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Winter Mods and Macs...


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Has anyone run into a problem installing winter mods into Graphic 13? I am a mod slut, haven't met a mod I do not love..

However, using both of Mac Mod mamagers I get the same problem. If you get so many (somewhere between 14-15 mb's) they start installing as fragments. So you can get a Tiger with winter colors sitting on top of a summer chasiss.

anyone else have this problem or a solution. Some of my vehicles look like frankenstein stiched together. It's not all of them, rather only some.

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I ran into the same problem. It appears to be a problem with the limit that Resedit places on the size of resource files. I posted something similar on the tech forum, and that was the gist of the replies I got. There doesn't appear to be anything we can do about it. I decided to re-install a fresh graphics 13 and start over, choosing only the winter mods I really wanted. We need to bug Charles to create more than one winter resource file for Macs in CM2.


"Don't lie to me, Gustav! You're a stinkin' Mac user!"

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I had the same problem (notified the developer here on the BBS awhile back). So, to work around it, I simply store all axis winter picts in graphics 11 and only the allied ones in graphics 13.

The easiest way to do that is to simply copy the graphics 13 file off of your CM cd whenever you want to apply an axis winter mod. You apply the mod to that file rather than the one in your CM data folder. Then it's simply a matter of opening the file in resedit and copying from that temp graphics 13 file all the pict images you just installed and pasting them into your graphics 11 file. Graphics 11 is the best to use since very little data is stored in that particular file and it's all related to the axis.

Hope this helps.

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yeah, not a bad idea..

back when we decided to use G13, there werent many textures in there, and, frankly, I totally underestimated the number of textures (winter) we would have these days, as well as the size of the hi res ones! In retrospect, splitting it up would have been a good idea..

when time allows, I'll look into modifying MCM3 to allow you to save the winter mods in G11 or G13, along with a conversion utility to do so.

However, it wont be soon, as life has gotten very twilite zone-ish lately, and lots of personal stuff having to deal with. Getting better, but going to take another month or so to work out (ie, before I can look at changing MCM3).

As for CM2, I've talked with BTS about this and they are looking at options.. it will be taken care of one way or the other.

totally amazed at the number of mods. If there werent so many, and time so short, I would have run into this myself. Still havnt seen it, but definately is happening.




History is made at night

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just trying to make the tool better, more usable. And address these issues as the mods multiply seemingly exponentially. Seeing how CM2 wont be out for a while I figure I can update MCM3 in the near future..and possibly think of some new features to add in for MCM3 for CM2... Hmm, gotta think of a better title for that one!

anyway, suggestions for improvements are always welcome.

thanks again, and glad you like the program.


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  • 2 weeks later...

For what it's worth, this isn't just a problem that affects the winter mods.

I originally hit the resource limit due to winter mods in graphics 13 on my mac like many of you. I did a clean reinstall and then decided to forego almost all winter mods (excepting only the axis infantry in those cool jumpsuits) -- if the summer vehicle mod is awesome who cares if you still see it in the snow.

I also went very sparing on the other mods I put in -- choosing low-rez replacements where possible and making do with the CM orinigals in many cases.

Yesterday though I was enticed into doing a total conversion of all the german halftracks into the new (Fernando I think) bicolor mods.

All went well until the last batch of mods--the 251/2, 251/9, 251/16 group. Here when I went to install I ran into the resource limit in graphics 4. At one point CM Mac Mod seems to have deleted the .bmp resource but failed to replace it with a new one.

I guess I'll try manual surgery in resEdit going in and getting that file from the orginal, pasting it in and replacing it.

If anybody has any better ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Exactly how much leeway do we have with where we store the game textures? If we can store winter textures in graphics 13 or 11 does that mean that we can store summer textures elsewhere as well? Or does the game engine only look in certain places expecting to find them?

Anybody know the answer to that one?

I'm now on my 5th or so reinstall just from mod overload and it's getting very, very frustrating. And as I said, I'm tring to be sparing with the mod usage and I'm still being bitten on the butt.

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