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Mod gods, I need help!


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Here's the situation: I've just ordered CMBO for my brother-in-law. I'm also making up a disc for him with all the updates, CMMOS v3.0, the cmmos mods, and a bunch of scenarios. I figure the CMBO disc will be v1.12. (It better be! smile.gif ) I am going to include both Mad Dawg Mod Packs 1 & 2. My question: does v1.12 include all the wav and bmp files from MDMP 1 & 2? Will he lose any good changes if he uses the MDMP's on top of v1.12?

Oh, are the old cmmos mods still compatible with cmmos v3.0?

Thanks for your help,


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That raises a good question

Gordon, will there ever be a "final" version of CMMOS for CMBO and a finalized list of mods that will be available for purchase on CD?

Has this ever been a goal - and if not, could it be? Would be great to have if I ever change computers ,or want to install all the mods on my laptop (this was an issue last summer when I was in Borden for 4 weeks). Plus, I'd just like to have it and not have to go to the hassle of downloading 500 Megs of files.

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Well, I would hope that eventually I'll get all the bugs out of CMMOS and finish all the features I want to put in, and so in that respect CMMOS (the program will be finished). However, since it was designed to be "open", new RuleSets/Rules could be added at anytime in the future (distribution of those sorts of updates may be the focus of the next major CMMOS release.

As far as publishing a CD, that's not my business (nor was it ever my intention).


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