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The Cesspool

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Bugger off, Meeks, I have the situation in hand. Actually, as Peng Thread starter, it seems shockingly, not to mention improbably, significant that I was present when the damn thing went west.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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For the record, I don't have my panties in a bunch. Once someone explained to me what this place was about, I realized that it was not to be taken seriously, not to get upset at the taunts or insults. And likewise, I have not meant any of the ones I have posted. And when I realized this was primarily for PBEM'ers, I admitted my error, albeit in a somewhat sarcastic manner.

I'm not trolling, nor any am I trying to "really" piss anyone off. But clearly, my style doesn't seem to mesh well with other people on here. That being the case, I will leave the thread "for the good of the 'pool" if that's what is wanted by even just one person who will state that.

But don't accuse me of being a troll. And if the "Silent Treatment" is to be selected as a means of getting rid of me, I can assure you, I am nothing if not tenacious. There will be a lot of me to have to ignore. I only "cop" this "tude" because of the troll accusation when I was legitimately trying to join the 'pool.

So what says the 'pool? Stay or leave?

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Yes, we all should have realized that the bloody thing was alive when it tried to digest Andreas.


Barad-Dur, the Dark Tower, which suffered no rival, and laughed at flattery, biding its time, secure in its pride and its immeasurable strength.

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Hey look Futbolhead, if you promise not to blow the damn thing up again, you can stay. We're watching you, if you reach for that quantum black hole again, we'll give you what for.


Barad-Dur, the Dark Tower, which suffered no rival, and laughed at flattery, biding its time, secure in its pride and its immeasurable strength.

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We get a lot of people trolling in the pool. For some reason, some members of the forum loath us for having a good time.

I seriously think your introduction was misunderstood and went down hill from there.

So please. Feel free to stay. We'll just start over.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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I second that Futbolhead.....stay and be prepared to be rejected and reviled, that only means they like you, I suppose the only "rule" is to enter into the spirit.

Now bloody hell we have to figure out where the pool is......


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FutbolHead:

So what says the 'pool? Stay or leave?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

None shall be cast out, should their feet, yea, and even knees, and, in the wet season, even right up to their arses, be ever so wet, so long as they shall desire to be a member of the 'Pool, and gain thereby. This has been found written into the Book of Peng, and we have read it, and it is good.

But right now, our bloody crisis seems to be whether we have a Peng Challenge, Cesspool thread or not.

And Meeks, you useless wank, I'm getting in touch with your sister, and I'm going to seriously help her smite your useless arse for trying to restart the Cesspool in your name, you poseur, you megalomaniac, you Not Me.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Big Time Software

Hello you wastes of space!

It is my sad duty to make it official. The Peng Thread has imploded. You can still access the pages by using the base URL and page number, like so:


But I have locked it up to preserve its memory (and stench) for generations of Hamsters to follow.

In honor of the late Peng Thread, I ask that the only Smilies that be used for this first page be limited to this symbol of unity and hope:


May it rest in peace.


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You know, they're right. You can't prepare for crises, they come out of left field and hit you like a freight train. I wonder, I really do, if we'll be able to survive this or if, like the fall of Rome, we will only wither away. That or I will meet Seanachai and, with my 12 best men, we will charge over the river and rout his forces, reuniting the Cesspool under one banner.


Barad-Dur, the Dark Tower, which suffered no rival, and laughed at flattery, biding its time, secure in its pride and its immeasurable strength.

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I ask all those who honour the "Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public", aka 'The Cesspool', to await its rebirth. I wish to consult with Peng (and Berli, as the foremost representative of Evil), and other Knights of the 'Pool, to determine its new name and location. Post as you will, but no new home will be official until our announcement. As good Illuminati, we must consult in this, a time of crisis, before making decisions regarding the fates of thousands (or at least thousands of useless posts, and where they will be found).



After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Blah blah blah, futile attempt to hold on to what little power I had, blah blah blah



Bah, you've lost your edge, old man. There's no planning for the Cesspool, it just is. You and your, 'Directed Evolution' camp don't realize that the Cesspool was a product of pure, Darwinian excellence. The only way to determine what thread becomes the new Cesspool is to watch the broodlings tear into each other like monkeys on smack and whichever one is left standing is the Cesspool. The law of the Cesspool is the law of the jungle, on crack.


Barad-Dur, the Dark Tower, which suffered no rival, and laughed at flattery, biding its time, secure in its pride and its immeasurable strength.

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No way chrisl, your'e still a bloody squire until you earn your spurs like the rest of us poor schmucks, err squires.


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

[This message has been edited by Stuka (edited 10-12-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hamsters:

Yes, we all should have realized that the bloody thing was alive when it tried to digest Andreas.


Hamsters, you pathetic little creep - digest me? Not in a million years. As generations of ex-girlfriends can tell you, I am very hard to stomach. So sod off. The really important thing is that the Cesspool went at exactly the minute I woke up today. Which would explain my funny feeling then, and my reluctance to get out of bed. I instinctively knew there was only dreary greyness awaiting me, without the possibility of catching warmth and a bit of light at the Elmsfires dancing on the surface of the pool. I think a Combaiku is in order (all the rest of you untalented nitwits can just shut up for a minute and think of Geeks sister while pretending to observe a minute's silence - no farting and belching please):

The pool it is gone

rotten stench wafts a last time

vultures come to feast now

Yes that's a tear in my eye.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

Hey Lorak, since I killed the cesspool (last post plus one eaten as the pool drained) you should move me over to the "knights" column, or even create a special one for "Slayers of the Cesspool"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You killed it?! You little wank, it died in my arms! I had just hit the submit button on a post to futbolhead (please check the subject: 1:51 thread, topic creator: 10/12/00, replies: futbolhead, first post mine. I, its Creator killed the Peng Challenge Thread. Now sit back and practice something intellectually challenging like field sobriety tests until decisions are handed down from the Knighthood!


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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My god this is an appauling excuse for a peng-thread.

I had come to expect so much more than this drivel. *sigh*. So many of us watched amazed at the fire and brimstone of the Peng thread, right from the very first page. Yet this thread starts with some half-hearted flaming, a few dull comments, and *gah* links!

My grandmothers flatulence could torment more than the words on this feeble excuse for a rejuvinated peng-thread. I say let this thread die like the misshappen abortion it is, some 6 fingered product of Sneezies frantic copulation with his family.


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Oh my. I am fully prepared to apologize if need be. Just give me a reason. If they wouldn't make me work so much, I could spend more time posting and playing and then things like this might not happen. "If grandma had wheels, she'd be a wagon" Oh dear me. I'm sad to see the Peng thread go. It was that thread that inspired me to rent Kelly's Heroes. I sat there with my girlfriend and pointed out all the interesting things I learned from the Peng thread. Oh sweet lawd above. Two months later, I still can't formulate a decent taunt. Perhaps it just wasn't meant to be.

De profundis clamavi ad te Cesspool

Cesspool ex audi vocem meam

Today will be a day of mourning for me and anyone who mistakenly comes in contact with me.

The Peng thread is dead.

Long live the Cesspool.

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