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Everything posted by TieSolo

  1. You'd be suprised just how many people brush off classical music because they just don't give it a chance. It really is beautiful. I like to keep an open mind regarding music, so basically I'll listen to music from ANY genre. As I stated in my review at www.strategy-gaming.com (if you haven't read it, do so and let me know what you thought I like to listen to the soundtracks to Glory (my fav war movie) and Saving Private Ryan while playing my CM.
  2. Hi guys and gals, My review of Combat Mission was just posted at www.strategy-gaming.com. Let me know what you think! -Anthony Micari
  3. Sounds like an interesting read. I also have a recommendation for a good read on the Revolution. Like computer wargames, there is a limited audience for historical books, which means many that are published end up being sold at discount prices. Did you ever scour bargain bins at book stores? There is some great stuff in there. One I found was at Waldenbooks in my local mall, and it was called Liberty. Based on the PBS special of the same name (BTW PBS makes some of the best historical documentaries), it is a comprehensive history of the Revolution, but has pictures to complement everything. Paintings of battles, pictures of artifacts from the time, portraits of every major player...its extraordinary. Its pretty big, hard-cover, and I bought it for only $7.99 (original price was about 50-60 dollars. If you see it don't hesitate.
  4. I am a student at New York University, and an American history major. I plan on getting my doctorate so I can teach at a university level, but I would like to teach high school for a few years. The problem with American History in our public schools is that it is too focused on names and dates. We have to remember that most American History students are NOT going to be professional historians. Hell, when I was in high school I didn't know I wanted to be a historian. What is the point of drilling dates and names into a child's head when they are not going to come into use? It is much more important to give them ideas and have open discussions. The person that really knows history is not the one who can give you the date of every battle of the Revlolution, but can tell you why they occured, what the effects were. I hope I can bring some of this into my classroom. Also, regarding the Patriot. I am actually going to go see it tonight, and I'm keeping an open mind. Listen, it may seem as though it is completely "Hollywood", but maybe less than you think. There were people with no slaves in the south, there were more people in the south against the institution. True, they often also had slaves, but it was a very hypocritical time. In terms of Mel Gibson's character, I've heard he is against fighting in the movie. This is the more realistic depiction. When the revolution began, only 1/3 of the people supported it. It was NOT a people's war! People often joined up when something personal happened to them, not because they were interested in this idea of Liberty. It didn't matter if men in wigs ruled them from home or across the seas. Case in point, Mel's character states, "Why should I trade one tyrant 300 miles away for 30 tyrants one mile away". In terms of the depiction of the British, this is a way of looking at things. You'd look at them like devils if you're family was a victim of the Wyoming Valley Massacre, during which British troops led by Butler slaughtered 360 defenseless men, women, and children. But compared to the slaugher of Indians by Americans, this seems like a moot point. History is great because it is so open to discussion and rival opinions. Sure, Patriot may not be the best historical lesson--but when was the last movie about the Revolution made? Besides, if more Americans picked up a damn book and learned a little about history, it wouldn't really matter if a movie was inaccurate. That's the problem, we're depending on a movie to teach us! We have to let people know that the whole point of tomorrow is not fireworks!
  5. Anyone have any idea when the 1.02 patch is going to be released? I heard it has some good AI improvements.
  6. Well, it all depends on what you want out of the game. I have Diablo II, and I think it is incredible. The game is absolutely HUGE, so you have to be devoted. Plus, the dungeons and outside environments are randomly generated, and with the 5 character classes and endless amount of spells and weapons, provides a lot of replayability. Icewind Dale, on the other hand, is only 1 CD. Baldurs Gate had like 6, so as you can see it is a much smaller quest. From what I hear, it is much more action-oriented than Baldur's Gate, and I read that the music is incredible. Personally, I would go with Diablo II. While Icewind Dale is more of a true "role-playing" game, Diablo II has so much more for your money, plus you can play on BattleNet for free. Other games I've played are Shogun, which has some issues but a patch is under way that promises to fix many things. Personally, if it patched properly Shogun will go into my top 3 list of favortie games. Also, Warlords Battlecry comes out Monday, and that is a fantasy-real time strategy game that is supposed to be great. I also have Klingon Academy (if you like Star Trek at all) and its great. The full-motion video briefings are the best I've seen in a game, but the missions are HARD...this is one tough game. Well, I hope that helps a bit. Let me know if you any other questions!
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