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TACOPS 4: always from BATTLEFRONT?


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  • 3 weeks later...


I haven't checked here for a while and have probably missed the discussion but can you provide a summary of what Ver 4 will provide?

I use the current version extensively in the Squadron and am looking forward to whatever improvements ver 4 provides.


M. Gibson


OC A Squadron

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The new feature list is still open for v4 but I am shooting for at least the following.

Multiplayer team play via LAN and Internet, more unit types, civilian units that may or may not be aligned with Blue or Red, more engineering detail, more minefield detail, more urban combat detail, and more terrain detail.

There is a lot more than that on the wish list but I don't know yet how much else will get in or survive testing. I have to stop once in a while and sell something new smile.gif.

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I'll also mention this item since it looks like it is working.

TacOps v4 will have a multiplayer team play mode via LAN and Internet that allows optional friendly vs friendly fog-of-war. If this option is enabled, a player will not be able to see on his monitor a unit marker belonging to a teammate unless the marker is in the line of sight of one of his own units. In other words, Blue Player 1 will not be able to see a unit that belongs to Blue Player 2 unless that unit is "spotted" by one of Blue Player 1's units. I assume that hobbyist players will communicate and coordinate with teammates by using "Roger Wilco", "Game Voice", ICQ and or IRC. The testers at Fort Knox are using actual radios.

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In regards to the friendly fog of war, is there now a possibility of misidentification (say confusing an LAV for a BTR) and then friendly fire (shooting the LAV that you thought was a BTR)?

Also, will the standard fog of war differ at all? For example, as soon as a unit is spotted now, at say 3999m, you immediately know that it is 3 BTR-80s moving in X direction at Y speed.

Will there be any possibility of seeing TacOps identify the above BTR unit as "Unknown APC platoon"? And, as distance closes, it reads "3 APCs?" and then finally "3 BTR-80s". And all the while, unit speed and direction could be slightly variable, so at 4000m you FO could not adjust from a TRP onto a unit at the exact right moment for that level 4-5 accuraccy 155mm ICM burst to impact dead center on that BTR platoon? I mean, is it realistic for an FO to do that onto a moving target at 4000m when in reality that FO can't really see more than a few black specks with big dust trails?

Maybe just create a to-hit modifier based on distance from a spotter?

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  • 2 weeks later...

> If I buy TacOps v3 does it include free upgrades to later

> versions?

Yes - if a version or patch is released that starts with "3". No - if a version is released higher than "3".

Version 3.x.x patches are free to owners of v3. For example, I posted a v3.1.1 patch to Battlefront only a week or so ago.

TacOps v4 will not be a free upgrade.

With a $20 price point, I have to stop the freebies and sell something once in a while smile.gif.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MajorH:

Not soon.

The Army will have it first in the early fall. The retail version will follow by two or three months.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

the additional features you list in the thread will have me screaming with frustration by then smile.gif

however - MajorH, didn't anyone tell you how to hit the christmas season? by then you'll miss most of it

;) of course, i'm not all that convinced that a wargame as solidly professional as TacOps need care much about mass market timing

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>didn't anyone tell you how to hit the christmas season?

I am more concerned about engine stability than the calendar. Right now the new features being added for TacOps v4 and the larger issue of its overall code rewrite have produced a bug infested mess. It will take months and months of testing to get v4 ready to sell.

In my opinion, the Christmas buying season is not relevant to wargame sales when the wargame is only sold via the Internet.

It could be relevant if TacOps was on store shelves but even then I think most of the extra sales would very likely be due to consumer error - parents, grand-parents, etc. buying something for "Billie" that the poor kid is not going to like at all smile.gif.

Some have speculated that "off season" game releases would actually be better for small companies because they would not have to compete with potential XMas blockbuster releases from the big guys and would not have to compete against every other product in the universe for limited consumer XMas dollars.

[ 07-02-2001: Message edited by: MajorH ]

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Hey MajorH, do you think you could include some elite guys in this sim? Like Rangers, SEALS, SF, and RECON. Make em' extra hard to kill and lethality at 100%! Didn't notice if you have an airborne element, just ordered the game, but that would be a real plus too. Okay, wishful thinking.

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