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Polish Airborne Experience/Morale

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I was wondering-I have CC2 at home here, and one of my major complaints is that the Polish Airborne isn't given enough morale or experience in the unit models. Heck, the guys SWAM across the Rhine and crossed in boats at night during Arnhem. I hope CM fixes this-watch out SS.


Sosabowski, 1st Pol. Abn.

Yes, I know my name is spelled wrong as a member!

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Sosabowski was the one who said "A Polish solider fights for many countries, but he only dies for Poland!"

Uh - what was I going to say? Ah.. the scenario designer is responsible for assigning things like morale and experience in his scenarios/operations. CM just gives you the tools. You cannot, however, have conscripted paratroopers - that option is greyed out.

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Are there any other constraints? (I'm trying to think of one...) Can you have crack trucks for example (and what would that mean...)

- Bill

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Crack turcks? Isn't that... uh... illegal? biggrin.gif

I'm not 100% sure, but the only constraints I can think of are no conscripts for paratroopers and no elite for Volkssturm units. But there might be others which I am forgetting right now.

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crack trucks would mean that you men would be happy I guess until either the crack or the crack germans got them. One or the other (ignore this and any further insane ramblings brought on by lack of CM Gold Demo)


- Bill

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This is what a crack truck means. Following is taken from the Battle for Mortain.

A column of truck approaching the woods was forced to slam to a halt when machine-gun fire raked the lead vehicles. One of the drivers, Pvt. Charles McGuire, of the 47th Armored Regiment, grabbed his M1 and crawled down a ditch unobserved to a position where he was behind the troublesome roadblock. Jumping to his feet, McGuire killed every member of the machine-gun crew. Moments later, the column was rolling again. Less than a mile beyond the first obstacle, an 88mm shell ripped into McGuire's truck, killing the heroic driver (who was awarded a posthumous Distinguished Service Cross).

What I find interesting, is that trucks were used for a recon during a tentative probe into the forest suspected to be occupied by the enemy.

If this happened in CM, how many people would complain? I mean both, the truck driver killing the whole machine gun crew inside improved position and recon by trucks.HeHe.


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What you say is sooo true Herr Oberst. I'm just reading an account of the battle for Retimo in Crete. What a bloodbath and the defenders didn't even have any AA guns and limited MG ammo. If they had I would say that the FJ would have been wiped out within hours. As it was it took a few days.

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There's a humourous anecdote from the Italian front of the Hastings and Prince Edward Reg't slogging around in the field for days, trying to outflank the town of Miano and take it by surprise. When, after two days of mostly being lost in the wilderness, they finally got set up for the assault, a lone motorcyclist came down the road... It was a dispatch rider from their own regimental HQ. The HQ, cooks, clerks and drivers had got so annoyed waiting on standby for half a week to move into town, they went ahead and captured it themselves by frontal assault.


Floreat Jerboa !

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