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Anyone Seen BTS lately?

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Saw a post from charles a little bit ago that stated he was busy. (I bet thats an understatment).

If I remember correctly they alos took a much needed vacation. So I wouldn't look for them for a while.



"someone you trust is one of us"..........the illuminati



Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring

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Well, there are companies who make a profit from a game and are nowhere to be seen. Instead they spend time counting their money. Then there are other companies who remain active on the messageboards despite their winfall.

I certainly hope BTS remembers who made Combat Sim such a hit. It wasn't the programmer, it was each and every person who bought the game. BTS needs to be careful not to bite the hand that fed them. i.e they need to make their presence known. They also need to facilitate the odd discussion or two. Going around locking threads is not my idea of making a presence. It would be nice to see more posts from BTS here. It would show us that they are listening, not sitting back counting the dough. $.

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Thanks Lorak, I missed that post.

Ricky, I wouldn't be so quick to rush to any conclusions. I was just curious about the latest goings on. BTS has gone way above and beyond any company I have ever seen when it comes to listening to their customers and in maintaining an active presence on their boards. In fact, that is why I was a little curious about where they've been. Most companies consider a post every few weeks to be an active presence whereas BTS regularly posts daily. Steve and Charles deserve huge amounts of appreciation for their work too. You may want to consider that we wouldn't all be playing such a great game if it weren't for the tremendous talents of the guys who created it. Just some food for thought. I don't think you need to worry about them resting on their laurals too much but I can sure as hell understand them needing a break.

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina


Just look at the profile of steve or charles - you will see they have made 4, 401 posts on this forum so far.

Looks to me like they are doing a great job with contributing to this forum.



"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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while sorting out my order problem last week Steve mentioned in an email that he was going to take a week off...that was on 7/6. I say much deserved time off.

Steve replied to my order question at 2:43AM! These guys deserve a break...Ricky, don't be tossing out statements like that unless you know the entire story. How many companies would even look at an order question past 5:00pm? Hell, with as much work they have put in the last month they deserve six months off in my book.

[This message has been edited by vcents (edited 07-12-2000).]

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Originally posted by vcents:

Steve replied to my order question at 2:43AM! These guys deserve a break...Ricky, don't be tossing out statements like that unless you know the entire story. How many companies would even look at an order question past 5:00pm?

vcents: I have had a simular experience with Steve and it was also around 3 in the morning. BTS is one of the best when it comes to customer service.

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Guest KwazyDog

Ive found both Steve and Charles up to as late as 4am working on stuff, especially in the last few months. smile.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

Steve is on vacation this week and I have the pleasure of doing two, two, yes TWO jobs in one! rolleyes.gif


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