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Post of the Week?

Guest barrold713

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Guest barrold713

I had a thought last night while attempting to go to sleep with visions of CM and this board running through my head.

I will leave the determination of the worth of this idea to the consensus of others but here it is:

How about a thread each week that contained everyone's nomination for the Post of the Week? Nominees could be recognized for the quality of the technical, unit, or tactical information, the humor contained in a post, the best suggestion, and the like.

Likewise, a special recognition to those posts that are especially merited by their lack of worth or a demonstration of monumental ignorance.

Suggestions as to the merit of this thread or how this should be implemented are sincerely welcomed.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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"I had a thought last night while attempting to go to sleep with visions of CM and this board running through my head"

And I had the audacity to think that I was the only one this applied to afterall what else have I got to think about before going to sleep.................?

Regards gramps

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Guest barrold713

I fully realize a certain type of posts would come from the Peng thread, but I hoped that other types of meritorious posts could be recognized. Especially those that contain the technical type of information that so many of the swell eggs in here post in order to increase the historical library of knowledge of the 'average' CM player.

The more infamous recognition of the "Silliest Post of the Week" might also perform the public service of causing just a moment of further thought to those prone to posting outrageously ignorant statements. Probably not, but it was worth a shot.

BTW: If anyone wants to share a good beer, show up at the Big Buck Brewery in Grand Rapids, MI on Wednesday nights. I might even buy it for you if you find the guy with the large mug with 'Barry' etched on it. Opinionated and pleasant conversation a guarantee although more beer equals more opinion.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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my nominees:

Security "gamey" Guard cruel thought of the day


German Uberweapon -- Easter Egg http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/011835.html

BTS- thanks for quick hiding feature

look for mother theresa's post


[This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 10-21-2000).]

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