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Does the AI cheat

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One thing that has bugged me in a few recent QBs is that the computer has some sort of telepathy with my spotters. yesterday i had a group of 5 Tiger? bombarding me from across the map. i spent 3 turns getting a arty spotters HQ in position to lay some 25lb smack on them while not letting them see spotter. 30 seconds later 5 Tiger?s moved 80m to the left , stopped and then hit me from there. they then did it again when i redirected. this has happened to me before and there was still 2mins left so no spotting round had arrived.

so, can the AI see this or am i playing this game so much im going mad-this is definitely happening anyway

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Steve and Charles tell us that the AI doesn't cheat. I completely believe them, why would they make it cheat? They don't care the AI wins or losses a battle?

BUT it is VERY good AI.

Is it possible that you put that spotter in predictable place, for instance if I was programer maybe I would program the AI to LOOK for spotters on the tops of hills and in the Second floor of building over looking the battlefield?

Maybe the AI just just programed to find you in the most likely place you were attempting to hide?

It is VERY good and challenging AI for sure.

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Have you thanked BTS by buying your SECOND copy of CM yet?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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like i say ihad my spotter hidden and my HQ spotting for my spotter. i do not mean cheating on purpose but it seems as tho it knows im firing like i was shooting a rifle or something. like i say i think im putting in too many CM hours

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Guest Mirage2k

I think the AI just knows that it's not a good idea to leave your tanks in one place for very long. Their main weapon is mobility, remember.



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How did you move your spotters, did they crawl, sneak, move, or run? Since you had to have moved them to a spot where they have LOS to the Tigers, the inverse is the Tigers potentially have LOS to that spot also, so it's possible the tanks detected the movement of the spotters, especially if you used "move" or "fast". Worst case is that they were not only spotted, but the AI ID'd them as FO's, so they got a high priorty on the kill list. FOs are tough to use if you have to move them.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm surprised ANY of the Yanks are able to hide, what with massive fluorescent green placards strapped round their ankles. German technology is seen to be superior yet again - their Ankle Placards were a muted grey colour.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Geeeze Fionn, you're right, the quality of this board has really gone downhill.

David, Hello! Duh! Are you naturally stupid or did you have to study to get that way? Did you forget to read the rules or do they not teach reading to your grade yet? Are you at all familiar with "SEARCH" or does that mean what you do to your nose with your finger?

You can TOGGLE THAT you idiot! If you'd bothered to read the rules you'd have seen that you can hit Alt Shift B and change the historically correct Flourescent Green ankle placards to the modern Woodland Camo pattern! But frankly David, that goes beyond gamey. I don't care if the game allows it or not, U.S. troops managed to win the war against the "vastly superior" Germans despite the handicap of shuffling their way to Berlin with 5 square meters of bright green placard strapped to their ankles AND SO SHOULD YOU.

I could quote from Schurbohm's classic work of 1967 "Hiding Quotents of Various Armed Forces and the Placard Factor." but since YOU CAN'T READ I don't see the point.

Joe (My guys ALWAYS use FG)

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Firstly, HQs CANNOT spot for spotters. They can ONLY spot for on-map mortars.

Secondly, the AI KNOWS not to leave tanks in place for too long. That's all you saw...

We've had this suggested before and test have been run which conclusively prove that the AI isn't cheating.

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Joe Shaw wrote:

> you can hit Alt Shift B and change the historically correct Flourescent Green ankle placards to the modern Woodland Camo pattern!

Speaking of woodland camo, I have to say that I'm surprised the US Army was able to fight effectively in Europe. Okay, you're a fine figure of a Deutschlander, peering through your binocs at a distant treeline. Then suddenly you start seeing patches which don't look like France... what on Earth? It looks more like... like American woodland! Aha, it must be the Amis!

Nicht schießen! Gehe ich ins Bett mit meine schlecte Deutsch! =P


[This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 07-29-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Nicht schießen! Gehe ich ins Bett mit meine schlecte Deutsch! =P<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Okay, hang on, gotta check Bablefish ... man if you insulted me you are SO dead. Brb.


Hmmm, Bablefish says "Don't Shoot! I go to bed with my {schlecte} German." Huh ... I guess you're off the hook ... I think.

[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 07-29-2000).]

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Damnit, I spelt "schlechte" wrong!

And that's "German" the language... ach, I should keep my mouth shut.


[goes back to sleep]

[wakes up again]

Hang on, I'm not even opening my mouth.

[David would make an excellent soldier - an engineer capable of constructing impenetrable trench systems in record time. Yes, he's very good at digging holes for himself]

[This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 07-29-2000).]

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Guest Michael emrys

Uhhhh, before the original point of this thread gets completely lost, I'd like to say that it seems to me too that the AI does seem to pick out FOs *awfully* well and quickly. I put them in concealing terrain and don't move them and *still* the AI picks them out from hundreds of meters away. I dunno about this, sump'ns goin' on...


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try this

Arty spotters will target areas of the map they do not have direct LOS to.

Yes its true, and it works, it is not really accurate but if you keep the spotters out of site, (NO LOS to any enemy units) they won't get shot at and they can call in arty (like area fire) on a section of the map they can't see.

Try it, at least it won't get them killed.

-tom w

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 07-30-2000).]

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