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Music to play CM to (Part 2)

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If anybody is still interested in this subject. After a little searching I found the site http://www.warbooks.com/ and downloaded their catalog. In their catalog starting on page 15 (and on their site under Military Music/Videos) they have a bunch of Military marching songs from around the world.

After reading the other posts on music and CM I went out and bought a few classical CD's by Beethoven, Wagner, and Tchaikovsky. My tastes usually run along the lines of Nine Inch Nails, so it says how much I like CM to go out and actually put down hard earned money on music I used to make fun of. Well, I will no longer make fun of classical music. I found that I actually like this stuff and the music does help set the mode for me when I play CM.

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You'd be suprised just how many people brush off classical music because they just don't give it a chance. It really is beautiful.

I like to keep an open mind regarding music, so basically I'll listen to music from ANY genre.

As I stated in my review at www.strategy-gaming.com (if you haven't read it, do so and let me know what you thought :) I like to listen to the soundtracks to Glory (my fav war movie) and Saving Private Ryan while playing my CM.

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Just a few more sugestions:

Carl Orff's Carmina Burana - or at least the first movement (O' Furtuna). Fighting to this is almost guaranteed to produce chills.

For the up-coming eastern front version of CM:

Prokofiev (Russian Overature)

Shostakovich (Leningrad)

Ah heck, just use this link:


Gus out

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Today after work I went and bought some more music to play CM by. Some Mozart, Bach, and the sound track to Gladiator. I was also looking for the sound track to Saving Private Ryan, but couldn't find it at Planet Music. I'm going to checkout some more stores next week, after I get paid. See if I can find Saving Private Ryan and check out the Glory CD too.

CM is starting to be an expensive habit! Well, it does keep me out of the bars and away from them loose women, as my soon to be ex-wife wife would say.

I'm listening to the Gladiator CD now and I can see (hear?) how it can come in handy for those attacks in the woods.

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I have just one name - and listen closely. MAHLER! It is all you will need. Get the 6th symphony and play it during a German assault. Your life will never be the same.

Thus Spoke a Humanities Professor...

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I like to play music from some of the war movie classics. For example, after a big victory I'll play the theme to "Patton" or the march from "The Longes Day." Another cool song to play when tanks are slugging it out is "In the Belly of the Steel Beast" by John Williams. It's from the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade sound track and it rocks. Just my two cents if anyone is interested.


"Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it."

--A. Lincoln

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Maybe a little odd, but How about: Fred Astaire; Mills Brothers; Bing Crosby and a very young Ella Fitzgerald.

Hey, I like to sing when I go into combat, like them old Rohirrim. Might as well have fun. smile.gif

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that is information I didn't need to have.

Now when I watch helplessly as my guys are being slaughterd, I'll have this picture in my mind of you sitting there all smug singing Bing Crosby.



"someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati



Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:


that is information I didn't need to have.

Now when I watch helplessly as my guys are being slaughterd, I'll have this picture in my mind of you sitting there all smug singing Bing Crosby.



HHmmm, Hum... Hum, HrrhhooOOOOOH ahm an ol' cow hand, from da Rio Grand, an ma laigs ain't bowed, an ma cheeks ain't tanned, Ahm a cowboy who never saw a cow, YIPPYAYO-AYAI, Ah never mind. biggrin.gif

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