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Hit ratios from point-blank range

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Last night I set up a QB versus the computer and took a high-quality (all of my troops were rated VETERAN) Americans versus a heer lineup. After the usual initial stages of reconnoitering and then jockeying for position, I found myself in a position to finally use one of my three Shermans to engage the oppositions AFV's. (The biggest threat turned out to be a an old Hotchkiss, by the way. <g>)

Anyway, near one of the small victory flags one of my Shermans ran into a halftrack and let go with a couple of shots, one from 63m the other from 60m, both of which missed. The first shot was taken while the Sherman was still on the move, but as I'd set it's movement to HUNT this tank then stopped, per the normal routine for that order, and took its second whack at the halftrack from a standing-still position while the latter slowly backed up toward cover. Both misses showed up graphically as falling a bit short and to the right (as the HT backed toward the Sherman's left front), digging little shell holes in the earth.

Does this sort of thing happen often? I've only had this title less than a month and half my time has been expended messing around with the map editing utility, so I've not a large experiential base to draw upon when it comes to CMBO gun modeling. Neither am I particularly expert in this subject. It does seem to me, however, that certain anomalies exist with LOS and overall shot accuracy in mind. I can readily see the possibility of two straight misses from under 100m by a Sherman (even with a VETERAN crew) on a HT in the heat of the fray, but if it's the case that incidents of this sort tend to be the rule then the question must be asked: have either of the BTS people responded to queries of this kind yet, and if so, what's the story?

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You can take into your hit calculations many factors. The experience level of the tank crew, the angle of trajectory, distance of target and so on, but the one thing you can't calculate is LUCK. Some games you have it most you don't. One other thing you'll notice is the more you shoot at the same target the more likely you are to hit it due to gun bracketing.

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I would say that was a case of bad luck. Yes a few people have questioned gun accuracy, mostly from long range though. There are quite a few recent posts with BTS's input concerning this, specifically the one on the 88, if you care to read them. I have played CM a lot and I wouldn't say the 'anomalies', as you term them, are the rule or even the exception, just stuff happens. I don't think you will ever see a 100% hit probability so it is entirely possible your Sherman could keep on missing. Likely? No, but possible.

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Hi Tris, and welcome to CM, as the General stated, luck does have a lot to do with combat results. Think about it... IF your AFV's hit everything they were aiming for by the second shot, would you experience the same visceral pucker factor when you come toe to toe with a previously unobserved foe? That's the beauty of this game, yelling at the vicarious pixels on the screen for your desired results, then feeling the wave of excitement or the crush of defeat based on those results. I wouldn't trade that for a 100% hit rate at any cost. The wonderful thing about statistics and chance is exactly that.... chance. Anything can happen, and this game embodies that so well... So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride....

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Ah, that infamous word "Luck". Mine just ran out. three shots from a M18 at a Tiger in teh open all missed. One shot from the Tiger at my M18 trying to hide desperately behind some trees and BOOM!!

Seriously I have played this game alot over the past months and would back up the above posts. There are alot of factors into gun accuracy and BTS have modelled these extremely well, but there is always that element of luck to throw a spanner in the works for the un-expected.


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Add to that the 1 or 2% chance of a frontal weakspot penetration if you get a hit, and you never know when some dinky little 37 mm Allied peashooter will take down a Panther or a Tiger at close range, before it buys the ranch.

Lots of luck involved in this one for sure.

-tom w

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Thanks to everyone. I appreciate the feedback and had already put this incident down to "Lady Fortune." I agree that this game is quite well done, much better than I supposed or dared to hope for coming in. I've never been much for combat at this level--more of an operational kind of guy, I guess--but I keep coming back for more with CMBO, so something must be right.


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