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Worst war movies of all time

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Your obviously talking about "Commando" starring Ahhnold Schwarzenegger. Since he plays a One Man Army Corp (OMAC ) I guess it qualifies as a war movie.

"Sully, remember how I promised I'd kill you last?"

"Yeah, Matrix, that's right, you promised."

"I lied."


LOL,"What happened to Sully?"

"I had to let him go."

"I eat green berets for breakfast."

"Let off some steam Bennett." biggrin.gif

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Tank Girl is a comic book movie and not as good as the comic book, but lots of funny scenes, e.g., even though she's tied up she kicks the bad guy leader in the crotch and when his men all point their guns in her face she says in mock bewilderment: "What? What?"

Starship Troopers was a great book for older teenagers, terrific battle descriptions, and after you read the description of the REAL armored jump suits, you'll see why tanks *in the book* weren't necessary.

The movie sucked big time. Besides the stuff people have mentioned, having all their comrades ripped & blown apart after their first time in combat doesn't bother these heavily armed kids at all; they're high-fiving each other and grinning as if they won a football game.

"Did you see Bob get his head torn off?"

"Yeah--hey, we kicked those bugs asses, huh?"

Actually, Avalon Hill had an excellent board game of Starship Troopers, complete with underground Bug movement, MI drops on the map with scatter, etc. So what will we get? A bad version of a bad movie.


Max Molinaro

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Starship Troopers works as an out and out farce of war movies. I had the best time laughing my guts out. It was Saved By the Bell meets Gung Ho. It's obvious that Paul Verhoven had a lot of contempt for the genre and wanted to beat the snot out of it by outraging people. If you can't laugh at the scene when the carrot top (Busey kid) cracks a smile after the crazy officer is squashed by the flying bug then you've missed the point.



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Exactly my feelings. Robocop (also directed by Vehoven) was the same way. It was a joke that if you got, was a good movie, but if you didn't, it wasn't.

Starship Troopers was by no means meant to be taken seriously! I mean, just think about the scene when the guy gets his head blown away and Rico yells "MEDIC!".


Ah scheist.

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I'll add my support for THE THIN RED LINE as well. If you make a list of attributes that someone would want in the "perfect war movie," TTRL would have few of them. It occurs to me that the perfect war movie might well be James Cameron's ALIENS: very exciting, full of detailed equipment and tactics, well-plotted, beautiful to look at, and aimed at the guts. It's all for the eyes and the senses, not the intellect. (Not that there's anything wrong with this, in its place.)

Well, how successful is TTRL going to look if you judge it by the standards you bring to ALIENS? It's a case of apples and oranges. Malick is trying to use the war film genre to do things that aren't native to that genre. In this way, TTRL goes some distance towards making the war movie something more interesting than it has ever been. It doesn't succeed on every point (I'll agree it could use some editing), but the project should be commended. By comparison, SPR looks like just another cartoon starring square-jawed young leading-men with great teeth.

Some people seem to assume that the whole point of TTRL was the attack on the hill or on the Japanese-occupied village. But think about the scene after that second attack: a GI is pulling gold teeth from the dead, while a tied-up Japanese prisoner watches him. The Japanese soldier is speaking and spitting to the GI, but there are no subtitles. Nor should there be.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Der Unbekannte Jäger:

Thin Red Line

..where am I, oh still here, and why am I still here at this pathetic movie....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well said! This movie was simply awful! Nothing but guys looking around. Show this guy looking around, pan to that guy, looking around, cut to another guy, looking around, for like hours!

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