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Pause time delay text not appearing


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In a current PBEM, I noticed that when giving my units a pause order, no text appeared to indicate the delay.  I assumed the pauses were not taking place.  So I reloaded the turn, loaded up a new scenario, restarted the game and computer and the problem remains.   I re-installed the game, problem still there.   Then I started looking at the problem in a new scenario and experimented to see exactly what was happening.  The pauses are actually taking place but the text indicating the time pause is not appearing except on waypoints.  If you give a unit an initial pause prior to any other movements, the text does not appear.   I suspected it might be related to a new mod I installed...the Command Colors Color Coded mod.  However I removed the mod and I still have the problem.  

It is a serious problem because it is important to know the proper pause is in place.  Any ideas on what might be the problem and how to solve?


PS:  This problem is with Cold War and we are PBEMg a quick battle.  Although the problem is now present in all standard scenarios I have checked.

Edited by FogForever
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6 hours ago, FogForever said:

In a current PBEM, I noticed that when giving my units a pause order, no text appeared to indicate the delay.  I assumed the pauses were not taking place.  So I reloaded the turn, loaded up a new scenario, restarted the game and computer and the problem remains.   I re-installed the game, problem still there.   Then I started looking at the problem in a new scenario and experimented to see exactly what was happening.  The pauses are actually taking place but the text indicating the time pause is not appearing except on waypoints.  If you give a unit an initial pause prior to any other movements, the text does not appear.   I suspected it might be related to a new mod I installed...the Command Colors Color Coded mod.  However I removed the mod and I still have the problem.  

It is a serious problem because it is important to know the proper pause is in place.  Any ideas on what might be the problem and how to solve?


PS:  This problem is with Cold War and we are PBEMg a quick battle.  Although the problem is now present in all standard scenarios I have checked.

Any chance you have icons turned off?  (ALT-I).   That will make the pause text disappear.  Other than that it works fine for me, and nothing like this was noted in play testing.


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