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Mod Making - help and oppinions needed

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I have been thinking of this for a long time now and i finally decided to make something of it. I am going to make an Urban combat mod... Since i (and my main opponent) love fighting in cities a lot of the terrain tiles are rarely, if ever, used in most of our battles... For example rough and grain. Therefore i am now going to try to make a new set of tiles for the terrain types not needed in town battles. These will only be useful when fighting in a town that covers almost all of the map. I will change the different terrain types into something similar in cover etc but more "familiar" in a town setting... fx Graveyard instead of rough.

now i just want to see if there is any interest in this kind of mod and if there is i would like it if someone that is good at the "arty stuff" would like to help me as i am a bit inadequate in that area.

If there is no interest i can just do the stuff myself since im the only poor bugger that will have to look at it. But if there is an interest i certainly could use some help.

ps. dont say you DONT want the mod... just if you want it... if noone replies- noone wants it.


Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.

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Hey hey, not so fast. i'll at least try it. The problem would be that you have to backup your stuff and then install a specific 'scenario graphics pack' to use with city scenarios, right? And they'd only work on those specific maps, right?

I've been toying with that idea earlier (for a scenario) but I'm wondering if it's not too much of a bother for most people to switch BMP's so often.

For instance, I could be playing one of those 'city scenarios' and I hear the tell-tale Majel Barret's "You have an incoming transmission" from my Outlook express, to find one of my PBEM opponents has sent me a turn. Naturally that takes precedence (probably spelt wrong) over my other games. But if I don't want a steep hill full of gravestones and stuff I'd have to install my original graphics.

Actually I wouldn't mind switching often. Since this modding business I'm quite adept in changing and replacing files. Winzip is my friend. smile.gif

so I say: give it a go!

Don't forget to add a fountain, please. smile.gif


Der ver zwei peanuts, valking down der Strasse, and von vas...assaulted! peanut. Ho-ho-ho-ho.

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Hey Lindan... thanx for the praise... but did you have to name the zip file Oddmod?? wink.gif

Juju: ive installed CM in two different folders so i dont have to switch. but if you do i dont think this will involve more than a maximum of 10 bmp files. so it shouldnt take long to switch.

And i do need all the help i can get so you should expect an e-mail soon Lucky.

ive been thinking about this mod all day at work (my boss is NOT pleased) and there isnt that much to change...

Changing the rough to graveyard. changing the rubble pic to look more like stone rubble and maby some tall grass instead of the grain or something.


Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.

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I surely back that idea...

Change the church in a factorycomplex, the big strong buildings in warehouses, the light building in rowhouses with backgardens, rough into park, small houses in small rowhouses, etc...whatever ! I too would store "CMBO-city" in a different folder, so, no need for complex switching procedures

Bridges could be changed too : steelbridges, railroad bridges etc...

Roads with hedges or frontgardens instead of trees. bocage to be changed in high walls or steel fences.

Would love to see that.

Let us see some samples.



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Guest barrold713

I think this is a great idea and while the switching of files might be a bit of a put-off for a number of people, I am of the opinion that added flexibility has to be a good thing.

The other consideration might be whether the LOS and combat factors would match the original intent of the terrain tiles.

One of the things I am looking forward to in CM2 is the city tiles that would be necessary to recreate Stalingrad....cyberdrool inserted here.

Good luck in your efforts and keep us updated as to your progress.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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I just have to tell you guys that its still at the discussion stage (tho i have made some crappy attempts at changing the tiles) and as it is now its only Lucky Shot and me on the project.

we wont change any of the buildings and bridges... sorry.

we will change the rough, grain, pond and rubble tiles for sure. Some other too.


Wof, wof, wof, wof... Thats my other dog imitation.

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