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Hardware specs for CM?

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I've just read a review for Gamespot saying you only need a P166!!!! Is this true?

Oh you beauty!!! Now I don't have to get a new computer!! Yippeee!! Can you guys preferably Steve, just confirm me on this one.


lead by example!!

[This message has been edited by IDF (edited 07-06-2000).]

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Well I guess u could play on a p166 but dont expect it to look like much at low res, dont epect to be able to use full detail smoke or fog, dont expect it to run smooth on anything but the smallest maps with minamal units.

In short... its WAY time to upgrade if you r using a 166. U can get a MB, celeron 566, 128ram, tnt2, ATX case, for a really reasonable price. I suggest u check into that otherwise your CM experence is going 2 beless than ideal.

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I'd say that a 3D card is REQUIRED if below about 400 Mhz. I tested on a 166 without one and got at most 1 fps on the smallest scenarios!!!

I'm using a 200 with a 3D card (voodo 2) and it works for the smaller scenarios, about a company/side and below 1 sqkm map. More units is worse than larger maps. It's the 3D objects that kill the framerate, as smoke and trees are 2D they are a less problem.

IMHO CM is more enjoyable with a 500+ but is definitely not unusable with lower specs but you must have a 3D acceleration.

Have you tried the demo? It's about the same speed as the real one.

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I got it to run on a 166 which is better than nothing but it is very slow and you have to tweak alot of options off. Go with 2 man squad representations etc. Toggle off nearly every thing you can. And the units don't move smoothly. They move like a 2d unit would. Also you don't see the tracers flying across the battlefield. Alot of times you can't tell what shot you. You definitely need to upgrade to see how the game really shines.

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My experience is that anything below a P2-266 is almost unplayable. I work as an I/T specialist for a large computer firm. In my off hours, I have tested the game on most of our systems, and came up with my minimum standard of a P2-266, 64 MB SDRAM, with a Diamond Viper V550 PCI w/ 16 MB RAM. Of course, not everyone has resources available, but the price for early P2 bundles is very low. The machine I use a work is a dual P3-500 XEON with 1.2 GB ram and a 150 GB RAID-5 array!! A project bought this machine for hosting, and then went tits-up!! I saw the machine sitting around and snagged it while no-one was looking!! It is loud due to the array's fan's and power supply. I have NT4 and Windows 2000 dual-booting, and CM runs great on Win2k!! Only on my off hours, though.


Always with the negative waves, Moriarty.

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I have a K6-2 350 and 8MB matrox G200. The game seems to run reasonably well up to the medium-large sized scenarios.

I usually play with trees off (so i can see stuff) and I have to turn smoke to 'fast and compatible' because i don't get translucent smoke.

i suspect you could play with a machine slower than this and not miss much. I get a modest amount of tracers (enough to show figure out what's going on) and only occasional jumpiness.


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