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CMBO AI Arty predictable as clockwork

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The AI artillery routines need some tweaking so they will not be so predictable. Same thing every game. Smoke any tanks giving AI trouble, arty any field guns that dare to fire.

Only after it makes sure all field guns are silenced will the AI use arty on infantry positions, strong positions or no.

I wish the AI arty was a little less predictable. I wish the AI would pick non-field gun targets with a little more frequency.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger:

The AI artillery routines need some tweaking so they will not be so predictable. Same thing every game. Smoke any tanks giving AI trouble, arty any field guns that dare to fire.

Only after it makes sure all field guns are silenced will the AI use arty on infantry positions, strong positions or no.

I wish the AI arty was a little less predictable. I wish the AI would pick non-field gun targets with a little more frequency.


Yeah, Tiger's right. It's so boring. =(



ICQ 8273286


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I've tried to stay away from "the AI needs this or that tweaking" kinds of posts but your post does bring up a subject where the AI does, in fact, need some tweaking. Everything you've described is exactly what I've experienced. If the AI just sees tanks, it's nothing but smoke. I've actually been "rewarded" by the AI for bad tactics on my part where a turn or two of heavy HE, instead of smoke, might have really put a crimp in my overly concentrated armor attack. Only when the AI actually spots my infantry or guns does the HE come raining down. And yes, I know, play a human and you won't have this problem. But there are those of us that for a variety of reasons just can't play PBEM, so we're stuck with the AI. Having said that, I do feel that if BTS could just do bit more tweaking to what already is a pretty darn good AI, it would really turn the AI into a much more competent opponent.

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I am not sure I follow.

Are you guys saying that it's good to spend your precious HE arty on an armour attack in an effort to immobilise etc.

I always found that I barely have enough arty to tackle infantry attacks in the later turns. I haven't seen AI spend too many rounds of smoke on armour either.

Why is IMO a proper use of arty not acceptable? Proper, simple tactics are usually the best to follow on the long run. I am not sure what a random "throw HE against armour" AI behaviour change would add to the game.


My squads are regular, must be the fibre in the musli...

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Well, I'll sometimes use a couple of rounds of light arty (60mm - 81mm mortars) to button up an enemy AFV at long range so that I can move my AFVs into position to (hopefully) get in the first shot. Probably not a "normal" tactic, but it works wonders sometimes.


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Well, let’s see. Last night the AI dropped 120mm mortar fire on a two story building, killing a machine gun team, an MG Jeep and immobilizing an M4A1 Sherman. Not bad. Last week it dropped scads of 81mm mortar fire on two Bazooka positions. A waste. Also last week the AI dropped 105 mm on an M3A1 Scout Car and an M36 Jackson, killing them both. Damn. Two weeks ago it dropped 300 mm rockets on the top of a hill containing most of my heavy weapons platoon and decimated it. Not bad at all.

While the AI does not consistently select the proper targets for artillery attacks, it does a pretty good job overall, and it has come a long way since the Beta. Some additional tweaking may be in order, such as an increased priority for open-topped TDs, but my experience has been that it’s pretty good as it is.

One thing that could definitely be improved is its stationing of FOs in unprotected forward positions. My scouts invariably sniff these guys out, but not always before the AI has dropped its load.

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No, my initial post was that the AI artillery does the same thing every game. Smokes tanks that it cant take out right away, saves it's barrages for whenever it sees a gun start firing, hits infantry positions last. Yeah this may be an effective use but many times it's not. Often I am glad to know that I have nothing to fear from AI artillery with my infantry. Just start firing a field gun that I dont care about right before I move infantry. Hell, I've started buying a "throw-away" gun every battle against AI just for this purpose. I'd like to see the AI artillery targeting priorities tweaked so that it goes after infantry concentrations a little more rather than saving it all up for field guns and smoke.

IMHO, the AI would actually end up winning more battles and be more of a challenge than it is now if it used its artillery a little more effectively viz-a-vie targeting priority tweaking.


[This message has been edited by Tiger (edited 11-21-2000).]

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Hmmm... I've only been bombarded a few times by the AI. One time it smoked a hill with a few machine guns, some infantry, and a tank or two, forcing me to move them, which I should have done anyway at that point.

In another scenario, it started firing in the first couple turns of the game on a big 'ol clump of infantry I had out in the open, and ended up killing quite a few men. It didn't save it's artillery rounds for guns, which was good for the AI because I didn't have any guns as it was. smile.gif

Tiger, you say you'd like to see the AI revised, and yet, you exploit the one thing you don't like. If you don't like it, then resist the urge to buy a dummy gun, and you might find the AI actually firing on your infantry, if that's what you desire.

Just a thought,



"Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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