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Guest BillWood

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It is my understanding that we will not be free of unsafe products, illegal and malicious prosecutions, unconstitutional searches and siezures, libelous tabloid exposes, and criminal acts of all sorts until we each have a team of, at minimum, three (3) attorneys to protect us.



Peng sez "die a lot now."

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I was an Emergency Medical Technician for 10 years in a city with the highest homicide rate in California 3 years running.

Now I'm an aircraft mechanic for the worlds greatest airline. Currently stuck working on A300s since all of my beloved DC-10s are being retired. sniff-sniff



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Multiple low paying service industry jobs until '91 when I discovered the Wonderful world of government service.

Air Traffic Control Specialist. If you fly through Ohio or West Virginia Your life is in my hands and don't you forget it. wink.gif


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Greetings to all those out there.

Father and Husband first. Although it sure does not seem like it. All those out there who work shift work (2300-0800) know what I am talking about.

Electronics Tech on Flight Simulators. I really can't complain, I go to work, Fly around, try to do barrel rolls or loops or see how fast I can get it going without tearing the wings off. Oh, and occasionally have to fix the sim. Except when all the mush heads (software engineers, one of which I am going to school to become) need the sim.

To any SCA people out there Greetings from the Outlands.

Remember, Mines are only good if you remember where you left them.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stenmur:

Remember, Mines are only good if you remember where you left them.


On the couch, of course. Slipcovers are for old women... smile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Oops, forgot the On Topic part. Currently 'between positions' (which is why so many of my posts are on vampire time), but for previous 10 years Shipping/Receiving. Remember, without me and those like me, none of you would ever receive your copies of CM...(finally got my signature straightened out...now the bloody double posting...) smile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Kettle Black: How are things going in Sweden? I have seen you around on the board. Would love to take on your forces when our shipments arrive.

gyrene251: Thanks for the tip. I will have to see what happens. I got an additional degree in political science, so I'll probably try to use that one in order to get a job in London. Otherwise I think that Ronald McDonald would embrace me *shiver*

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An ex Lean Green man for the RNZIR (NZ ARMY)

Second commander

3rd Auck battalion


7 Platoon

3 section smile.gif

Anyway my sights turned into a sharpshooting used car sales person,selling for Newmarket Nissan, Auckland ,New Zealand

Been there since jan 95,Love the job and are good at it biggrin.gif

Nothing like making a living from people like Madmatt smile.gifbiggrin.gif


"Some people don't see the light until they first feel the heat"

[This message has been edited by Titan (edited 05-20-2000).]

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Guest Pham

I kite checks, and dabble in methamphetamine production.

I'm also hoping burning copies of CM for distribution overseas will provide a second income for myself.

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Guest Pham

Just out of curiosity, was it the drug reference, the fraud comment, or the piracy bit that could get me banned?

I'll trim whichever it was from my sorry, bitter shell of a life.

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Guest Thumper

Good god, I'm the only teacher? Well, it's nice to be first at something...

BA of History from UCR (go Highlanders!!) Elementary Credential and MS of Educational Technology Father to a wonderful little 4 year old with microcephaly and cataracts (he's got a walker too OBG) and husband to another teacher (who has her law degree so I don't bother to argue with her) Interesting cross-section of humanity on this board...

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Guest ciril

I forgot to mention I occasionally write game reviews for The Wargamer (http://www.wargamer.com)

Oh, and Bill sent me a move in the meantime :)

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ciril:

I'm a student of electronics here in Croatia. I've been trying to find a LAN support or helpdesk or just PC assembling job

in the US but so far no luck (hey, if you know an employer my address is Ciril.Rozic@st.tel.hr). Alternatively I'm looking for a scholarship to finish college in the US. So far I've been a night watchman, camp counselor, programmer, sysadmin and online tech support dude.

I am also a good buddy of Herr Wood. I currently resent his wasting time on venting frustrations online instead of on me in VoT. There are bunkers waiting to be busted, dude!


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I am a bum.

A no good f**king bum to be exact. I dont work. I dont help anyone. I dont do much of anything really. I sometimes sit around libraries for up to six hours reading about WWII. I think nothing about being online for a similiar amount of time.

I live off a girl who clears 60K a year. I collect unemployment from a state i dont live in ($282 a week). I dont pay rent. I dont pay for food. She buys me beer and expects me to go down to HER car ALL the way in the parking lot and bring it up here without any help whatsoever (the nerve). She is a trained vietnamese cook and i throw an absolute ranting S**tfit if everything isnt exactly perfect at dinner. Every piece of clothes I own she has bought.

She adores me. I can barely stand the sound of her opening the front door let alone the hideousness of her daily conversation. My new thing is "SHHHSHHHSHush History channel is on", I say this after everything she says.

Well. Thats me. Not so great but I aint stressing. And at least I an not a lawyer.


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User? naah. HE'S A CONCUBINE! Lewis is a kept man! His gonads are in a little mahogany box on the top shelf of the bedroom closet, and she takes them out once every three months and plays with them before reminding him that SHE rules the roost! What a laff riot.


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Ex Airforce load toad, now an inner city Middle school math teacher. Sometimes I wonder if 2000lb bombs were safer to work with than 13 year old gang-bangers confused.gif

Brian Fowler

"Now sit down class and let me tell you what your homework is. Go home tonight and when your parents are asleep play a recording that tells your parents to give Mr. Fowler a raise. If I get my raise you all get A's wink.gif

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Got my BA Anthropology from the University of Illinois in '96 and spent the next couple of years humpin' my way around Ft. Leonard Wood, Ft. Riley, Shaw Air Force Base and Pointsette Weapons range doing archeaological surveys. On those boring evenings when I stayed away from the bars and the outside of my cheap hotel rooms avoiding fights with drunken 18 year old soldiers or just plain crazy 18 year old marines I taught myself C and Java. Went back to the U of I and just finished my degree in Computer Engineering. In a couple of weeks I start a new job as a senior network programmer for Reuters.



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Guest Username:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maus:

and spent the next couple of years humpin' my way around Ft. Leonard Wood<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Ft Lost-in-the-woods.

Bad enough its crawling with ticks , chiggers, snakes, drunks, etc.. but someone should do something about the servicemen infestation!!!

I aint been to hell yet but is it hotter than Missouri?


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Guest Username:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


Oh! He tries vainly to paint my Utopia into something his drug-and-alchohol addled perception can grasp only by spewing pathos and ill-masking his loathsome jealousy. It is I he secretely worships and hates himself for knowing that he can not attain a state of utter "username"-ness.

He now knows the path of true worship. The golden path of pure sick-oh-fant-izms lead to my lazy feet.

I have reached ...(pause)...the sacred state. I am in the state of pure "lazy" grace.. I have become one with doing nothing..(or not much depending on the day of the week)...

I am the MAAAAAANNNN!!!!! (Please dont forget it)


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