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I'm a newbie. Haven't received game yet

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Hello everyone. I first noticed CM at gamespot and seen it recieved a rating of 9.1

If any game gets over the 9 mark at gamespot I usally buy it. So I did. Ordered the 29th.

I've never played a War game before so I'm lost. I downloaded the demo and Im trying to get the feel of it. But I'm still lost.

My question is there any FAQ sites out there or a beginners guide? Is there a tutorial?

If so could someone list them?

This game seems to be great if you get to know it or your a weopons expert or WW2 buff which I'm not.

I want to really give this game a try without getting fustrated.

I just need a little help and a start.

Thank you for you time.


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Go to THEGAMERS.NET. They have a Combat Mission area. It is really great there is great information there. Also there is information here in the forum as well. Most everyone is happy to answer your questions including the designers who frequent the forum. Also this is the first place that actually listened to us and made the needed changes. And do not get discouraged because this game is really easy in a complex way. Let me explain. It is all about line of sight (LOS). You move your troops so they can see the enemy and hopefully in places where the enemy cannot see you (this almost never happens but it is the goal). Example if your infantry is in the woods and the enemy is crossing a field even if they see you at least you have cover. This is a realistic game. Read some history books or watch the History channel (my fave). Tactics discussed will work in the game. Now there are literally thousands of parameters in the game but just start easy and then move on. Email me if you need anything else Calstann@hotmail.com. Or just come to the forum. Good luck and remember even the best get bested sometimes.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


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You must really be a gaming freak!! I would never just buy a game because its over 9.1 . I only like WW2 games or selected, distinguished war/action games. I guess you must have alot of time and $$ on your hand.

[This message has been edited by IDF (edited 08-01-2000).]

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I sometimes can't find my way to the CMHQ site if I start at TheGamers.net. The CMHQ is at http://combathq.thegamers.net . To be more specific about some of the useful information: there's a very detailed tutorial that goes with the Grafenwohr scenario, but which will be useful with the demo, and a bunch of after action reports that give blow by blow with circles and arrows and 8x10 color glossy photos from both sides. Many of them are from the demo scenarios.

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Start playing, and start losing.

Then read the Instructions that came with the demo twice.

Play again, and look really closely at your guys, and what they do, and look especially at their morale.

Run the movie several times for each turn, from different points of view.

Keep playing, keep losing. You'll get the hang of it soon.

Take a look at the capabilities of the individual units. This is not Command and Conquer, there is no way to tell by looking at the unit how tough it is. Hit Enter and read about it.

Play some more. Try to notice as much as you can what is happening on the battlefield when the movie plays. Your first few games will take a really long time, this is normal. Stick with it, it will pay off big if you do.

Above all, have fun. Me, I come from the same non-wargame background as you. For a newbie, there is a whole lot to discover about this game, which normally should keep you (and I) interested and entertained for a good long time.

Read this forum.

Good luck.


[This message has been edited by deanco (edited 08-01-2000).]

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