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More Work for BTS....

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I'm an asshole, i know... now that they have finished one of the greatest games in history and already have done the first patch prior to release, i come up with an idea loaded with yet more work for them...


but, the idea stroke me when i was reviewing how the smilies' battle against Germanboy's Imac-Defence-Force was going.

How about a sweet little tool that lets you view the movies without having to load each and every file on its own? i mean, it would also be interesting if you have done a whole game and can view either side, and if you provide both passwords you can switch the viewed side while the movie is running...

Fiction? redface.gif

uhm.. sorry, but i just thought that would REALLY be useful...

perhaps BTS or someone other comes with ideas and sollutions... biggrin.gif

as said above, sorry for expecting you at BTS to even think about more work then you already have... (add doggy look smiley in here i mentioned in a post some time ago)



who has a heart for smilies

and will defend their rights ....

even if the cost is bloody....

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Well, then we are all assholes I guess...

This is the single most (412 times only last year) asked for feature "not yet in the game" TargetDrone.

BTS has said it is a thing they definitely want in the future but so far they have been forced to leave it out because of other priorities.

But at the pace things are progressing right now I wouldn’t be one bit surprised to see it in the 1.01 patch...


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MichaelU wrote:


This has been discussed before, and I believe BTS said it was on the (extremely long) to do list.


sorry... im actually a lazy asshole who has forgotten to search for that topic...

maybe because i thought such a hot and new idea could only emerge from my genius brain...

(tempted to add a smiley here.... nngaaa... no, lets se if mrpeng gets the sarcasm without help)

Mattias wrote


But at the pace things are progressing right now I wouldn’t be one bit surprised to see it in the 1.01 patch...


now... that would be good news... lets say, i would think its possible though when looking on how hard BTS is working on that game...

I would be happy if so biggrin.gif



who has a heart for smilies

and will defend their rights ....

even if the cost is bloody....

(as always.. if i would had read it before, i wouldn't need to edit it later...)

[This message has been edited by TargetDrone (edited 06-08-2000).]

[This message has been edited by TargetDrone (edited 06-08-2000).]

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

OK, can anyone tell me if the following ideas are on "the list", not on "the list", or just plain dumb?

1) Blind Area Fire. I think that the AI uses dropped smoke from AFV's like some kind of "forcefield". If I am 400m away in a 75mm bunker, and I have just fired and missed said Tank, then he drops smoke while reversing, I dont think that there should be anything to stop me from firing blind in his general direction. I understand that firing at an unseen target would be wildly innaccurate, but when the smoke obstruction is only 10m in front of the target, it would seem like a shot worth taking. Agree? Disagree?

2) "Disregard Infantry" command for AFV's and Bunkers. As it stands, it is difficult to prosecute a tank duel, or tank vs. bunker duel, unless there are no other distractions on the battlefield. I think that this command, or one like it would work to simulate a "memory" for the tank commander. I am not a veteran, active duty, or anything, but it would seem logical that a tank commander would realistically make a command decision to fixate on armor, as this is usually the only threat to his life. (especially when the enemy is at range)

I have had my Panther lose a Sherman behind a smokescreen, and then proceed to start picking off infantry in the distance. So not only am I targeted at something irrelevent, but I have HE loaded.

3) Extreme Fog Of War

This is not mine, I heard some folk at CMHQ chat talking abouit it. Would it be possible/ better to hide enemy troops details from us? Experience rating, exact #, and especiallly *weapon loadout*. I think I gained an unfair advantage the other day, while my Sherman 105mm was being charged by infantry. The first thing I did was look for any of them with Fausts/Schrecks. I did not waste time firing at any squads lacking fausts. Now granted I am happy that he is still alive, but I went away feeling like I was "cheating". The FOW is actually very effective until the enemy gets within 30m (?)

, but I wonder if I would be able to tell what, and how many special items they have in their posession.

Please don't take any of this the wrong way guys, this game is the only thing I have my computer for. (how sad) Lets discuss these ideas on their merits, or lack thereof. smile.gif


Life is tough...Its even tougher if you're stupid...

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Captain Foobar makes some good points . i must say ive also been in the same position ."Disregard Infantry" is higher on my list but i think it would be a good thing if smoke is layed down that you can still shot into it .you just never know your luck .good one Captain Foobar exellent ideas


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Good Points Cpt. Foobar. I especially like the blind area fire and the ability to better prioritize targets for armor. Certainly is frustrating when the turret starts to traverse toward a lone, retreating infantry squad when the tank you were targeting just reversed behind a smoke cloud it just popped. A command to increase the "stickiness" of the order would be nice. By not pressing it, you could let the unit pretty much fire at will.

Regarding the FOW, I agree that we can get a little too much information, but is there not a way to turn off detailed unit info.? I know there is for detailed armor hits, but I can't remember if there is a toggle for infantry unit information. Identifying fausts may not be too inconceivable given the close targeting ranges and the relative size of the weapon, especially the later, larger versions of the weapon.

But in the end I'm like you, I hate to suggest any changes or additions, because I don't want to sound like an ungrateful whiner. wink.gif

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Yes jgdpzr is right about the 'fausts. At 30m, wouldn't you be able to see the 'fausts being carried by the infantry? From Hidden & Dangerous experience, the sniper can easily see what kind of weapon a soldier was carrying. Since a 'faust or 'schreck is about 1m long, they should be visible at 30m.

Your other suggestions about "blind fire" makes sense though, for I find that the AI Sherman 105s tend to pop smoke alot.

And "Disregard Infantry" command would definitely come in handy.


"The greatest risk...is not taking one."

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I agree. Something that improves the memory or "stickiness" of a targeting order for AFV's and TD's with HE capability, like the "disregard infantry" command, would be very helpful, and IMO, more realistic.

Personally, I think armor units in CM are just a little too indiscriminate with their targetting choices. This is probably due to their dual role as both anti-armor (in most cases) and anti-infantry units. Coupled with the fact that there are usually a lot more enemy infantry units than AFV's means that your armor unit is likely to wind up firing on a "more juicy" infantry unit than the armor unit you really want him to take out.

While a disregard infantry order might increase "target fixation," I don't think that is necessarily bad. Although TF was much more likely among combat air pilots, I'm sure it happened among TC's, too.

Anyway, my $ .02 on the matter.


Formerly known as not THE Charles from BTS

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Umm, disregard my last post. Looks like the boys at BTS have once again answered the call from the masses and the "stickiness" problem has been tweaked.

Thanks again, BTS!


Formerly known as not THE Charles from BTS

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Concerning the priority of what you want to target, I think BTS adressed that in the upcomming patch.

I've been asking for a TARGET ONLY ON command because it spoilt my fun to have Schreck who were happily missiling away on GI and were left with puny fists against the neighbouring Shermans.

So, unless I got the answer wrong, it will be inculded.

PS: Do a search on the SUGGESTION FOR TARGETING thread.


Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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