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Mod Question

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Give some examples and tell us your system specs. If your computer can't handle hi res mods you may not see the results of some of the terrain mods.

This might be more appropriately discussed in the tech support forum.

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Since the mods "only" change or alter the bitmaps used in CM I don't know how a patch could cause troubles...

I use a lot of mods (hi-res), use V1.12 and never had any problems.

Perhaps your graphic card has problems with too many hi-res mods. But that should only slow down CM.

Care to provide some details?

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Thanks, Guys! I bought a new computer with a GForce3 mx, so should be able to handle everything. I've noticed Madd Matt's terrain came across fine. But I've downloaded the Sherman mods and played with Shermans since and haven't noticed any difference. Some of the mods have absolutely no explanation as to what they are supposed to do, so have no clue. I followed instructions pretty carefully, but will go back and check everything again and see if I can figure it out and then try some more mods and see if they work.

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If you use invidual vehicle mods such as Tiger's you should just unzip the mods into a temporary folder and then cut and paste the files into the CMBO\BMP folder. I don't know what's wrong if you don't see the results as it's a simple process. If you are using mods that cover multiple vehicles using a batch file system, such as Marco's mods, it can be more difficult and things can go wrong. But unless you are placing the .bmp files in the wrong folder, I don't know what else to tell you.

Look here for a primer on mods:


[ 05-11-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]

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All graphics files must be within the "Bmp folder", anywhere else and they will not show up.

Mods like Marco's Shermans need to have a batch file run before you can see them. They have file extensions on the numbers. CM only reads the numbers, if it contains extraneous stuff, it doesn't use those. The batch files automatically rename those files with the extensions so that the mod may be seen.

Also, it is always a good idea to unzip the mods into a folder of their own before you install them. Because you never know what is within the zip file. There may be other folders within the zip file file and tyou'll need to navigate through the internal stuff and copy over what is needed. Otherwise your bmp folder will start getting 'readmes', preview jpgs, and all kinds of other crap that is not needed.

So just to sum up, unzip all mods into temp folder, examine and copy over necessary bitmaps and batch files, etc.

The batch files need to be in the root Cmbo folder. You can then make shortcuts and assign user made icons for them and place them in a desktop folder for easy access.

Hope that helps.

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