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What would you want to have been????

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rommel:

Americans = Pilot flying P51 D

Germans = Pilot flying 262 mess

Japanese = Pilot flying a frank on home island defense

British = Typhoon pilot

French = what do you think i am? some white flag raising freak? Wouldn't have wanted to be Jack squat. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh c'mon.....

No STUKA PILOT...... and don't you mean ITALION.


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

[This message has been edited by DEF BUNGIS (edited 04-05-2000).]

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In my case, a rifleman, preferably with bars, but as long as I was carrying an SLR... I don't trust in the armor of a vehicle, or the ability of my AT cannon or bazooka to kill anything I meet. I do trust myself, for I know I'm a good shot, and I do trust any weapon that I am responsible for cleaning and maintaining. And as a rifleman, I'm able to hide if required! I don't like jumping out of airplanes much (Though I have my wings) so that leaves me out of the Airborne forces. Frankly, I'd probably want to be in an infantry unit cross-attached to an armor unit (So that I'm not totally helpless). So me, my buddies and my rifle and grenades would go and win the war single-handedly!

Of course if I had any sense, I'd join a logistics or artillery unit or something with a life expectancy of greater than 11 seconds in combat!

Manic Moran

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In combat? Of course not. And 'eagerly' is a relative term, I'd hate to think that any of us here are warmongers. Just as the question was along the lines of 'What would be your fantasy/childhood dream' is you had been involved, I responded accordingly.

Manic Moran

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha:


Have you done that about which you speak so eagerly?

Have you ever ambused a co of guerillas and left their wounded out overnight so as to demoralise the survivors? It's NOT fun. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Damn KIA;

Don't be such a fuddy duddy. frown.gif

We all know war really sucks, you don't have to tell us.

Lot's of combat veterans here on this board, including me.

Don't take it personall cause someone wants to day dream about being in WWII as a grunt.

They probably know it really sucked too.

Sorry if you had personall tragedies, but only YOU will ever really understand them. Not us.


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

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C'mon now wink.gif. This is obviously a "what did you want to be as a kid when you first got interested in this" question.

Personally I'd have loved to command a Panther or Tiger. Would I have loved the fact that, almost inevitably, I'd have died in the tank or been seriously wounded by fire and had my skin flay off me? Nope but we weren't looking at this from an ultra-realistic viewpoint.

It'd be COOL to command a tank. It is NOT cool to kill or be killed obviously.

Many here have been to war or know more than enough about it to know that its a terribly nasty business. This question was just intended in the same way as someone asking about which NFL team you'd like to play for.. The question is about fulfilling an "idealised fantasy" and NOT about reality. No kid thinks about the terrible cruciate ligament injuries these players really have or the arthritis they often suffer from when he talks about wanting to be one.

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Otto Skorzeny. Thinking outside the box... "special" access to resources and influence... creative commando ops and conventional combat command against Red Army... and best of all he survived to be a successful businessman and die of old age 30 years later. Fantasy WWII at its finest.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DEF BUNGIS:

I can't say that I wish I would had taken part in WWII. It was no doubt a horrible time in our worlds history.

But did you ever imagine yourself as that poor, dirty, tired ground pounder on the eastern front?........

As a kid, did you ever imagine taking a bazooka during WWII and getting a direct hit

on a german tiger?..........

Well, for me, if I had to go back, I would have wanted to be a bazooka gunner for the 101st AB. What a thrill, the rush of adrenaline flow, fear, excitement of dropping behind enemy lines, cut off from supplies, reaching down for your soul and a basic primitive instinct to survive. Getting close enough to an enemy tank for a kill.....

Thats me.

So, what would you want to have been????

Any STUKA pilots in the crowd?


To have a "god's eye view" of the entire conflict.

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Guest Big Time Software

I'd like to be the guy that ran the black market rings behind the lines. I dunno about you, but I think I would be the type to have connections enough to smuggle a Panther back to the States, filled with German small arms and uniforms of course! Then, after the war, I could drive around in my Panther without being bothered by zooks and jabos smile.gif

I'd sell off some of the uniforms for cash to buy spare parts, but then again I might have made so much off my cigarette racket that that might not be necessary. All depends if I could find a buyer for parachute silk taken from the bombers in exchange for shares in my company. Yup, totally original idea wink.gif


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How's about an 88 gunner in Rommel's Afrika Corps.

Just imagine the LOS available most of the time.

"Reach out and touch someone."

Or a Tiger commander on the Eastern Front back when the tiger was king of the field.

Remember reading one account where a Tiger commander was forced to retire from the field because he was out of ammo. Of course, that was after he had fired his wad and tallyed up something like 18 or 23 kills in a single day.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZ:

yo momma!


Hey Pete.

You won't lose no cool points with us man, if you repost saying you really wanted to be General Pattons driver. smile.gif


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

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