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Gratuitous Game Plug

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Sorry if some think that this is off topic, but, I am posting to anounce the release of a patch for the renowned wargame 'Gary Grigsby's Pacific War'. I participated on putting together this patch (in between CM!) and am very proud of its completion.

The patch is totally free and can be found at...


(You don't have to own the game to get this thing running as it comes with a full copy of it since SSI stopped selling the thing)

There is also a bulliten board where you can post comments and criticisms located at...



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Well Joanna, it is an epic scale strategic reproduction of the War in the Pacific from December 1941 to 1945-46.

It was made around 1992, so, it isn't very high in the graphics department (used an all of 16 colours!). It has a STEEP learning curve, and has a very difficult to understand interface (we had to keep the original due to time constraints) which eventually becomes second nature and very easy to understand after a while. It is an extremely addictive game though (especially through PBEM!).

You can play it solo against a relatively challenging AI (the AI was slightly improved from the original 1992 version, offering a series of different attitudes and modes of offensive actions) but, it is nowhere near as good as CM's AI.

There is also a built in PBEM security deely thing, but, you can always hack into it with an editor (must rely on honour for this!). PBEM always offers you the best opponent.

Keep in mind that they are currently working with the creator of this game to make a version suitable for the 21st Century with modern Graphics and a much more intelligent AI, as well as a lot more freedom in the ship-construction aspect of the game (Plus land combat will be drastically expanded).

Basically it is a cult game, one that has constantly remained on my computer for the past 5 years.


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