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A Plum fot the Hatter

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Guest Madmatt

Why thankyou! We got some more great stuff in the works and I have just spent the last 18 hours working on some Perl scripts with Bill Carey to add some even greater functionality to CMHQ. Hehehe... biggrin.gif Those of you that know me should be able to do the conversion of Madmatt time to normal human time, But here are some examples:

It took me just about 2 months to gain the attention of BTS and weasel err get into the Beta Team...

It took me just under 22 hours to teach myself enough about HTML and ASP pages to do what you see on CMHQ...

it took me about 3 hours to setup and configure my first ever NT Webserver, FTP server and configure Dynamic IP routing (well actually TZO.com did that last part for me, but I had to find out about them wink.gif )

So as I hope you can see, when I start investing time into something, it usually ends up being pretty cool! biggrin.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Impressive numbers Madmatt ! wink.gif You are like god to me now.

Excellent work. I love your site. But 1 question. How do you manage to do all this ? confused.gif Don't you have a life aside CM ?


Veni, vidi, vici

Julius Caesar

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Guest Madmatt

Oh, yeah that...Actually I am a Novell Engineer during the day AND I have to provide 24/7 pager support. In fact I am at work right this minute! wink.gif

Lets look at those numbers:

Got my CNA in about 1 day

CNE, yea right, it was a blur of test taking..

Mastered Netware 5.0 on a Saturday afternoon

Arcserve IT took all of about 3 hours...

NT 2000 Advanced Server is looking to take a few days but thats only because I had to take my girlfriend out to dinner the other night! biggrin.gif

Honestly, if something grabs my attention I jump in FULL BORE and don't stop until I am confident that I know enough to BS my way to convincing people that I KNOW EVERYTHING. Any other professionals in the IT market will tell you the same thing... At least any successfull professionals wink.gif

Hey Matt, you know anything Oracle?!? Umm yea sure, just give me to the end of Lunch! biggrin.gif


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Guest Madmatt

errrr ummmm ahhhh No Comment... wink.gif


P.S. hmmm my own game (Que Dream Sequence!)

Billy: WOW, Lookee what I just got!

Sycophant Friend: What is it?!?

Billy: Its the newest game from Madmatt Studio's, its called BITE ME!

SF: COOL! What do you do?!?

Billy: Well, you get to run your own website, beta test an awesome new game, put up with assholes pubicaly insulting your girlfriend, make up Headline posts with the word "Poo" in it, create never before used acronyms that become standards, insult every institution you can find, found a new new religion, mis-spell evey other word, appease the unwashed masses, answer obnoxious questions, get to stay awake 36 hours in a row working on features for people, read through hundereds of emails, do basic troubleshooting for people, argue with your web host on a daily basis, use hundred of exclamations points per day, get pissed off for the slightest issue, work with some Irish twit who refuses to lose in PBEM games and thinks he knows everything about the German war machine, learn all about WWII, make some great friends, make some better enemies, and watch your entire life be consumed by this behemoth called Combat Mission!

SF: ....It's a game?

Billy: Hmmmm, on second thought I think I will take it back...Seems too hard.



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 03-22-2000).]

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Awll riiiighty!! What do you mean, too hard? What about if you actually win? It sounds really awesome (apart from the 'staying-awake-for-36-hours' bit, that is)! I'd like to pre-order 'BITE ME'! Can I? Huh? Huh? Can I, please? wink.gif

Hey, MadMatt! When does this game of yours go gold? I can hardly wait!

biggrin.gif, Juju

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Guest Seimerst


I just saw in CG On Line that they are taking pre-orders for "Bite Me" with a release of 3/00. Man, do you ever work fast! I've just given them my wife's VISA card number and ordered mine.<grin>

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