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New PC V3, V5, GeForce video drivers

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Beta V3/V5 drivers can be found here:

Atleast the last time I checked, they could. Note that the server does *NOT* support resuming! So if it screws up, you'll have to start all over. Grrrr. frown.gif

And these are still beta drivers, so typical warnings about possibly incompatibilities do apply. They supposedly add some speed as well as the LOD bias tweak that Reverend talks about in his V5 follow-up article. This applies to both the V3 and the V5 (for any of those bums who were lucky enough to get yours shipped early from Egghead).

V3 owners: does the LOD bias tweak help in CM?

Newest GeForce drivers are here:


I've read that the FSAA does indeed work with Combat Mission and looks quite good. So how about some screenies? Please? smile.gif

- Chris

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mattias:


Is it a rumour or can you confirm with absolute certainty that Nvidias version of FSAA will work with CM?

Barring all the usual compatibility and setup problems of course...


I just played the VOT scenario with FSAA on. It worked fine. I did have to select 'Force antialiasing in all applications' before it had any affect on CM. I am using the v5.22 beta nVidia reference drivers and had no problems updating my drivers.

I have a Guillemot 3D Prophet GeForce256 AGP card. I was running at 800x600x16bit on a PIII-500 w/256MB RAM on an ASUS P3B-F motherboard and didn't notice any reduction in frame rate. (Frame rate is somewhat subjective though.)

The FSAA did smooth things out, but I can't honestly say it made a huge difference in appearance. Things do appear sharper with less jaggies though.

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