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CM Ladder at Tournament House

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Just wanted to let you know that there is now a ladder system in place for CM at <http://www.tournamenthouse.com>

Now...looking around, I have seen another ladder for this game but I'm not sure how many people use it or how good it is. I just wanted to let you know that if you are looking for a ladder to play on, Tournament House has just opened its doors to CM. The owner of the site, Yobobo, has spent a lot of time putting this together and really wants to make it a home for CM players.

We already host ladder play for the CC players and want to continue the war game tradition at Tournament House by signing up as many CM players as we can. So, drop by and look at the site and tell us what you think. And...if you like what you see, sign on.

See ya on the battlefield.


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Could you please edit your post to reflect the site address?? It didn't appear to make it across the first time.

Also, there are 3 other ladders that I'm aware of for CM.

One is at the Rugged Defense Site, which is inhabited by about 120 players and currently has a tourney going on.

The second that I'm aware of is at CMHQ, which appears to have some problems with the scoring system currently but last word has it being fixed.

And the third is considered a highly competitive ladder via invatation only. I can't recall the name off the top of my head, but I know I've seen it around in other posts. The Headquarters or something like that is it's name.

So, yours would make a fourth that I'm aware of at this time. But, if you could post the link, I would be very happy to provide comments/criticisms on it if you would like.

GI Tom

EDIT: I found out the name from another post, it's called "The Grognards". That is the one I couldn't recall.


To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of wierd sandwich.

[This message has been edited by GI Tom (edited 08-29-2000).]

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GI Tom,

The only "Ladder" you need to be concerned with is in the cesspool... We all know now that your tactics came from reading the back of a cracker jacks box. Running to another ladder will not save you now.

So get back amongst your peers in the primordial ooze that is CM's lifeblood... or I shall taunt you a second time.



Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

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hello deadmarsh,

could you repost the web address for that webpage?

My pbem record is 21-3-2 and I feel ready for a tournament or league but a new ladder will do, thank you.


I got an idea of something we can do with a gun, sink load and fire till the empire reaps what they've sown - S.

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