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Tanks in the basement

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I was playing Last Defense tonight against the AI (I was the Axis). I managed to sneak some infantry up to a buttoned up tank destroyer - it suddenly noticed them and backed up into a house which caused the rear end of the vehicle to rise up a few feet (Ol' Heinz on the Panzerfaust must have been blind as a bat since he missed at 8 meters). It managed to extricate itself the next turn with little trouble.

My question: In the release version, is there a chance that a vehicle could become irretrievably stuck pulling this stunt? In reality, there's a real chance that the tank could fall into the basement, throw a track, or even wind some wire around the drive sprocket. Just wondering...

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Too bad, it would be kinda funny to see an opponents AFV fall into a basement! smile.gif

By the way, did antone else here ever build Monograms 1/35th scale STUG? Do you remember the little booklet that gave diorama building tips? I loved the one with the STUG hiding inside the partially destroyed building. smile.gif



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I built all of the Monogram kits, including three kits of their StuG. They actually scaled out to 1/32nd, but they were pretty nice, considering how old they were. I used to stare at Shep Paine's diorama work for hours- he did all the dio's in the Monogram literature. My fave was the knocked out PzIV in Afrika Korps markings,all burned out with the engine and turret hatches all opened up.

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Guest tom w

Wow what a community of Tank modellers and WWII buffs.

Yes I too modeled German, British and American tanks when I was younger. I remember two British Crusaders quite fondly. (Poorly armed and thin skinned African campaign era, British crap cans)

I was most in awe of those "cool" professionals who had access to the "magic" air brush to used to paint COOL camo patterns.

I always wanted an airbrush for painting

models but was always told they were too messy and too expensive.

So like I others, I imagine, I had to fake that airbrush look as best I could with that very laborious dry brush technique.

those were the days

(OK be honest....Who else DESTROYED their model tanks by scarificing them to Pellet gun target pratice :) ??

-tom w

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kevin Peltz:

I built all of the Monogram kits, including three kits of their StuG. They actually scaled out to 1/32nd, but they were pretty nice, considering how old they were. I used to stare at Shep Paine's diorama work for hours- he did all the dio's in the Monogram literature. My fave was the knocked out PzIV in Afrika Korps markings,all burned out with the engine and turret hatches all opened up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Tom W,

Busted... I too used most of my models for target practice, including a few Lionel train cars that would have paid for my college education (woops...) The best was putting the model ships in the pool with loads of m-80's and stuff like that in them. Great stuff.

CrapGame out

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CrapGame:

The best was putting the model ships in the pool with loads of m-80's and stuff like that in them. Great stuff.


It also worked well of you floated a ship half filled with motor oil, lit the oil (which burns pretty slow) and then put a pellet or two down at the waterline so that the oil started leaking out in a slick... on fire... Does not work too well in a pool, but we had a couple very large planters that one could flood that this worked perfectly with... Great fun Espeially if you had a Kate to put in front of the ship and take a few snapshots of.

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Thank goodness! I thought I was the only sicko who conducted experiments on his models!! My prefered method of destruction was always fire. Firecrackers carried the chance of alerting the neighbors don't ya know? LOL I actually got a few fairly realistic photos of burning, and smoking AFVs. Later when we moved out to the country, I was able to catch up on my demolition training, using a lot of GI Joe equipment (the original 12" figures) LOL

Hey, what's the statute of limitations on this stuff anyhow? LOL



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I still enjoy building 1/35th armor. I am currently backlogged by about 20 kits and am working on a Tiger I, an M4A3E8 and a Pzkfw IVD right now.

You guys haven't mentioned lighting plastic sprue on fire and letting it Phzzzzzip! down onto helpless ants. That is the next progression after BB guns and firecrackers. And boy! Didn't it hurt when it hit your bare feet? Ahhhh, youth....

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Great anecdotes!

One of my friends stole..err...found some railroad "torpedos", cracked 'em open and made homemade bombs. He filled an empty pellet gun CO2 cartridge with the powder and popped it in a small metal/plastic tank model. We put it on a picnic table and then went inside to watch it from behind the safety of his picture window <G>. Although we were fortunate that the window didn't shatter or get hit with shrapnel, the subsequent explosion produced the mother of all scale-model brew ups and we found pieces of the tank on the other side of the house!...after hiding in the basement for a couple of hours, while half the neighbourhood searched around to see who's car had blown up (thank God it was a foggy evening).

Then we took the same powder and filled up a much bigger home made metal can, covered it up with rocks in the middle of a field, lit the fuse (a sparkler), and ran as fast as our sugar high bodies could carry us. When the bugger went up, it shook our stomachs like we were hugging a speaker at a Metallica concert, and I swear to God that it produced a mushroom cloud just like an Atomic Bomb would make..except a bit smaller! smile.gif

We could've been killed... but it was great fun nonetheless. <G> Fire GOOD!


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Well, I guess I can consider this thread officially hijacked wink.gif I confess that I have sacrifice many a model plane and ship (not any tanks, though for some strange reason) to the BB gun. Even a firecracker or two (they also sound really cool when lit off inside a culvert!)

Back to my question though: I think that it's realistic to expect a tank to get immobilized fairly often (20%) if it enters a building. They're tough, but not invincible. As a former tank driver, I know that I'd think twice before driving through a building without knowing anything about its construction. I realize that BTS hasn't modeled basements, but there could be a modifier to create the possiblity - AND to reduce the number of tanks running through buildings as if they weren't there (unless this has already been changed in the release version).

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Guest Madmatt

In your examaple and from what I have seen in the game, I don't believe that the game actually models the vehicle entering the building per se. The collision detection in the game is good but not perfect and what you saw may have been good old fashioned Direct 3D graphic clipping (when a graphic shows through another graphic, most noticable in games like Rogue Spear where a fallen Tango's leg sticks through a closed door!).

IIRC I belive that Steve has said in the past that vehicles are NOT permitted to drive into buildings or rubble.



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Guest tom w

Mad Matt says:

"IIRC I belive that Steve has said in the past that vehicles are NOT permitted to drive into buildings or rubble."

Ok that's good enough for me..

Now lets get back to Blowing Stuff Up!!!


(I'm actually 40 years old but I'm loving

re-living my childhood here)

the best one so far is the explosive

tin can that went up like a Mushroom


Keep 'em coming boys...

this is now my favourite thread


All in good "clean" fun of course....

-tom w

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That can trick is a great one to to pass on to the next generation. Even better than the time-honored potato gun wink.gif

BTW Madmatt: The tank looked like the rear end actually rose into the air when it backed into the building... maybe just an effect from the perspective. Looked pretty cool though! I thought I had him nailed, but he floored it out of there about 50 seconds later frown.gif

Back to blowing stuff up smile.gif

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Hey Mannheim,

Were you actually a Tanker in Mannheim? eek.gif I was stationed in Mannheim from '90-'94 at Coleman Barracks in Sandhofen (11M). Mannheim is a beautiful city, my wife is from there as well ... I was just there this past February visiting w/ the in-laws ... Oh well, I was just curious ... biggrin.gif


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Yep - 1991-94 at Sullivan Barracks. Was in 5/77AR. Good old 'heim wink.gif They pulled the whole damned BDE out and moved it to Ft Lewis in 6/94...what a nightmare! I'd love to get back there some day...I still have some (German) friends in Stuttgart that I keep in touch with. Good memories there smile.gif

Actually, the handle I use is something I picked up over Xmas (as in Mannheim Steamroller - M1's make the best steamrollers though!)

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Guest Gunnerdream

I can't resist this...the most realistic pyrotechnics I ever acheived were with balsa-wood airplane models. I would spend literally weeks putting together a Fokker or a Spad, balance it until the aerodynamics were perfect, then squirt a little Testors around the cockpit area, climb up on the roof, wind up the propeller, light a match, and let 'er rip! All that work for twenty seconds of hysterical laughter.

It's good to know I'm not the only sick, twisted pyromaniac out there.

Gunnerdream...floating down through the clouds...this thread is hilarious!

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Re: my tin can (and eventual mushroom cloud) story...

I don't know that I'd want to pass THAT story on to future generations! redface.gif

I'm sure we all have stories about kids (ourselves or others) who used bought or home made explosives and had..accidents. i.e. my friend with that home made canbomb (manufactured in his his grade 10 metal shop class) filled it up with that railroad torpedo powder and then needed to close the top of the can up. He told me later that he was using a hammer to flatten down the metal top and, on one of the smacks, a spark flew off the metal lid(!) Needless to say, at that point he realized he should be a BIT more careful (if the spark had've gone INTO the powder filled can, he would've been as vapourized as Shelly Long's career!).

So people reading these stories should realize that they're taking their life in their hands - lots of kids get hands and other body parts blown off doing things like this. Plus we don't want to inspire any future Oklahoma Bombers here! frown.gif

But still...it WAS fun. wink.gif


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