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CRAP AI, Other BUGS ,Fix Or implement IPX/TCP!!

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Maybe I can help here, I speak conversational "d00D".

-Clears throat.

"D3wd! u Ph33r BTS l33t dw3dz hahah r33m3d yer a22!

BTS nab al ur ph@t l3wt ROFTLMAO!

CM2 rawkz & nuff sed fer u lewzlaterz."

That should clear things up. Feel free to use it for your FAQ Big Time.



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My own two ha’ pence worth. I feel that the main reason why AI seems to reach point of contact so slowly is because it appears to set up very far back in the set up area. Contrast human vs AI in a meeting engagment for example; human sets up close to the start up line and is therefore usually nearly already half way across the battle field. AI spends many turns to get into that very same position; once there, there is not usually too much of a problem in regard to agressiveness.

Cheers Jim

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Germanboy said;

Where's von Shrad when you need him?

I had to cut the Senior Citizens World Shopping Tour short to take out the bench seats from 'The Van' and install the latest high-tech Troll Eliminator. This baby is a 350hp(hamster power) instrument of certain destruction. Completely fitted with rude awareness indicator and confusing post analyzer it can not only smell a troll a mile away, but also locates them and breaks their kneecaps using the latest in ball-peen hammers. And let me tell you hammers have come a long way in the past few years.

BTW, if you come across some blue haired ladies standing on the side of the road, mention that their untimely departure was for the good of man....and hamsters alike. I just wish I wouldn't have lied to them and told them all that that was Wayne Newton's house they were being dumped off at.

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Oh Captain my Captain. I do believe that I found a solution to your problem. Perhaps this has already been suggested to you but I was too bust to read all the mindless dribble coming from these obvious cretins in response to your honest question.

Now, I've had a similar problem and found that it is not actually a problem with Combat Mission, rather is specific to your operating system. I'm not sure how to resolve it on a Macintosh, but if you run any version of windows I can help.

First you need to restart to dos. This will clear your registers so that the rest can take place. Next you need to go to your root directory (typing c: should take you there). Next what you need to do is clear your cache by running "deltree *" which should permanently rectify the problem. I hope that this is some help and you can, as I did, get rid of this frusterating timid AI problem.


Upon the fields of friendly strife, are sown the seeds of Victory.

---Douglas McArthur

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<quote>That's just it, what would you expect? I've seen some pretty inept AI's out there worse than CM, that's for sure. How 'bout Close Combat. Yeah, now that's a tight AI! Nothing like running a new scenario each time just to find those same ol'Panthers holing themselves up in the middle of town, AGAIN, moving back and forth as if they were rocking themselves asleep, AGAIN.</quote>

LOL! That is so true! And when they're not rocking themselves to sleep, they're dancing to the beat in their own heads.

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Say i think u all need to chill out.

People are entiltled to there view point.

Calling them stupid is really ignorant and stupid, as u have no idea of there perspectives. Is this a discussion board or an abuse board?

And trashing there board names is even way off track and out of line.

I wasnt going to post but hearing the BTS comment made me mad as im a NZer too.

BTS dont say NZers post differently.

That could be viewed as quite insulting!!

What are u insenuating?

As for The CPT. he has made some vaild points regarding certain missions.

His aggressive tone was unwelcome, nevertheless trashing his writing style etc only seems to have made him pissed off.

Instead of abusing him go and play the 2 missions he spoke of, and see for ya self how they play.

I have heard no one discuss how they viewed those missions. All i hear is the Iron Cross sucks etc. OK what the hell does that have to do with the topic?

As for me ill try those missions again sometime once i have finished all these dam PBEMS.


Lo there to i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

I had to cut the Senior Citizens World Shopping Tour short to take out the bench seats from 'The Van' and install the latest high-tech Troll Eliminator<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Von Shrad, it is good to see that duty still has a meaning in this world.

GazNZ, I think what Steve meant was that amongst Kiwis there is a higher proportion of people who use a more phonetic style to post. At least that is how I interpreted him. That is usually not a problem, but not conducive to getting finer points in long posts across, b/c it is perceived as very tiring by some readers (e.g. me). And I did not respond to his specifics b/c the posts contained spoiler info for scenarios I have not played, so I did not read them. I just get a bit ticked off at statements like 'why should I read posts that went before.' I think it would be quite wrong of you to assume that anybody here has a general problem with Kiwis.

As for Capt. Stransky, he really was a w*nker in the movie 'Iron Cross', with a big case of Throatache™ to boot. Funny choice for a handle.

Just my £0.02



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OK sweet as then i wont take offense.

Ive seen some nasty crap on boards; dont want it to go like this here.


Lo there to i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

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And we are glad you won't take offense. We are very concerned about the feelings of others who take the name of a second Poster so that it actually seems like you have support, and can attempt to generate a "group movement" in your favor. Such actions demonstrate significant maturity and responsibility, which easily helps us overlook your previously assinine posting.




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Can someone please say...LOCK IT UP!


"Battle is not a terrifying ordeal to be endured. It is a magnificent experience wherein all the elements that have made man superior to the beasts are present: courage, self-sacrifice, loyalty, help to others, devotion to duty." - Patton

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freyland:



Yeah right, nice try Jonathan! I bet you had an Australian or a hamster do those for you.

Right on the money, BTW.



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