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machine guns and german speach

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I dont know German, so is there any site with a listing of the sound file names where it tells you what they are saying?

Where a site or someone tell me how to effectively use machine guns. Im a newbie, iv only played the demo so far( my order is coming in). The attack rating doesnt seem anything special. Or is it that the rate of fire is more? Are they best used at long range? It seems that the regular squads of footsoldiers have just as much firepower.


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Truth be told, the machine gun is one of the very few things in CM that is not modelled correctly.

Ill leave explaining the details to others, but to simplify the matter, let's just say that machine guns aren't as deadly as in real life because they basically can't "sweep" with their fire across their line of vision. If you've ever seen a WW1 movie you know what Im talking about. Soldiers run at a trench, and one machine gun sweeps an area of perhaps 100 metres and everyone within that area gets shot by the sweeping fire of the MG. CM doesn't model that, and thus the MG is underpowered.

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Machine guns in CM are good infantry supression weapons and work at much longer ranges than infantry ( as you might expect).

The better the quality the more "bursts" you get per game turn.

There are no fire lanes. People who say they created "interlocking fields of fire" in CM are talking out thier ass..

I suggest as a newbie you just " try a few things out" if you have a passing knowledge of military weapon usage try that first.

Welcome aboard


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About the German translations, I have this I got from some site:

2000 - Los, los, los! - Go, go, go!

2001 - Auf zum Sprung, los! - Ready to jump, go!

2002 - Los, bewegung, Männer! - Go, move, men!

2003 - Auf geht's! - Let's go!

2004 - Auf zum Sprung, marsch! - Ready to jump, move!

2005 - Vorwärts, marsch! - Forward, move!

2006 - Auf geht's, los! - Let's go, move!

2007 - Marsch, marsch, marsch! - Move, move, move!

2010 - Die schlachten uns ab! - They're killing all of us!

2011 - Wir werden alle sterben! - We're all gonna die!

2012 - Nichts wie raus hier! - Let's get outta here!

2013 - Volle Deckung! - Full cover!

2014 - Deckung! - Take cover!

2015 - Hilfe! - Help!

2016 - Hilfe, rettet euch! - Help, save yourself!

2017 - Hilfe, nichts wie weg hier! - Help, let's get outta here!

2020 - Nicht feuern! - Don't fire!

2021 - Feuer einstellen! - Hold fire!

2022 - Spart Munition! - Save ammo!

2023 - Feuer einstellen! - Hold fire!

2024 - Spart Munition, Männer! - Save ammo, men!

2025 - Feuern auf Befehl! - Fire on order!

2030 - Ich bin verwundet! - I'm wounded!

2031 - Hilfe, ich bin verwundet! - Help, I'm wounded!

2032 - Sanitäter, Sanitäter! - Medic, medic!

2033 - Mein Bein, mein Bein! - My leg, my leg!

2034 - Hilfe, hilfe! - Help, help!

2035 - Bin getroffen! - I'm hit!

2036 - Die haben mich erwischt! - They got me!

2037 - Bin verwundet! - I'm wounded!

2040 - Kamerad, Kamerad! - Comrade, comrade!

2041 - Nicht schießen, wir ergeben uns! - Don't shoot, we surrender!

2042 - Wir geben auf! - We're giving up!

2043 - Nicht schießen! - Don't shoot!

2050 - Ergebt euch! - Surrender!

2051 - Waffen fallenlassen, Hände hoch! - Drop your weapons, hands up!

2052 - Hände hoch! - Hands up!

2060 - Habt ihr noch Muni? - Do you have any ammo?

2061 - Meine Waffe ist leer! - My weapons is empty!

2062 - Ich brauche Munition! - I need ammo!

2070 - Nahkampf! - Close combat!

2071 - Im Nahkampf ausschalten! - Eliminate in close combat!

2080 - Jaaa! - Yesss!

2081 - Ja! - Yes!

2082 - Ja, Volltreffer! - Yes, right on target!

2083 - Den haben wir erwischt! - Nailed him!

2090 - Achtung, Minen! - Watch out, mines!

2091 - Tretminen! - Mines!

2100 - Volle Deckung! - Full cover!

2101 - Granatbeschuß! - Mortar fire!

2102 - Granatfeuer, in Deckung! - Mortar fire, take cover!

2103 - Volle Deckung! - Full cover!

2110 - Feindliche Jäger! - Enemy fighters!

2111 - Achtung, Flugzeuge! - Watch out, planes!

2120 - Ausschwärmen! - Spread out!

2121 - Nach den Seiten sichern! - Secure the flanks!

2122 - Jawohl, Herr Unteroffizier! - Yes, Sergeant!

2123 - Ausschwärmen! - Spread out!

2130 - Panzer! - Tanks!

2131 - Da, feindliche Panzer! - There, enemy tanks!

2140 - Fürs Vaterland! - For the fatherland!

2141 - Steht auf und kämpft! - Get up and fight!

2142 - Steht auf und kämpft! - Get up and fight!

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