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A new fan of the... PzKpfw IIL?!?!

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Just decided to try out the PzKpfw IIL Lynx after downloading a nice mod for it. Any how I quickly learned to appreciate it in several ways. First of all it's cheap, roughly 55 points if memory serves right. Secondly it's relatively fast, in stark contrast to the ponderously slow Tiger I/II. Thirdly it has a nice, albeit light, gun, a 20mm. It won't take out Shermans frontally but any pesky halftracks/jeeps, Priests and other light armor/support the Allies possess are vulnerable to it especially since it has a high ROF. Great to have it aim for those Allied support vehicles/light armor to free up your 75mm/88mm guns to light the Ronsons and carve the Churchills like an apple. Besides, I seem to have extremely bad luck with German heavy armored cars and having success with the Lynx. In my latest trial with it I sent the Lynx on a quick flanking maneuver and attacked the allied supporting arms from their flank. I cheered on to see that in 4 turns it promptly removed 6 M5 halftracks, a Priest, and with a quick dash to close assault 4 mortar teams and destroy them (to short of range for them). On the last turn though the Americans got irritated and promptly sent a Sherman to deal with it. Anyhow, for about the 55 point range it performed past my lowly expectations.


"Uncommon valor was a common virtue"-Adm.Chester Nimitz of the Marines on Iwo Jima

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IIRC it's the fastest German vehicle over open ground.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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I find them quite crap, mainly becuase the 20mm is so badly modeled in CM. Its ok using Ap rounds agianst light armour... but the HE is all but useless. It tends to hit behind moving infantry, and with its low blast its pointless. It would be better off havingan extra mg in the main guns place.

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Totally agree with KiwiJoe. The Luchs is crap mainly because the 2cm is crap. Same goes for for other AFV's equipped with the 2cm and for the 2cm AA guns.

You have FO teams and other rear-area doing funny faces at the Luchs while they march back and forth in fron of it, and as long as the Luchs has main gun ammo left he is harmless to them...only after the main gun ammo is gone the coax MG will give the Luchs some teeth.

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I disagree, the 2cm guns, the AA in particular are great at suppressing infantry. I have had great luck using them in protected postions out of site ot real armor. The Lynx is a tracked armored car and yes the gun is for crap against anything thicker than a HT. Just my experience.

Karl Mead

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Well if you want to waste 55 VAULABLE german armour points on that little tin can be my guest. But you would be far better served spending a bit more and getting a Puma instead. Its 50mm is a way better AT weapon, able to knock out most Allied tanks with flank shots, and it has enough HE blast to hurt troops. If u really want a 20mm armed unit buy a psw 234/1 ht. Its only 37 points and agian doesnt eat into that low about of german armour points.

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Well I don't know about other Allied players, but I get quite angry when I see one of those KO an SP gun or halftrack of mine, and it becomes quite an annoyance, forcing me to send units to deal with it. I can see both sides, however, as I have had PIAT teams run up to an MG empty Lynx and kill it after being shot at several times by the 20mm.

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