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Agreement on CM copying

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Since there's this talk about not caring about other companies, I'd like to state that I feel very strongly about copyright because my photography depends on it also. It's only that we care about Steve & Charles and want to make sure they get their money. With most everyone else it's only the principle that I'm worried about.

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I agree with Rick. Copying/Downloading copywrited software is stealing and wrong. It doesn't matter how much you dislike or disagree with the company that published it. Believe it or not, there are people out there who don't like BTS. Is it OK for them to use that as an excuse to copy it? No.

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Hey im not promoting anything, I'm just simply saying I dont give a damn about the other companies - so i dont care either way. Just out of curiosity do you think its ok for them To screw us? Is that not wrong, or are we to be only ritcheous on their side? smile.gif I am not gonna waste my time feeling sorry for other companies that just dont care about us, These companies are only interested in one thing - how to get the money out of your wallet, christ its getting as bad as the insurance business ( thats a whole other conversation entirely) . I posted this message for one purpose only, and that was to try and rally the CM community to try and reduce the chances of the piracy of CM. No more no less. I Had no intention of making a soapbox stand, nor for this thread to turn into one, for or against piracy; my only concern is CM and BTS. If you wish to make some kinda stand on this subject in general another thread may be in order as this was not the intention of this one. smile.gif



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-20-2000).]

[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-20-2000).]

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Sspanzer leader...here,i disagree with you...piracy is piracy...period...there's no justification in any way,shape or form..i've always made sure that i purchased agame that has a 10 day return-full refund policy(such as Electronic Botique)if a can't tell if a game sucks within that period...it's my fault...i jsut can't condone "selective stealing"

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Im at quite aloss here to as what on earth you are disagreeing with, evidently You didn't read my post to clearly, consequently reading into it what you wanted. I 'll say it again I DON'T CARE smile.gif How your derived something to disagree with from that Im baffled, Are you disagreeing with the fact that i should have the right not to give a damn? Or maybe it is that I'm utilizing my rights of free speech and expressing that? Either way I didn't say I condoned anything, and was only stating my position with regards to The BTS situation. Simply stated that this is a topic of another thread, should you wish to pursue this venue of banter. smile.gif

You also never answered the question that I put forth perhaps because when reading something that wasn't there you missed a valuable element that was!

IS it ok for these companies to take our money when they know going out the door the product isn't working right? I can site case after case of companies doing exactly this! Yet I still think this too has nothing to do with my intention of this original posting of this thread, and this discussion with regards to piracy deserves a thread of its own, which I encourage you to start since you feel so strongly about it. Any conversation here not regarding the BTS situation undermines the intent of this thread and the personal commitment to BTS that is behind it. smile.gif



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My comment wasn't directed at you. It was really directed at those who are proud of pirating MS products. IMO, It's an awfully slippery slope once you start stealing from one software company.

As far as the topic at hand, obviously I think it's wrong to steal from BTS by giving/selling a copy to anyone else however noble your motives.


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I pay my taxes,

I pay my bills,

And I NEVER had a pirated soft on my computer

even if some of them (thank you microsoft) are VERY VERY expensive. Sometimes it's involve big sacrifice (Last summer I made the hard choice between Microsoft pack office and going on vacation= No vacation this year frown.gif .So I always pay and I never give my softs to my friends. It's sometime quite a few difficult for our friendship but this is my choice!!!

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Guest MantaRay

Ok that is all fine and good that you hate the "big" companies and think that all of the people are sitting there getting rich, but the programmers are not buying expensive houses in Bel Aire, and living a Bill Gates life.

Plus you all have this fascination with how great BTS is. I mean who knows what will happen in the future, they could turn around and do a Talonsoft, who was the BTS of the gamming world 2 years ago. I mean the game hasnt even been released and you all give them praise like they are the second comming or something. I mean I like the demo, but my appreciation will be in giving them $50 or more for the game. And dont be fooled, this is a much more important way of paying homage than saying how great the programmers are, even though this game has went great so far smile.gifI am also sure these are good and honorable people, but jeez get off the BTS is god stuff. smile.gif



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MantaRay:

Plus you all have this fascination with how great BTS is. I mean who knows what will happen in the future, they could turn around and do a Talonsoft, who was the BTS of the gamming world 2 years ago. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, point taken, but I doubt that BTS is going anywhere anytime soon. 2 years ago BTS was still BTS. This is not their first game. They have a history of working hard and making sure that their games are games that THEY would want to play.

As long as they keep those standards, my gaming dollars are in good hands.

And, as long as they keep to those standards, they are gaming gods. So there.

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I don't think there is really any question about the god issue; check out Leviathans 3:14--"And it came to pass in that time that two wise men came before King Ezrod. And they said: 'Tell us where we may relax and find delights of all nature.' And King Ezrod gave them food and drink and said: 'Find thee a group of men in the West. They are called BTS and are one with Him that ruleth over the lambs and the ewes and the fish and the fowl and the foxes and the snakes and the bears and the...' And while the king thus droned on, the wise men withdrew silently to find these men to the West and their Sacred entertainments."

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Manta Ray

Ok that is all fine and good that you hate the "big" companies and think that all of the people are sitting there getting rich, but the programmers are not buying expensive houses in Bel Aire, and living a Bill Gates life.

Plus you all have this fascination with how great BTS is. blah blah blah

, but jeez get off the BTS is god stuff.


God ?? lol man where do you come up with this crap? confused.gif This thread was started over something you evidently know nothing about, there is no fascination with BTS,and this wasnt started to idolize anyone. This thread was started over the fact someone has possibly leaked the beta. Where you read into it we think all the programmers are rich is absolutely beyond me, I merely said those that are working for the big companies get paid by them I do believe thats the way things work last time I checked smile.gif So what exactly is all your rhetoric referring too? Why does it bother you so much that we appreciate BTS and their efforts anyhow? You write as if we have made some personal slight against you.

I cannot believe how much negativity has developed over a thread that was trying to do something positive, nor can I believe the lack of responses by many supporting this issue frown.gif



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-20-2000).]

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SS, you've been a busy boy the last coupla days. Guess that's why I have no PBEM from you. Too busy ranting over the pirate issue, eh? It is an important one, and, like you i don't giva rats ass about other companies. I do not steal their software or make multiple copies of it, because it is wrong, and as far as i can gather neither do you. It ain't right. We all know it ain't right.

Like any kind of fraudulent behavior it costs us money tho. Part of the price of a game is due to piracy. Good game or sh*tty game by big guys or small, you pay a premium because there are dishonest people out there. F**k those people, anyway.

Even tho at this point in my life i eat and sleep CM, i suspect that somewhere down the road i may buy a game from someone else. It is aggravating to know that some of the price is because some ratbastards steal code.

Now, send the goddam game. You are stomping me most horribly and I want the pain to end soon.

Peng out

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>blah blah blah ... nor can I believe the lack of responses by many supporting this issue<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

just a thought - did it ever occur to you that this might be due to YOUR approach and attitude?





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Gee Jon this is now another thread that you've chosen to attack me what gives? Last time I checked I hadn't done anything to you. Since when is supporting BTs and trying to get others too a bad attitude- from the posts youve made towards me I don't think Im the one with an attitude problem.



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-20-2000).]

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Guest MantaRay

Talk about rhetoric. You wrote, "God ?? lol man where do you come up with this crap?" Well umm, try actually reading my posts before you put your foot or mine in your mouth. You say that this is a subject I know nothing about, well as I have been in the computer industry as a tester and as a consultant, I would say that I do know enough to say anything that I think is relevant. You on the other hand just seem to want to chastize people for differing with your opinion. Hmm.

And my reference about BTS and peoples relating them as gods, was made in jest, and if you had looked at the smile.gif instead of opening your mouth you may have saved yourself some embarrasment at the personal attack.

You also wrote...

"Where you read into it we think all the programmers are rich is absolutely beyond me, I merely said those that are working for the big companies get paid by them I do believe thats the way things work last time I checked So what exactly is all your rhetoric referring too?"

Well I dont know if it was you that said that "all of these companies get rich" so that was my rhetoric, and you also BTW, the programmers for BTS get paid just like the "big" companies do, so what is your point?

Funny thing is that you know absolutly nothing about the computer industry except how to play the games. So you know really nothing except what is fed to you, and you eat it up like steak. The warez or ripped games, really will not affect most of BTS' efforts anyway, as their goal of units sold is going to be achieved mainly by this board and by word of mouth. Besides, 95% of all people who play games, have no clue that warez exists nor how to download them if they do get past the screen jackings of porn and advertisements. Plus most people are on slower connections, and would have to take forever to get these files. And I have no doubt that most of the people who are going to buy the game, have already made up their minds as to obtaining it legally.

And are you saying that you sent the registration fee to get WINZIP7.0, or do you just use it with the expiration date past due? So if you didnt you are technically a thief too, and the are working hard to put out a quality product...aren't they?



God ?? lol man where do you come up with this crap? This thread was started over something you evidently know nothing about, there is no fascination with BTS,and this wasnt started to idolize anyone. This thread was started over the fact someone has possibly leaked the beta. Where you read into it we think all the programmers are rich is absolutely beyond me, I merely said those that are working for the big companies get paid by them I do believe thats the way things work last time I checked So what exactly is all your rhetoric referring too? Why does it bother you so much that we appreciate BTS and their efforts anyhow? You write as if we have made some personal slight against you.

I cannot believe how much negativity has developed over a thread that was trying to do something positive, nor can I believe the lack of responses by many supporting this issue


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Manta Ray

Lets clear some things up # 1 I havent been embarrassed in any way shape or form - so terribly sorry to dissapoint you. The only person sticking a foot in their mouth is you, by outright flaming me.

When i said you didnt know what you were talking about it was in the context of this thread and its original purpose(which was clearly stated). So I wonder how are those Dr SCholl foot pads are tasting right about now??

To say I Know nothing of the industry is a very silly comment on your part you know absolutely squat about me so How the hell do you know what I know of the industry? - Insert other foot


Quote Manta RAY:

You on the other hand just seem to want to chastize people for differing with your opinion. Hmm.


the only people I have chastized are ones putting words in my mouth (like YOU). I really think what you had to say about us all Worshipping BTS was abit more along those lines . As far as differences of opinion go I THOUGHT I had made it VERY PLAIN in the opening of this thread its intent and purpose .Had you bothered to read you would've seen this, althought From your tone I really don't think you too much give a ****!

I wasn't opening a debate on Piracy or any damn thing else so there wasnt anything to be disagreeing on that i could see.

Either ya backed what i said on the way I felt toward this situation and acknowleged it or simply chose not to- I really don't recall posing any questions for platonic deliberation. Gee it seems you've run out of feet to insert.


BTW here is the orginal request you missed in your zealous posting:

With that in mind I encourage everyone in this community to acknowledge this by agreeing to the following.

blah blah blah


I think the above was more than simple to understand

As far As your smile.gif faces went, It was placed at the end of the where the god comment was, but there damn sure wasnt any at the first load of BS you funneled out in that post . In previous posts they were also few and far between.


Manta RAy Quote:

and you also BTW, the programmers for BTS get paid just like the "big" companies do, so what is your point?

I never said this anywhere once again you are reading in **** that wasn't there,

this is what I said which you would've realized, if you bothered to read it instead of manipulating it into what ever the hell you felt like.

I said:

I merely said those that are working for the big companies get paid by them I do believe thats the way things work last time I checked So what exactly is all your rhetoric referring too? Why does it bother you so much that we appreciate BTS and their efforts anyhow?

Well since you're out of feet I really dont know how much bigger of a fool you could possibly make of youself. I cannot believe how you just manipulate someones words to suit your own end. You did this earlier in your posts when ya went off half cocked talking about crap that wasnt the issue.

This statement was another example of your obnoxious attitude..........

Funny thing is that you know absolutly nothing about the computer industry except how to play the games. So you know really nothing except what is fed to you, and you eat it up like steak

Do me a favor< i'll reiterate > read what is posted Do not profess to know me or anything about me - cause in this area you dont know ****. If ya don't have something intelligent to add, that is relevant then please don't post (at least on this thread)! Do not manipulate my words or the words of others to try and make out like you had basis for your statements! Last but not least keep your inflammatory remarks that have no foundation whatsoever to yourself!!!!!

Next time I may not respond so kindly



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I had hoped not to have to say anything else about this topic. It sickens me that the game may have really been stolen. I have been reading some of the later posts, and the tone of the thread has deteriorated to an appalling state. The original post was a good faith effort by my most hated enemy, SS_CandyEater, to request that members of our little community pledge not to rip off BTS, and that those who choose to pirate be punished by banishment from the arena. All very reasonable and upright and supportive of a board and company that seems to be pretty damn good about getting it right.

In SS's original post I don't recall seeing the word microsoft or any permutations of it, or reference to any other software company or how much programmers make or if it is OK to use an out of date, unregistered copy of winzip7.

Immediately following the original post there are eight (8) posts in solidarity with SS. then there is the post by Pirate that he is having a good laugh because some of us are upset about the possible piracy. (i bet he has a parrot on his shoulder squawking). from there things seem to slowly devolve into the mess there is near the end of page two where the quoting is so thick it is hard to tell just who said exactly what to, or about, whom. Can you dig it? I knew that you could.

For those of you who obviously have not followed the thread from the beginning, can you please pull up your pants? the pissing contest is over. If you care to, please also look at SS's original post and ask yourself if you think it is reasonable. I suspect that if you are not a chowderheaded swine you will agree that it is certainly heartfelt, probably reasonble, and only remotely related to what the thread has become.

If you are NOT in agreement that we should not make illegal copies of Combat Mission, or distribute illegal copies of CM or otherwise engage in illegal and immoral behavior regarding this game; and furthermore if you are NOT in agreement that blackballing is an appropriate way to handle pirates, then "Depart a lot now or we make castinetes out of your testicles already!"

This thread is NOT about the demerits of piracy. It is NOT about who knows more about the "computer industry" (i am a net-admin. i know doodly-squat about programming but i can troubleshoot a nic and get you connected to just about any machine anywhere) it is NOT about screwing microsoft or winzip or anyone else.

IT IS ABOUT SHOWING SOME LOYALTY TO ONE GAME, ONE COMPANY AND ONE COMMUNITY OF GAMERS. thats all it is. I have watched this thread and seen SS's mounting frustration at having his original idea and his following posts be turned into a monster.

If you want to argue about crappy programmers or why microsoft should rule the world with buggy lousey code, or how you are clever enough to go to sunny cancun and have office 2000, or why hookers always demand cash or who can pee the farthest, start another thread.

Call it "SS's Thread About Pirates is Stoopid" or "Cancun Rocks/Microsoft Sucks"

If you would like to argue in this thread then maybe you could say something like "hey, **** these BTS guys. They suck. This game sucks. I'm going to get that pirate copy and burn 50 copies and sell them for $15 apiece!" then this is the thread for you. You will obviously be disembowled by howling hoards of the extremely angry, but it might do you some good.

Lastly, I strongly urge all to think again about the original post. I could be just as stupid as I am accusing others of being, but I really really think that it was asking for a pledge of support. If you don't want to make the pledge. Don't. If you think it is a dumb idea, say so. Say "I wont take the pledge because I always steal all of my software and I don't want to start an honest precedent." or "I wont take the pledge becasue I think it is hipocrittical" (critical of hippopotomi?)or something.

The thread is about a pledge of support. Nothing more or less.

Peng out of patience again.

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OK, I would like to clarify things right now.

It wasn't SS_Panzerleader who posted anything proponing it is ok to steal things only if it is from big compainies. I originally posted a rant about microprose, and the closest thing that I said to proponing theft was "I would not shed a tear if someone copied their stuff". I did not mean to state that it is ok to steal, frankly, I consider any theft to be wrong as I have been on the other end of it. I deleted my old message, but, I still feel that it is my duty to see that SS_Panzerleader is not attacked for anything that I have posted. I should have posted earlier, but, didn't really pay that much attention to the argument. Manta Ray, you should look closer at posts before you go and start randomly accusing people. You should have rightfully been attacking me. I appologise for stating that post, I didn't mean it to be a proponent of thievery, and I am very sorry SS_Panzerleader for causing you this grief. I really didn't think people would take that rant so seriously.

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Major Tom,

Don't worry about it.. people's tempers are frazzled they'll get annoyed at anything.

SS Panzerleader, MantaRay... Ok, you're both annoyed at eachother. Any chance of not posting to THIS thread for 24 hrs? After that time I'm sure you'll see that, while you still might think the other person's a moron, it isn't worth having a public pissing contest with him.

THAT little bit of advice took me a long time to get and a lot of hard struggles on this board to get through my thick skull (it's also saved Captain "I'm an infuriating SOB" Manieri's balls about a dozen times wink.gif ).

Anyways, how's about you set up a match using the gold demo eh? Get together and hack virtual pieces off eachother instead wink.gif. It's great stress relief.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest MantaRay

Well actually I never said that SS posted anything until he attacked me, but no worries, I dont care what he thinks anyway.



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<font size=-1 color=black> Lindan throws the rest of his popcorn away and drains his bottle of Bitburger.. </font>

Oh, the fight is over? Isn't it fascinating how a happy crowd turns into a violent mob in just under, let's say.. 3 posts? My winner is Mr. Peng, because he was 100% on the mark with his post. So cool down everybody. I'm out of popcorn. smile.gif

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