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a couple minor gripes about movement

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Since the last patch tanks are acting much better. One thing stil bugs me though. My tank is hunting forward when it stops to engage a target to the rear. No problem there but as soon as the target is destroyed my tank continues hunting forward with the gun still over the back deck. I really wish they'd wait to get the gun pointing somewhat forward before continuing.

I'm sure my other gripe has been discussed before but I'm too lazy to search now. I was sneaking a platoon in a group and the mortar and MG kept getting ahead. I realize they can't sneak but why can't they move a little slower with everybody else? Using the pause command every turn can get a little tedious.

What do you think?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I was sneaking a platoon in a group and the mortar and MG kept getting ahead. I realize they can't sneak but why can't they move a little slower with everybody else?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

They can't sneak because they wouldn't be used in that role. The sneak command is best used when contact is imminent, in close terrain. The best units to use are rifle squads and such, where they can deploy quickly once contact is made.

Mortar and MGs take time to set-up their weapons, so its best to have them hang back in an overwatch role, covering the rifle squads.


Charlie don't surf!

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I realize that. Maybe I wasn't clear. I'm sneaking the platoon forward basically under cover to an overwatch position where I'll set the mortar and MG before advancing forward again. I'm not sneaking necassarily to keep quiet, just to check my speed with the rest of the advance. I don't want my mortar and MG to sneak but I want them to slow down to half speed to not get ahead. All I'm asking for is a slow move command for units that can't sneak when issuing group movement orders.


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I use a bounding technique with support weapons and don't try to move them with platoon.

I position the support weapons to cover the lead squads. When squad reaches its destination, I bound up support weapon.

That way, we infantry unit retains sneak status while still being covered. Just my 2 cents.

For armor, I've found an effective technique is to highlight several vehicles (assuming you have them) and have them hunt as a group. This seems to minimize the desire of the firing crew to watch the flaming wreckage, or at least cover them while the are so enthralled.

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