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John F Monahan

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...and having just read some of the hype regarding the last 'anzac cpx' from the mailing lists... Okay I may be regarded as a newbie Neanderthal riding around with a bunch of tanks, "wielding them like clubs"; but having watched the replay files. My Tanks in the northern woods, kicked some serious OPFOR arse!!

SO BRING IT ON! tongue.gif

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The nxport automated mailing list, where all the serious (and not so serious) discussions about tacops takes place.

I'm too intimidated to post there, so just read the posts.

if you want to know how to get said mail, I'm sure someone a little more senior here can point you in the right direction. I've forgotten how I started it, but I'm glad I get it.

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Agent Smith,

1. I haven’t seen anything on the nxport automated list (to which I subscribe) since the 1st of November, last year (apart from the monthly reminders about my password).

2. “Australia Day CPX” - are you already planning something for January next year or are you referring to something that happened 2 months ago?

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>I haven’t seen anything on the nxport automated list (to which I subscribe) since the 1st of November,

>last year (apart from the monthly reminders about my password).


The list that you mentioned is the private TacOpsMC mailing list which I used for v5 OSX testing in 2006. The list that Agent Smith is referring to is the semi-public "real" TacOps mailing list. There is activity there - mainly pertaining to CPXs and my lack of productivity lately. smile.gif Info on that list is below.

To subscribe to the TacOps mailing list go to the URL below and follow the screen instructions.


Once subscribed you can also read the recent list message archives via a button somewhere around the link above.

The TacOps mailing list is a no flame zone. No politics, no insults, and members are expected to stay reasonably on topic - which means mainly posts related to the TacOps game and or related to tactical level warfare in general. It is OK to discuss the "how" of contemporary warfare on the list but is not generally OK to discuss the political "why".

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thanks for message, re commenting to mailing lists.

There are 2 reasons why I don't do so.

a) Partly it is intimidation, until I get a few more cpx's under my belt, I don't feel there is much that I can contribute to; as the regular contributors are the Tacops HARD CORE and often ex or serving military. as a gamer who just enjoys the challenge, I can offer little in terms of unit data or detailed links to new weapon systems etc...however, I am an avid reader of the list, as I like to see the momentum the development of V5 is heading.

B) I've never actually seen a 'how-to' about the procedure for contibuting to the mail. I'm sure it's as easy as replying to the email, but again, polls are generally conducted at SZO/ EG and the forum thread there seems better populated than here; (perhaps because of the file repository options.) So I have seen little need to add my comments into the mix.



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Originally posted by Agent Smith:

- snip- a) Partly it is intimidation, until I get a few more cpx's under my belt, I don't feel there is much that I can contribute to; as the regular contributors are the Tacops HARD CORE and often ex or serving military. as a gamer who just enjoys the challenge, I can offer little in terms of unit data or detailed links to new weapon systems etc...however, I am an avid reader of the list, as I like to see the momentum the development of V5 is heading.

Dont be intimidated: We old farts tend to not see the wood because of all the trees, so fresh impressions are alway welcome, the list is *really* newbie friendly... Even if you screw up big time (which I and all did a few times) you will not get any flaming, just a mild "redirection" advice... :->

QUOTE]Originally posted by Agent Smith:

- snip- B) I've never actually seen a 'how-to' about the procedure for contibuting to the mail. I'm sure it's as easy as replying to the email, but again, polls are generally conducted at SZO/ EG and the forum thread there seems better populated than here; (perhaps because of the file repository options.) So I have seen little need to add my comments into the mix.



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