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Steve, do you ever play your game?

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Just curious. Because if you do, I want to challenge you. One game. Small battle (1000 points or so), 20 turns or so, I defend or probe (no meeting engagement), I care not which side. I'm an easy mark, so you can notch another victory in your holster, but I gaurantee you I'll fight like hell. smile.gif Saying no won't hurt my feelings.


Jeff Abbott

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And Steve, how about you and Charles playing a scenario and letting MadMatt post an AAR of it?

You're probly too busy right now for such an undertaking, but surely you'll find yourselves needing a "non-violent" way to vent after a heated CM2 design session.... smile.gif

(I mentioned this in another thread, and several people seemed to approve of the idea.)

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Guest Big Time Software

Hehe... the curse of the game developer goes something like this:

All your life you play games because you love to play them. You dream of someday making the best games out there, which will bring your enjoyment of gaming to new heights. Then one day, inspite of all the odds, you wind up being involved with the creation of games. But game development is a very demanding and tiring JOB, so you find that you now have very little time to actually play games. Even the ones you make. Sometimes this is a good thing (there are a lot of stinkers out there smile.gif).

The moral of the story is... if you like playing games, and you want to keep on playing them... don't get involved with making them smile.gif

I play CM from time to time, but to date I have played exactly 6 full games vs. a human, and probably 4 times that vs. the AI at various stages of development. Keep in mind that I have been playing CM, in a stable state, for about 1.5 years.

So while I would like to accept your challenge, I must decline. I owe too many people games already frown.gif


P.S. My record is something like 4 wins, 1 draw, and one loss. One of my wins and the loss helped us decide that QB point ratios needed to be changed and defense pricing lowered. KwazyDog can tell you that we each walked over the other guy a bit too easily smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sbg2112:

And Steve, how about you and Charles playing a scenario and letting MadMatt post an AAR of it?


Ohhh ya, this would be really cool.

I bet Charles could kick Steve's butt.

Ya know, like really bad. biggrin.gif


The counter-revolution,

people smilling through their tears.

Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.

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Guest Madmatt

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software...

All your life you play games because you love to play them. You dream of someday making the best games out there, which will bring your enjoyment of gaming to new heights. Then one day, inspite of all the odds, you wind up being involved with the creation of games. But game development is a very demanding and tiring JOB, so you find that you now have very little time to actually play games. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Huh?!? What's that Steve? Sorry I was just playing some Mechwarrior 4 before going out to a movie. You say somefink?


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OK, figured as much. But I think I'd much rather read the AAR of your match against Charles. What? You're not playing Charles? Despite what Def Bungis said, I bet you'd kick his ass biggrin.gif. Although Charles may have put in some back doors, so you better watch him closely wink.gif

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