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I NEED YOUR SCENARIOS!!! Database Ready!!!


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I've just finished building a database of all of the scenarios (operations coming soon)that I have (from the CD and downloads), but I know there are more scattered across the internet than I can possibly find. Therefore, I'm asking anyone who would like theirs added to e-mail them to me.

I'll e-mail this DB to anyone who asks for it, and will try to keep it updated monthly (or sooner if a lot come in). As I'm building it on MS Works 6.0, I can only save it in Works, Text & Commas or Text & Tabs formats.

The fields I have included are:

* Scenario name

* No. of turns

* Size (Tiny / Small / Medium / Large / Huge)

* Date (month)

* Time of day (Dawn / Day / Night)

* Sky conditions (Clear, Rain, Snow etc.)

* Ground conditions (Dry, Damp, Light Snow etc.)

* Defender dig in? (Y/N)

* Attacker (Allied / Axis / Meeting)

* Allied troops (US, British, US AB etc.)

* Axis troops (Heer, Volks, SS etc.)

* Author's e-mail address (if available)

Craig Harvey


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Just a feeble attempt to bump this back up.

Judging from the tepid response (3 whole people so far) I may be wasting my time with this. However, v1.0 is being sent as we speak, unfortunately without the author's addresses though, as this aspect is proving to be more time comsuming than I thought it would be.

So far I've listed 20 Operations and 163 Scenarios, with many more to come as I find them.


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Count me in. I just sent you an email asking for a copy. I think it’s a great idea. Perhaps the problem is that it only opens with Microsoft Works Whatever, I’d like to get on a monthly update or something. Keep up the good work and don’t get discouraged to soon. This is bound to take off.

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Well, just yesterday I send all the scenarios that I had to my buddy in 3 ZIP files. Damn near 6 MB worth. Including the original 50.

I even told him that he could delete his Scenarios folder because I had modified a few maps slightly and truncated the ones that started with "A" and "The".

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Yup, 6Mb sounds about right. I have 2.4 in my scenarios folder, 1.2Mb in zips that I just downloaded from sites on the webring, and I still have CMHQ and Rugged Defense to check out.

Craig (still wishing he could type)

ps. I amost forgot again - Thanks to Olle Petersson for the inspiration to do this.

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Well, here's another little update bump.

I'm now up to 263 scenarios, and 28 operations. The author's field has been started, and will hopefully be done by the end of the month.

I must call again for you to send me your scenarios, as I can't be sure I've found them all, and the depot at TGN is giving me fits when I try to download.

It would appear that the database can also be opened in Excel, although I can't say for sure, as I don't have it. If anyone would like to test this, please let me know.


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I opened it with Excel and it works great. Being able to sort alphabetically by size, author, month or what ever is fantastic. Great job Craig. The only problem is now I have to go out and find the scenarios I don't have. Be sure to keep me on the list when you finish the new Rev at the end of the month OK.

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Forgive the idiocy mate, does your DB have the actual scen files included?

- If yes, can you pls include me in distribution (email in profile, max attachment 1.5MB per email for YAHOO emails I'm afraid. frown.gif)

- If no, would you pls consider adding the scen files, or at least the URLs?



My squads are regular, must be the fibre in the musli...

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