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go on give us a clue as to which tanks will be included.

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I know that BTS have promised to update us at the end of the month, but there is no guarantee that they will tell us anyway.I really want to know which boarder line vechiles have been included in the game, please someone give me a clue!!!!!!!!

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bad luck GD - I'm fairly sure the Petard isn't in. frown.gif

but, one that is, is the Hellcat wink.gif

Oh, and the SdKFZ 251 wink.gifwink.gif




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seriously Owen - if you're really that interested in the kinds of vehicles that will be included, open your eyes wink.gif

Take a look through the pictures and articles at CMHQ, have a look at what Wild Bill has done, read some posts, look at Colin and Foobars' sites, look at what's included in the 3 demo scenarios, etc.

The information is there, you just need to dig a little smile.gif It won't be complete, but I'm willing to bet that the list you'll be able to put together will be surprising long.





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Guest Big Time Software

Gregory, you forgot the DeathSpewer. It can take out enemy tanks with pinpoint precision using larege caliber rocket propelled spitballs. Oh, and they can shoot around buildings too!

Fionn, just three Panthers. Panther A, Panther G (early), and Panther G (late). And there are a crudload of Churchills like you say smile.gif


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Guest Big Time Software


The funny thing is that I don't know of any Panther Ds that fought on the Western Front in 1944, but I have seen pics of some knocked out in 1945. They were from a tanker school and were driven into battle by their students. Cripes, there were even reports of PzIVDs and other outdated tanks being used at that point in the war. Makes our life kinda complicated in terms of game design.

Just so you guys know, we pretty much ignored all vehicles under 100 production units serving between summer 1944 and the end of the war. In fact, the only exception I can think of is the Jagdtiger, which was pretty much a MUST have. So the handfull of PzIIIs that were in Normandy, or the Panther Ds at the end of the war, failed that test wink.gif

We also tended to leave out vehicles that served in numbers less than 200 unless they were significant for some reason or were very easy to put in. The Puma and the Lynx are two examples of ones we included.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 03-22-2000).]

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