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Figure this.

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Right, I can't work this out.

I am the allies and I knocked out the german 81mm FO. I know for a fact I eliminated the team. I also know for a fact they only have one team in the game because I have played from both sides. So imagine my surprise when I press go and I get hit again by arty rounds. It was arty and not 81mm mortar rounds. This arty also continues for the rest of the battle. Must have been 5 or 6 turns. Seemed like hundreds of rounds, probably an exageration there but I was peeved to say the least.

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I had a post related to this a while ago. In Computer Games Magazine, there was a review of CM. It clearly stated that when a FO dies, the HQ unit can take over duties for the FO.

Maybe, somebody figured it out?



God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!

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Pvt. Ryan is correct.

A HQ does NOT have the ability to continue to call in arty rounds. If so, they wouldn't be HQs, now would they? They'd be Arty Spotters.

I may have been possible that you didn't totally wipe out that Art team, OR when you played it from the other side, you may have had another spotter that you did not know about or ever find. May have been a reinforcement even.

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You see this is what I can't work out. There were definitely no reinforcement arty spotters and I definitely eliminated the team.

This leads on me on to my other findings. Also, and somehow, the AI manages to spot my AT guns when I have them more than 1000m away, hidden, and in dense woods. Then within what seems like an impossible time, ie, within the turn, he obliterates my guns with arty rounds. Go figure?? I can't see his guns. I realise there are all sorts of reasons for this, like FOW etc etc, but it seems highly unlikely that they could have been spotted so accurately, and so quickly.

Either the AI is the best in the world, or it CHEATS. Maybe I'm a bad loser?? smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by phil stanbridge:

Either the AI is the best in the world, or it CHEATS. Maybe I'm a bad loser?? smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's likely the computer player "cheats" then. Software developers have been doing this for years, giving the computer player "advantages" in order to cover up the lack of AI the computer opponent possesses.

In computer games, as the level of "expertise" of the computer opponent increases, what occurs? They computer opponent hits better, you miss more often, or they build faster units, etc. There is no increase in the skill level of the computer opponent. However, as the computer game industry advances, players are demanding better computer opponents. I hope that a tactical/strategic AI will be developed (i.e., expert systems).

This looks like it's a long way off though, due to the limited budgets and need for quick profit from game companies industry wide.



God Bless Chesty Puller, Wherever He Is!

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Once again someone leaps to a conclusion that is wrong. Steve and Charles have stated many many times that the AI does NOT cheat in any way, shape, or form.

Send me the saved file, I will look and tell you where you went wrong. Does the computer have any on-board mortars?

What makes you think it was spotted on that turn? Where there any other units there? Was it a logical place for Artillery to hit?


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Interesting.. Looks like it was my mistake, at least the arty spotter that is. I indeed have come across another team. Funny though as I don't remember getting two teams when I played as the Germans?? I will double check this.

I was just getting carried away I think. I was peeved that the AI managed to locate my guns early on and take them out. Always the way, as the 60 seconds times up you think you've got away with it, then all quiet, then guess what.. A stray round makes it mark.. Always happens to me! frown.gif

I'm not really leaping to any conclusion here, I guess the only one is that the AI makes such a good opponent. I'm used to the AI in games like Close Combat. See my point?

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Guest Big Time Software

As Rune stated, Comabt Mission's AI does not cheat in any way shape or form. In fact, it is at a distinct disadvantage in terms of intelligence gathering and replaying the same scenario. No cheating code was written to compensate for these huge human player advantages even.

And now we find what was expected:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Interesting.. Looks like it was my mistake, at least the arty spotter that is. I indeed have come across another team. Funny though as I don't remember getting two teams when I played as the Germans?? I will double check this.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Did you play with a force bonus for the Germans? If you increased their force perecentage enough they could have got two FOs.


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No, it was my mistake entirely. I rechecked the game as the Germans and they do indeed have two FO teams.

One question about arty. I find that even when in LOS of my target that is say 500/1000m away and I get the blue line, it still takes anything between a minute to two to fire. Is this dependent on the quality of the teams? This is with 81mm rounds. I realise the bigger stuff takes longer.

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