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Does CM factor in camouflage ?

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BTS or anyone

Question - Seeing all the mods made me ask myself a question which I hope you can answer.

When wearing winter camo -(not the mods but in general) should there be a bonus for some sort either making that unit more difficult to see and or hit ? Is this modelled in CM ?

The same question applies to vehicles especially in ambush - when hiding in ambush - crews would usually place whatever was available to break the lines of their vehicles and make them harder to spot. Does the hide command emulate this ?

And also, even when moving, should vehicles with on the field camo add-on (The CMBO picture of the Shermans is a great example, they are covered with branches) should they not be more difficult to see and hit ? Is this modelled in CM ?

I am not asking so that every mod has a bonus. Sometimes, I want to place a low profile SP or tank in a sparse covered area but they seem to be spotted all the time. In actual fact, the small vehicles (Hetzer, JPIV) had such low profiles that even in a field, if well camoed they were very difficult to see before it was too late.

Comments please.


No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy

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I don't think hide command makes crew to camouflage their vehicle, because think how would you deal with this.

Tank drives 50 seconds into turn, then stops and goes into hide mode. Now in 10 seconds before next turn did crew get how much extra camouflage for vehicle? So I don't think it is, and should be so that you could set up extra camouflage for vehicles.

But it would be cool if you could buy camouflages for vehicles if you are defending. This goes in to same category ,that I think I have asked in some other thread too, with camouflaged foxholes because my idiot soldiers dig holes that enemy can see very far away.



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I think some degree of camouflage is factored in already, but to what extent can be argued. This applies to the silhuette factor (for spotting) as well. (High vehicles, such as the Sherman and Panther, were noted for being spotted way to easily in WW2.)

The idea of having vehicles (and other heavy weapons and emplacements) extra well hidden at the start of a scenario when defending as an available option is tempting. Once they move away the extra camo is gone...

Some tree branches stuck on the vehicle is more standard (for a defender, attackers get spotted anyway), so no special rule here.

As for special winter/summer mods, I'm more hesitant to the need.



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It's easy to confuse what you see on the screen with what is going on in the game. You can change what you see on the screen and we have many many mods to prove that. The game has no way of knowing which mod is represented on the screen. So where the mods come in is they make it harder for the human to see that schreck team sneaking through the woods. If the human player does not see it, he won't send any infantry to kill it. The game will know that something is sneaking through the woods, but the game will not move anything over there to kill it. So the mods are for the human player only (and I fell victim to this a few times already causing me the question the wisdom of installing the camoflauged mods smile.gif)

As for what the game does with camo and a reduced chance of being spotted, I would have to say that it does nothing. For example, all tanks are treated equally with respect to being spotted except for the differences in the size and shape. The hide command just puts the engine on low idle to reduce the sound signature. Whether it remains hidden depends on the terrain, wheather conditions, and proximity of the enemy. It is not an inherent property of the unit that is hiding (other than the size and shape that is). Just my guess, but it makes sense logically to me.


Jeff Abbott

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

So where the mods come in is they make it harder for the human to see that schreck team sneaking through the woods. If the human player does not see it, he won't send any infantry to kill it.


Easily overcome by the anti-camo shift-b keystrokes that turn unit bases on. It detracts from the overall atmosphere, but it's useful for spotting those little devils who wear white suits to go play soldier in the snow.

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