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The New Smoke's Awesome--Any Hope for Arty Tweaks?

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The new smoke textures are fabulous, and they got me to thinking about other possibilities.

I mean improved artillery explosions. I found certain aspects of the new smoke to be applicable to depicting artillery explosions, especially the layering of textures and translucency, though even the solid new white smoke would probably look good with a color change.

I did a search and read the prior posts on explosions, but they were some eight months ago. Given that the smoke's been tweaked, does BTS or the mod community see any hope for more realistic looking artillery and mortar bursts? I think such a tweak would greatly add to the game's look.

Thanks for all the great work.

John Kettler

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Hmmm. What we already have is the shockwave and flying debris - both in 3D. These are the major constituents of an explosion, I think. If you add enough debris polygons and make them smaller and smaller, you will get a particle system that comes closer and closer to the real explosion. So how could you squeeze something similar to the bitmap smoke into this scheme? I do not know. Personally I am waiting to see the explosions in B17 II. They seem to be the benchmark at this time.

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