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Fionn's Impending Defeat

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> My heart is wounded with a meliforous langour. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah yes, the meliforous langour. Some kind of easily bored luminous sea serpent no doubt. Thank god I already quit working as a translator or I would have now. When I need a dictionary to look up sarcastic remarks I know I'm in trouble. FYI, the only hit with altavista for melifouros leads to a page concerning "the hypnogogic state of consciousness".

Either your smoking something that is illegal or you've been reading too much Flann O'Brien lately. Or both.


Geier, formerly Kettle Black.

"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

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Fionn you emailed ME and I was just trying to get your unwanted emails stopped. And I and others took offense to your "10 percent of CM players are gay" posts. Bad enough BTS puts stock in your chairborne-commando bookworm "knowledge", but could you keep YOUR funky stats off here? Theres no reason for it anymore than bigotry.

You have given me a clearer understanding of how its impossible to have anything resembling peace in Ireland. There must be something in the water that keeps the truth from staying in anyones head.

As for your standing challenge, sitdown. I think the game needs alot of work and my efforts are just investigating infantry battles at this point. I find it hard to believe that things that were obvious from playing the game now werent brought up by the playtesters.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

And I and others took offense to your "10 percent of CM players are gay" posts. Bad enough BTS puts stock in your chairborne-commando bookworm "knowledge", but could you keep YOUR funky stats off here? Theres no reason for it anymore than bigotry.


Wow. You took offense at someone stating that 10% of a population that you are a part of where gay, but you want to stop this someone from posting since he's a bigot?




"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Wow. You took offense at someone stating that 10% of a population that you are a part of where gay, but you want to stop this someone from posting since he's a bigot?


Yeah Wow..

I want him to stop posting things he wont/cant prove. He has already shown with the Nahverwafflewhatever posts that he has secret information and he doesnt have to share said knowledge with us on the BTS forum. He can keep the 10 percent BS to himself also then.

I never called him a bigot. You make little sense BTW, sorry.


PS I think 10 percent of the wargamer community couldnt get laid if their lives depended on it. LOL.


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Having read these colourful discussions before, thre's

one thing I'd like to know.

What's it with Fionn - Lewis - Scott -triangle? confused.gif

Do you guys know each other outside this forum? Any long

standing grudges between your families? smile.gif

Professional grognard rivalry?

The reason I'm so puzzled is, pick any one of them, and he's a

clear thinking helpful guy with an impressive amount of WWII


Put Clinton or Lewis in the same thread with Fionn and you have

an instant flame war with no punches held! eek.gif

So. What gives?

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Geier, you had to look up the following phrase?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My heart is wounded with a meliforous langour<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't you know it's from the film DDAY? The Allies were anxious to get on with the attack.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by iggi:

Geier, you had to look up the following phrase?

Don't you know it's from the film DDAY? The Allies were anxious to get on with the attack.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think it was the signal sent out to the FFI that the invasion was imminent and that they should start blowing stuff up. It was from a French poem, IIRC.

It probably also gives a good impression of Maj.Gen Urquhart's feelings during some days in September.



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Tutt, tutt, tutt...

I'll give you a clue... " BBC wartime transmission 5th June." wink.gif. Now do you remember the quote?

As for Lusername's post,

Great. I look forward to your corrections on this game that "needs a lot of work". I'm sure all other testers are equally pleased that we missed things which are obvious to one of your ability hehe wink.gif ( Ps. Before anyone jumps in let me make clear that sometimes when someone initiates a "ooh, you're crap etc etc" post I just like to reply sarcastically since it does no good getting all upset over one of Lewis'patented "You're all crap" posts wink.gif. I'm not flaming Lewis here I'm just having some fun with his statements since it's better than getting upset over them wink.gif.

Seriously Lusername, if you DO find something which is wrong and which you can present research to back up then, of course, I and others would be willing to read it without prejudice and take it on board if it is valid. After all, if there's a mistake in the game it should be fixed no matter who spots it.


Yep.. Lewis seems to think I'm gay because I felt people should lay off gay-bashing on the forum ( when a troll who purported to be gay came by). Since he feels I'm gay he won't play me since he hates gays. Of course, by his logic NO white person could ever fight for an end to racial discrimination for non-whites (kind of weird huh? ) smile.gif.


Umm, I don't remember you EVER asking me for my sources for my figures. Fair dues to one or two people who did and whom I had several interesting discussions about the validity of self-selecting samples and the various McKinley-influenced studies etc. Like I've said many times before... If someone politely asks to discuss sources and evidence with me I'm always more than happy to. In your case you never asked so I never provided sources ( kind of logical eh? wink.gif )

As for Jarmo's question. Here's my take ( with full acceptance that Lewis' and Scott's opinions will differ...)

Well, Lusername seems to have taken an intense dislike to me from the get-go.

He once asked a question about something ( when he was really new here) which I didn't fully understand. I answered as best as I could but he then started accusing me of trying to avoid the question etc ( I simply didn't understand what he was asking since his grammar was shocking). Once I understood I gave him a full answer but he claimed it as a "triumph" in "forcing" me to give a truthful answer. So, from the very start he took a really confrontational stance with me and basically always accused me of lying and covering things up. Anyways, since then Lusername has never passed up an opportunity to call me a liar or gay or whatever since he really doesn't like me wink.gif. Naturally enough this means I'm not particularly inclined to him ( Also, you should be aware he has called Steve a fascist and accuses him of censoring the forum etc wink.gif. (Yeah, there's mucho evidence of that NOT !) wink.gif.

As for Scott,

Scott does know his stuff BUT IMO he doesn't like being disagreed with and too often takes the stance that others are lying about having sources etc. I don't particularly like that since IMO sources are everything ( and if anyone asks politely I'll provide them... )

The really big blow-ups with Scott occured over two things.

1. Once he called me a liar over having sources and then, IMO, basically told me to "go fetch my sources to "prove" I wasn't lying to him". Anyways I felt that was way too condescending and so we had a big fight. (nothing unforgiveable though).

2. A couple of days later Scott invaded my private life with emails. These were read by my, at the time, fiancee and upset her to the point of making her cry. I came home, found her crying, found out why and so Scott then made an enemy for life ( especially since he has never once apologised and continually misrepresents why I'm pissed off at him.)

The reason I am pissed at him is simply that he took a board flamewar and took it personal and attacked family. I simply don't think that is acceptable behaviour and so, until he makes recompense, he'll get no quarter from me.

Now, of course, Scott and Lewis see this differently.

Lewis is convinced that I try to lie to everyone about everything because he won't believe that I simply couldn't understand his poorly worded initial question. The fact that I amn't a gay-hater and see no reason to allow people to post homophobic statements here also gives him another reason to hate me ( And for the record, if gays came here and made fun of heterosexuals I'd oppose it just as much... I just don't see the need to drag sexuality into a debate on a forum about a wargame u know? ) wink.gif

As for Scott, I honestly think that he really doesn't feel he is dismissive and belittling when he disagrees with someone. All I can say is that most of the people on the forum whom I respect for their research abilities ( about a half-dozen people in total) have, at various times, emailed me saying how they feel frustrated because they don't feel Scott is accepting their primary research as valid.

Also, my personal grudge won't end until he makes recompense for invading my real life and hurting someone I loved.

Of course, Scott and Lewis have slightly different viewpoints and, of course, once a fight starts I'm not one to give an inch so I definitely have some stuff to apologise for too (stuff I said when I was angry at them etc) but basically I'm not about to apologise for calling them names etc until Scott apologises for invading my real life and hurting someone I loved and Lewis can get over his pretty irrational belief that I make up sources and lie to people about history ( I don't see how he sees I can have anything to gain from lying about the number of Pak40s in existence but somehow he believes I feel a need to lie about it... I don't understand that at all I just know that's what he believes.)

Scott, Lewis,

None of this was intended as a flame to either of you. Jarmo asked a question and I just answered it from my viewpoint whilst allowing that your viewpoints differ.


BTW you're correct. Meliforous refers to the "hypnagogic state of consciousness".

Hypnagogic and hypnopompic states of consciousness are those states of consciousness humans enter into while going asleep or waking up and are those states in which one is prone to hallucination and visual and aural stimuli being misinterpreted.

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Oh one other thing Jarmo..

One nice thing about their mutual hatred of me is that it has brought Scott and Lewis together. Scott has sent Lewis emails advising him to "attack Fionn on public forums and try to drag his word into question" etc.

He's also given Lewis hints on how to make me angry etc etc.

It's nice to see two guys using their hatred to bring themselves closer together and provoke a third party by means of various innuendoes etc wink.gif. ( I posted the text of a couple of Scott's advisory letters to Lewis here once so if you want I'm sure you could find them. )

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The original version of the poem exerpt is

"Blesse mon coeur d'une langueur monotone".

That was the second half of the message.

The first was " Les sanglots longs des violons de l'automne". IIRC these verses are from Verlaine



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by iggi:

Geier, you had to look up the following phrase? Don't you know it's from the film DDAY? The Allies were anxious to get on with the attack.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes I had to. No I didn't. Neither of the words meliforous or langour are part of my active English vocabulary. They have a nice ring to them though.

Seems my English has gotten worse since I obviously misinterpreted Username's post and failed to make any sense. To be honest, making sense has never been on my to-do list.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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Ah, I love the English language. I love to write and have always played word games within essays or speeches and such-like to make them more fun for myself.

I think non-native English speakers appreciate the English language more than many English speakers a lot of the time. English is my third language and so I have always enjoyed learning 18th and 19th century structures and words since it is interesting to me to see how the language developed.

Even from 1940 the English used and the style of the English used has changed in books. Stylistically and structurally equivalent genres of books show a clear breakdown in formality, subservience to rules and authority and increased willingness to strike out alone and create new words a la Gerard Manley Hopkins ( a great poet for imaginative word usage).

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One of Peonn's patented long winded "world according to fionn" posts..

I like the other Peonn posts where he starts asking questions and answering them in a quick series..


"And why is that? Simple, its obvious! Need any proof? Totally prepostorous! Think I'm gay? My boyfriends mellifluous!"

Flame-on Feeyon

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

You have given me a clearer understanding of how its impossible to have anything resembling peace in Ireland. There must be something in the water that keeps the truth from staying in anyones head.



Whatever your personal views are towards Fionn, Lewis, and regardless of your assertions as to not being a bigot or calling someone else the same, the above comment stands, in itself, as being one of the most bigoted I've seen on this board for a stretch.

Bring on the padlock.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

Hypnagogic and hypnopompic states of consciousness are those states of consciousness humans enter into while going asleep or waking up and are those states in which one is prone to hallucination and visual and aural stimuli being misinterpreted.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This explains your uber informational source. Thanks.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spook:


Whatever your personal views are towards Fionn, Lewis, and regardless of your assertions as to not being a bigot or calling someone else the same, the above comment stands, in itself, as being one of the most bigoted I've seen on this board for a stretch.


Actually Bigot is defined as:

utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or race that is not his own. (It origionated as a derogatory term the french used for the normans)

I am commenting on the english/irish/catholic/protestant/whatever differences in Ireland. Pretty much my own race. My own creed too in there also.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

It's nice to see two guys using their hatred to bring themselves closer together and provoke a third party by means of various innuendoes etc wink.gif. ( I posted the text of a couple of Scott's advisory letters to Lewis here once so if you want I'm sure you could find them. )<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks for your side of it. And yes, I remember that

earlier incident also. I bet this thread will end up just as

closed as that one. smile.gif

Actually I hope it will.

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Well speaking of the word "bigot", let me say that it is still in use in french but is from germanic origin. biggrin.gif

It can be used in the sens described in the posts above but it is also an agricultural tool (SE of France).



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ncounio:

The original version of the poem exerpt is

"Blesse mon coeur d'une langueur monotone".

That was the second half of the message.

The first was " Les sanglots longs des violons de l'automne". IIRC these verses are from Verlaine


You are correct. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations lists it as follows:

Les sanglots longs

Des violons

De l'automne

Blessent mon coeur

D'une langeur


The drawn-out sobs of autumn's violins wound my heart with a monotonous langour. 'Chanson d'Automne' (1866)

Nothing melliferous (adj. producing or forming honey. Chambers Dictionary)about it. "Meliforous" doesn't appear in Chambers nor on any on-line dictionary I can access. Is it a neologism from one of the Irish poets/writers?




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Guest Madmatt

Fionn said:


"The fact that I amn't a ..."


Amn't? confused.gif

As in "Am Not", I presume but I have to say that is the first time I have ever seen a contraction like that.

Ok, so while we are strolling down Flame Lane why don't people ever bring up any of my classic verbal melee's?

Hmmm, maybe it's because I just tell them to Eat Me and move on...

As to an earlier comment from Lewis about what he see's as ommisions or things the Beta Team apparently didn't catch or report let me just say this:

Perhaps if we had access to that awesome dumptruck Ai code that you were so proud of all those months ago we would have done a much better job.


Do what I do for a week and then you can bitch...


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Nothing melliferous (adj. producing or forming honey. Chambers Dictionary)about it. "Meliforous" doesn't appear in Chambers nor on any on-line dictionary I can access. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fionn might have had a long discussion with Bullethead beforehand?



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Guest Madmatt

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

..its the fact that it works great


Granted, good point. So what do all of THESE


mean then? Obviously some people seem to think we all did a pretty damn good job...



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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 07-19-2000).]

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