himself will attest that my massive ego and foolhardy belief in my own greatness would never allow for me to be anyone's worshipper - Hamsters

Edit: HTML (too many embedded tags!)

[This message has been edited by Mannheim Tanker (edited 04-02-2001).]

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than in the quasi-socialist views of the P.C. modern liberals.

Take that back, I'm a full-on socialist.

Oh, and I'm not PC neither. If you really believe in individualism and libertarianism and all that stuff, you should probably have a care not to ascribe a very specific set of beliefs to everyone who shares a very broad political agenda.

Or is everyone on the right a bible-thumping gay-bashing segregationist?


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

[This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 04-02-2001).]

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I don't get it....if its illeagle to sell a product that has the swastika in it then how do other games have it like Commandos or WW2 online.

Also I'd like to say it sucks that they ban the swastika because some people think they are affended, because I haven't met anyone who is affended by it. Plus it sucks these games go so far and then they can't make it completely historicaly accurate.

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Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Take that back, I'm a full-on socialist.

Oh, and I'm not PC neither. If you really believe in individualism and libertarianism and all that stuff, you should probably have a care not to ascribe a very specific set of beliefs to everyone who shares a very broad political agenda.

Or is everyone on the right a bible-thumping gay-bashing segregationist?

If I had to put a qualifications statement on any general discussion of political philosophy, it would read like a legal contract (the term "P.C. liberal left" as used hereinafter shall only apply to the members of said left that ascribe to the … ). In any event my generalization is not far off. Those of you on the left who actually value a difference of opinion are very few IMHO. Most on the left, while giving lip-service to valuing free-speech, only are truly respectful of opinions that do not deviate from their narrow world-view. Your statement is a case in point. While the "a bible-thumping gay-bashing segregationist" members of the right are a small minority, many on the left seriously attribute those characteristics to a large number of (read most) conservatives, or anyone else who does not believe that gender/race should create special rights or preferences, or that any mention of religion in public life is a per se violation of the Establishment clause.

Edited to add that I wrote this in haste, and that I fully recognize that any broad political catagorization has a wide variaty of people with very diverse views. The right certainly has its share of close-minded idiots, I am just of the belief that the left has far more.

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 04-02-2001).]

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Originally posted by Marlow:

[bThose of you on the left who actually value a difference of opinion are very few IMHO. Most on the left, while giving lip-service to valuing free-speech, only are truly respectful of opinions that do not deviate from their narrow world-view.

I disagree, but I guess that's par for the course.

Your statement is a case in point. While the "a bible-thumping gay-bashing segregationist" members of the right are a small minority, many on the left seriously attribute those characteristics to a large number of (read most) conservatives, or anyone else who does not believe that gender/race should create special rights or preferences, or that any mention of religion in public life is a per se violation of the Establishment clause.

Just as many on the right assume that all democrats are tree-hugging fleece-wearing hippies with no sense of humor and who enjoying being self-righteous.

At some point you have to wonder what the use is? It may be that your view of the left is colored by those leftists who are most vocal - ie, the strident loud ones. Call it the Silent Majority of the left, most of us are quite reasonable, I promise. Likewise the common image of the right is the Jesse Helms type because they're the most visible on the public stage.

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you guys are hilarious. i love when topics degenerate into petty squables about who has the "right point of view". Just do what i do, hate everyone and everything equally.

i wonder how many more posts get in before this is locked? my guess is 8. it feels like the luck #. so this is 1...

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Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Just as many on the right assume that all democrats are tree-hugging fleece-wearing hippies with no sense of humor and who enjoying being self-righteous.

You mean they're not??? wink.gif

Point well taken.

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