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the AI moved my tank of the map, and I lost it. Bug?

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I was playing a game against the AI, and had a Marder III on the extreme left of the map, sideways, hiding in ambush. At one point in the game, I ordered it to hunt forward (across the map). The Marder was just on the edge of some woods. Instead of moving directly forward, the AI decided to back up and maneuver around this tiny spot of woods. What happened was that it reversed, and exited the map! I lost the Marder and the game! The Marded wasnt even in the LOS of the enemy, and hadnt been shot at.

I think this could be fixed - no unit should leave the map unless directly ordered to do so, or broken/routed.


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I had this happen with a squad of men who were running from a 150mm infantry gun. I was moving the platoon up in line, and the gun hit the center squad. The right-hand squad, closest to the border, took one casualty, broke, and ran right off the screen. That made that one shot worth about 15 men.

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