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WHO rates themself

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biggrin.gif Been reading a few post's around here,and i noticed someone gloating about how they kicked Fionn's backside smile.gif

So i was just wondering who rates themselves out of 10


"Some people don't see the light until they first feel the heat"

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haha tricky one smile.gif

There's two answers to this one.

Generally the answer would be low on the order of 2 to 3 out of 10 rate themselves. However, in a closed envirionment like this especially, when queried this number rises significantly to proportion reaching 5 and 6 of 10 would rate themselves wink.gif

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Guest Madmatt

Umm, that would have been me but to be honest out of 10 I would rate myself at about a 7. I tend to get far too impatient and near the end of battles (with the AI) I get lazy and just start slopping my units around as I don't usually have the time to commit to game (when played for enjoyment) that I would like.

Think of it this way. Either I could spend hours assimulating every little peice of feedback in a turn and practicing tactics or I could answer my email, post updates to CMHQ and CMHQ-Annex run the WebRing , hang out here and be a general nuisance and continue my work with helping BTS to make Combat Mission the very best game it can be.

To me the choice is easy, I will stay a 7 for the time being.

But even a 7 can beat a 9 (Which is how I would rate Fionn) on a good day! wink.gif


The sentiments above are completely my own but given the correct amount of persuasion and influence you will also agree... eventually!


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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 05-19-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Think of it this way. Either I could spend hours assimulating every little peice of feedback in a turn and practicing tactics or I could answer my email, post updates to CMHQ and CMHQ-Annex run the WebRing , hang out here and be a general nuisance and continue my work with helping BTS to make Combat Mission the very best game it can be.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In that case i propose you 'hone' your skills to level 3. Much more fun for us !


Grtz S Bakker.

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Guest KwazyDog

Hehe, well the way Matt and I are kicking each others butt at the moment I guess that makes me about a 7 too, so far weve hurt each other pretty evenly (damn tin can shermans!).... smile.gif

Hehe, dont go getting lazy on me there though matt, I couldnt resist the opportunity to take out a stug or two wink.gif

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Guest Madmatt

Yes, this is a bloodbath of unprecendented scale and to think, this only the FIRST battle of six Dan!!!

You know Dan, we may have to write up our battle as an AAR although it would be VERY high on Spoiler Content! That last turn was certainly a classic. I have never SO MANY vehicles take SO MANY hits before.

I have certainly grown a new found respect for those Panzer Mk IV's!!! And of course your awesome textures don't hurt the eyes either! wink.gif


I still cringe when I think about how you spoiled my flank sneak assault... All those men struck down in their prime! Bastard! wink.gif


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Guest KwazyDog

Well if we posted suitable spoiler warning I dont think people could complain, its such a hell of a battle, hehe smile.gif Indeed it is a rough battle, and as you say only the first. That last turn was a classic, I think a total of what, 5 tanks and maybe 2 HT's were knocked out along with two buildings, hehe wink.gif

The old Mk IV's are definately a good workhorse, they have served you well thus far, though I think I am at last starting to get a bit of my own back on your armour matt. Hehe, that last one you lost I had to beat into submission with 3 x 37mm armed vehicles wink.gif I was lucky though, as you say, Im glad I took out their commander.

And as for the guys in the forest, you know its funny but I actually felt sorry for them, even though they are pixels. They were well armed and from what I can see pretty well trained, and they barely got a kill. Can you imagine how many times an ambush was played out almost excatly the same as that in real life? Many Id say....

Matt I sent a turn off about, ermm 8 hrs ago now, so if you didnt get it, let me know mate wink.gif

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

Well Guys, All your scores are hypothetical at this stage.....Me? Well i have now played 12 games of CM against the AI, some as allies and some as Axis with full FOW except 1 with partial FOW (I wanted to try it). I have won all 12 so far quite convincingly and i am now attampting my first game of PBEM......and my first sample of a formidable opponent. So my score so far is 100% = 10

I fear that may change soon!!!!!


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I haven't had the time yet to carry out a PBEM game, but despite the better AI of CM, I presume the difference between the AI and a human remains the same across most games. If you think you are a hot sim pilot because you dominate the AI, go online and prepare to spend a great deal of time looking up at the silk. Similarly, I used to think I was a good FPS player, but it took me a while to become a decent Counter-Strike player (and now I can swat most bots with ease). I used to play a lot of Close Combat 1 online, and that was also a far cry from the AI campaign (remember having one StuG that had over 400 infantry kills). Against AI, including CM, I expect to win. Against humans, I don't.

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Guest Madmatt

Wow, sounds like somebody needs a NAP!

I think I DID answer the question already!

What the question is really requireing is a Yes/No answer, if we are being literal about it. But since I am a cognizent creature that can extropolate intent from the written word I beleive he was asking WHAT do we rate ourselves out of a 1-10 scale with 10 being the highest.



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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Well, being the sycophant I am, and the self-righteous dude that I am, and the Genius that I am, on a scale of 1-10, I rate myself a 50!!! As so you probably would've figured. wink.giftongue.gifbiggrin.gif

But I am glad that BTS included a scenario such as Valley of trouble to teach us the effective use of artillery and smoke screens. I find it useful to lay out a smoke screen first with 81mm mortars (1 minute delay) and then to follow it up with a HE barrage of 105mm Arty the next turn.

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And I thought this was some kind of physcological test to see who rates themselves in the first place. Notice Titan didn't give a rating of himself which would have indicated he was seeking others ratings.

I think he's fishing, looking to see if anyone is overly full of themselves and ripe for slaughter.

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Guest Babra

Don't believe a word they say! Half of 'em are below average!

Babs out - a proud 3 out of 10 and dropping...

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AH HAA I remember you NOW!!!!!!! smile.gif (LOKESA) one of the feared

CC2 you gotta good memory thats going a while back, In fact i think i taught you a thing or too. I got to 8th on cases ladder.

Well i got the gold, your call!!!!! smile.gif


"Some people don't see the light until they first feel the heat"

[This message has been edited by Titan (edited 05-20-2000).]

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