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Update on CM Outpost

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I've updated my site already. Tiger's new weathered Shermans and Firefly is there with before and after comparison shots. Yep, I've expanded my mods page to include armor, vehicles, and infantry. Looks like I got a lot of comparisons to do.

Kump's CM Outpost

Had to do several new pages with more of those armor shots I do (Hetzer, Firefly VC, and SPW 251/1). Doesn't seem like I ever enter CM anymore without going there specifically for a screen shot.

I've found a major problem with style tags when using Netscape, so I fixed this compatibility issue so those buttons don't fall all over the place. What a nightmare. I guess MS thinks it is the standard. Netscape should now work. Please let me know if it doesn't.

This was a major rework for these problems. Please let me know if you run into any sort of difficulties.


Garry Kump

Kump's CM Outpost

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Gary - Just wanted to say that i think your doing a great job on your site. The CM MOD scene is booming at the moment with new mods coming out almost daily and there are lots of authors putting out some great work, but it really needed someone to cut through the maze and explain what all these mods are. Your idea to compare the mods with the originals is an excellent idea and it immediately gives everyone a good insight into how they will look once installed in the game.

Well Done!


COMBAT MISSIONS- The Source For CM Ops & Scenarios


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