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A few questions:

Will there be another patch soon?

Will it include the ability to edit squad strengths? Copy OOB's from one scenario to another? Will we be able to edit maps and units once an operation or scenario has begun?(We used to be able to do this) Will we be able to copy maps or parts of maps from one battle or operation to another?

If these won't be in the upcoming patch, will it be in any patch or have you decided to wait for CM2...

This is important to guys like me...I play a campaign style by myself..I have a company that I have set up in excel...each man has some attributes and every time a casuality occurs excel picks out who and how bad each guy is hit...Its obviously not historically accurate but it gives me a flavour for who survives and who doesn't...

I model experience differently than BTS because in my limited exposure to observing combat and studying it I have seen that profiency(survivability)does change based on the intensity of a firefight...I agree with James Jones who posits that crack troops are just troops who have no more adrenaline left and have become numbed to their fight or flight response...the infamous phrase..lets bloody them..The few times I have seen men shoot at one another I'd have to agree...anyway in my little game, experience goes up a little quicker and flattens and then starts to fall..there is a window where experienced troops will not get wounded as readily as green troops but as teir experience mounts their willingness to expose themselves to danger also falls...also their ability to discern danger is heightened so they will not be as likely to charge a fixed emplacement say as a green troop who has no ground to measure potential danger against...

I have been asking for some of these things for almost a couple of years and they were on THE LIST...It would just make it so much easier to set up a battle or operation...And not being able to edit the map operation is ludicrous...It just makes sense to be able to tweak the operation without having to replay the entire battle each time...Sometimes I might want a battle to go on...or want to edit out the eastern half of a map..etc...or I want to start some squads with less men or firepower... It seems slightly ahistorical to have every battle every operation start with all squads at full strength....and these restirctions on the editor..well...an editor that can't edit...

Its a great game ..Nobody's denying that...But there are indications that the game is being shanghaied by those who want to make sure that nobody can cheat in their net games...I don't care if somebody can cheat.Its their loss..

This happened with ASL when the MMP crowd took over..all of a sudden all the rules were interpreted for tournament play and everybody seemed to forget that we were all just big kids playing a grownup game of army...

Anyway would someone please let me know so I don't have to keep checking the board...


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How can you possibly edit a scenario while playing it? When you save a game in progress the entire battle's parameters (OOB, map, etc.) is saved to a file. That file contains ALL the data needed to load the battle. In other words, CM doesn't need the original scenario file to load the saved game. Since you cannot load a saved game file into the editor, it it not possible to edit a game in progress.

I'm glad you can't edit a scenario in progress, that would just breed cheating in a multiplayer game.

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gatsby - I don't think any of the changes you are hoping for are going to come out in the next patch. The next patch primarily adds TCP/IP support and fixes/addresses a couple of issues (cross country wheeled performance, possibly hull-down issues, etc.).

The scenario editing features you are looking for are beyond what BTS wants to do with CMBO (to my knowledge). Possibly these features may make it onto the list for CM2 (which may retrofit the OOBs/models in CMBO, so you can play with Western Front and the CM2 engine).

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Guest Big Time Software

Hello John,

Some answers for you:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Will there be another patch soon?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not until TCP/IP is finished. Not sure when that will be, but I am going to post an update in a few minutes about it.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Will it include the ability to edit squad strengths?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No. It has never been our intention, now or before, to allow this to take place on a man-by-man basis. We are planning on having reduction options for CM2, but units will not be editable down to the individual man.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Copy OOB's from one scenario to another?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I suppose it would be nice to be able to load in an OOB from a Scenario or Battle, but it is not a high priority for us. It certainly will not be in a CM1 patch. But for CM2? Doubtfull, but not rulled out.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Will we be able to edit maps and units once an operation or scenario has begun?(We used to be able to do this)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm not sure what you mean by "we used to be able to do this", because if I understand your question correctly this has never been allowed. It will also never be allowed to happen in the future. Once an Operation or a Battle has been started it is what it is and there is no reason to allow user editing after the first "Go!" has been hit.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Will we be able to copy maps or parts of maps from one battle or operation to another?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This would be a nice time saver, but it is certainly no where near at the top of our rather huge list of feature enhancements for CM2. Certainly will not be done for a CM1 patch.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I model experience differently than BTS because in my limited exposure to observing combat and studying it I have seen that profiency(survivability)does change based on the intensity of a firefight...I agree with James Jones who posits that crack troops are just troops who have no more adrenaline left and have become numbed to their fight or flight response<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are talking about something other than what Experience stands for in CM. What you are talking about is combat exhaustion, which has nothing to do with Experience. CM2 will have a seperate factor to simulate this. In other words, you can have an Elite unit that is "Lethargic". But to imply that a well rested Elite unit would be "Lethargic" simply because it is Elite is nonsense.

There is an interesting curve of unit skill aquisition along with the degeneration towards the "thousand yard stare". The entire cycle is, if IIRC, about 4-6 weeks of solid and uninterrupted combat.

This is why troop rotation is a critical part of good combat unit management. Get your good soliders out of the front before they become a liability to themselves so you can rest them and put them back in. They might lose a bit of an "edge", but they would not radically become less silled at warfare.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I have been asking for some of these things for almost a couple of years and they were on THE LIST<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not quite true. Some of what you have asked about has been on The List, but I am pretty sure not necessarily in the form you want.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And not being able to edit the map operation is ludicrous.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. CM's Operations are not supposed to be some free floating "I am leading my men from Normandy to Berlin" arrangement. That is implicit in the Operation's clearly focused design. An Operation is a defined objective with a core allocation of assets to either take or defend the objective. It is completely realistic and internally consistant. If you want it to be something other than what it is designed to be, that is fine. But criticizing what we have in the game now is neither fair nor productive.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But there are indications that the game is being shanghaied by those who want to make sure that nobody can cheat in their net games.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Again, I have no idea what you are talking about. CM's feature set has in no way shape or form been harmed by our efforts to making cheating impossible. The truth is, as far as I can figure, is that you want something that we never, ever, since day one had any intention or inclination of providing. And that is some sort of free floating "I am leading this company from here to eternity" type system.

I am not saying that there is anything inherently wrong with you wanting such a game, but CM was never designed to provide this sort of experience. In fact, it was purposefully designed to NOT do it since for it to be done realistically would involve a whole lot more than what CM was intended to provide.

CM can not be everything to all people. It is impossible. Games that try to do the impossible fail miserably. Just try and keep that in mind smile.gif


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