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Carentan Operation

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I'm playing the Carentan Operation right now, and it's really starting to annoy me. There's this intersection I'm supposed to control. I have yet to lose control of it, yet every single time the battle ends and it's time to set up, I have to deploy 150-200 metres from the intersection, despite have quite a few troop in the area.

Why is this? It's happened four times now.

I'm playing the Germans, by the way.

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That's it the no man's land issue. BTW are you sure the AI has not gotten around your flank? You won't see them unless you have someone observing all your dead space. It's tough to fight for land to find that the guy next door got push back necessitating a withdrawl on your part. BTW there's a new version of Carentan coming out w/ the next patch.


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