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Dug in tanks

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I did a search, but felt this hasn't really addressed the problem.

I'm playing asl KG Peiper-La Gleize. The scenario allows dug in tanks, and this was my first scenario that allowed this.

What justification is there to allow tanks to be permenantly stuck in their dug out....they wouldn't dig a hole and drive over it till they dropped in, requiring a crane to get out!

All the dug in tanks I have ever seen have a sort of wedge arrangement so the can be exited in a hurry.

I feel this should be rectified, as it's a bit of a realism spoiler. I imagine it would be possible to do the ground work perfectly well with the scenario editor, but would the game give the tank the benefit if the dug in rules?

Thanks in advance for your comments


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Dug in tanks are meant to represent tanks that are out of fuel etc. And have no hope of getting fuel or repairs. So the tank and crew are used as a last ditch defense.

You can make nice little ramps in the editor that give your tank hull down status and you can just back out.



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What makes you assume that they are supposed to be out of fuel?

Many situations arise where a fully bombed up tank will take up a defilade due to the tactical situation,and not as a last ditch.

I'm aware of the scenario editor situation, but this does not clarify whether or not the CM engine will recognise it's status as 'dug in'

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Guest KwazyDog

'Dug In' tanks in CM are there to repersent vehciles that were basically turned into pillboxes.

This became increasingly common pratice by the end of the war as spare parts become rarer and it became harder to repair vehicles. I have a photo somewhere of a Panther on a street corner in Berlin that had all of its road wheels and engine stripped, with a huge pile of spent shells sitting next to it. It looks like it took several hits, too.

Ill see if I can dig it up.

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I've seen pictures of cannibalized outdated tanks (basically just the turrets sticking out of the ground) used as part of the Normandy coastal defences.


I rode a tank, held a general's rank

When the blitzkrieg raged, and the bodies stank.

--Rolling Stones

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I've read somewhere that in the early days of Eastern Front, Russians used a tactic against German armour, where T34 were dug-in in a "foxhole" (i don't know a proper word) in front of some cover, with frontal armor facing backwards, so when the situation gets too hot, tank can escape easely.

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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

Heres a question: If a dug in tank takes a hit and (possibly?) brews up, how does the crew get out? I am probably mistaken but don't alot of armor units have like rear escape hatches etc?


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