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This sure ain't how WW2 was....

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I always thought that the larger 15 cm guns were considered howitzers not Kannone, sFH 18 L30, sFH 18m L30, sFH 18/40 L33 and so on. But then again if they used cartridges and not separate charge and shell it’s just the Germans being wacky with their designations again.

[This message has been edited by Bastables (edited 08-10-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skorzeny:

I could have written my message in my mother tongueS, but I seriously doubt you would understand even the basic grammar. So please don't hassle me with my English. I already speak/write more languages than you will ever dream to learn in your life.


Chill out! This is no competion. If you read MarkIV first post he "comes to your defence", although I'm sure you'll do just fine on your own. But how about being a little polite and maybe humble? This was your first post, wasn't it? Most of the peolpe on this board know a thing or two of the WWII also, maybe even YOU will learn something!

BTW: Don't jump to conclusions, what do you know about MarkIV? Maybe he is a translator?



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Ah, Skorzeny, mon petit fils, taking everything as a personal attack will get you nowhere --- detendent!

As for the seemingly super-human LOS capabilities of the AI controlled Arty spotters... Well, they aren't that good. I've played "Valley of Trouble" a few times (as both sides), and have managed to hide my SiG successfully for most of the game --- by not using it. Once I broke maskorovka however, I was in the deep merde. But as for the AI dropping artillery fire on me when I'm out of LOS --- never seen it. The AI definitely prefers to have you in sight and locked down before it commits it's heavy assets.

Oh, and interesting handle for someone of French-Polish lineage...

Il qui combat et execute loin, vit pour combattre un autre jour!

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Whoa chill there Skorzeny.

1. The sIG is obviously an artillery piece BUT in CM terms cannot fire indirectly once it is placed on a map.

2. I make NO assumptions about your ability. You would be VERY surprised as to the number of people who put units in the open and then complain about them being spotted. I was merely covering the bases.

3. As for languages.

Dude, one thing you should learn is NEVER to attack people over languages on international fora. One it is kinda bad form and secondly there's always someone who knows more than you. I know 7 myself if you really want to go there. My simple point is that it would bode you and us all well if we could get away from the "I know more languages than you so shut up" kind of taunts here ( especially seeing as you'll lose any such fight).

4. As for the 15cm guns... Wow, you can read a sourcebook. Wow, that means you must know SO much more than all of us wink.gif.

My suggestion to you would simply be to drop the attitude and realise that you probably aren't all that special on this forum as a lot of people know what they're talking about and some quite certainly know far more than you.

Seriously, drop the attitude before someone decides to embarass you.

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Well you should try the caretan's scenario..

a couple of spottin g round's hit then Wham!

14 inch shell's start hitting within a 100 meter's of of your troop's pak's an inf gun's an truck's yes they were are near by..actually more like 200 meter's but who's quibbling....an all this at night! an all got knocked out with one BLAST!.. all this teaches us is how to be GAMEY WHEN PLAYING THE GERMAN'S.well maybe not but i still love this game what a breathe of freash air!

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In my experience so far, the big infantry guns are fairly hard to use effectively in CM, for all the reasons previously stated. The demo is supposed to sell the game, alot of the buyers/players are going to be americans, the scenario is a chance for potential buyers to have fun blowing stuff up and want more.

In past computer wargames I have played I had the same problems with the 150mm IG since its usually modelled as a direct fire weapon, so I didn't think twice about it.

Is the game real? No. It is, perforce, a simulation. Is it one of, if not the most realistic computer wargames ever done on a tactical scale? In my opinion, yes.

Tactically, I prefer to use the 75mm IG for close-support, it packs a decent suppression punch and isn't a big juicy target for enemy artillery. If one wants a more useful application of the power of 150mm cannon, using a FO with off-map artillery is likely more effective. But the on-map units are in the game to enable to simulate rear-guard actions etc. etc.


As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skorzeny:

You are entirely right.

My style does indeed need some working...at least my english does.

For you see, I speak french. I have completed my studies at University Laval, in Canada. I could have written my message in my mother tongueS, but I seriously doubt you would understand even the basic grammar. So please don't hassle me with my English. I already speak/write more languages than you will ever dream to learn in your life.

I am born polish/french and I am well advanced in the use of Germans as well.

So leave my style alone, less you want use to talk styles.

Eh rappelle toi, fiston, que mieux vaut trouver un héros mort qu'un déserteur pétant de santé.

Skorzeny <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Salut, je suis français, j'en profite ! Ce BBS est plein d'anglophones présomptueux qui savent tout mieux que tout le monde : l'artillerie allemande, l'anglais, comment le jeu doit être ...

Enfin bon les prend pas trop au sérieux, ça sert à rien de s'énerver.

As for all of you english-speaking only, too bad you won't understand...



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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skorzeny:

I already speak/write more languages than you will ever dream to learn in your life.

I am born polish/french and I am well advanced in the use of Germans as well.


You are indeed magnificent! I am sure you are the only multi-lingual person on this board. Please do not hesitate to continue bestowing your magnificence on us.

What exactly do you use Germans for? I need to know, for if it is something unpleasant involving hamsters I will make sure never to come close to you.

Now let's see if you do not only speak tons and tons of languages but also have some humour.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

As for all of you english-speaking only, too bad you won't understand...


Like Fionn noted, very bad form. Part of why I continue to read the board is the general courtesy that I find here. Please try not to erode it. I know we English-only folks are merely a breed of mentally deficient savages, but we still have feelings. You see, while the direct translation is not very good, we can get a rough idea of your comments from the Babelfish: "Hello, I am French, I benefit from it! This BBS is full with presumptuous english-speaking who know all better than everyone: the German artillery, English, how the play must be... Finally good does not take them too much with serious, that is used for nothing to be irritated."

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:


Salut, je suis français, j'en profite ! Ce BBS est plein d'anglophones présomptueux qui savent tout mieux que tout le monde : l'artillerie allemande, l'anglais, comment le jeu doit être ...

Enfin bon les prend pas trop au sérieux, ça sert à rien de s'énerver.

As for all of you english-speaking only, too bad you won't understand...


That my dear fellow is really really low. If you want to insult people, you should have the spine to do it in their language or a language they understand. Else I suggest emailing Skorzeny, and you can go and tell him all you want.

It is guys like you who give French people a bad reputation as being arrogant gits. And that is so unnecessary, because France has so much to be proud of.

You know, if all those 'anglophones' here grate so much on you, maybe you should just bugger off and have your own little French only xenophobic BBS.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:


Salut, je suis français, j'en profite ! Ce BBS est plein d'anglophones présomptueux qui savent tout mieux que tout le monde : l'artillerie allemande, l'anglais, comment le jeu doit être ...

Enfin bon les prend pas trop au sérieux, ça sert à rien de s'énerver.

As for all of you english-speaking only, too bad you won't understand...


Y'en a qui comprend assez bien quand meme, qui ne sont ni Canadiens ni Francais. Mais l'important, je trouve, quand il s'agit de conaissance, c'est de l'utiliser pour partager et pour educer, pas pour abattre quelqu'un avec qui on n'est pas d'accord.

Rough translation: When it comes to one's knowledge of a subject, it's more important to use it to share around and inform others rather than use it to beat someone with a opposing view into submission. Nothing is serves by getting into an I-know-more-than-you pissing contest.

That applies equally to knowledge of languages. I'd be interested in how such knowledge or lack thereof is relevant to this forum.

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I can not speak for other nations but by 1944 the Commonwealth forces had the problem of spotters and artillery delt with.

More often than not they had artillery support just minutes away. Often massive quantities. As long as the spotter did not become a casualty most units, most of the time, could count on large amounts of accurate support. I think CM models is very realistically. The only thing I would add is that the Commonwealth forces never had the serious ammunition problems the Americans had, I would up the spotters ammunition when using 25prds. The Commonwealth did a better job of producing the required artillery ammunition, strange but true.

All the best,


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables:

Orang kurang ajar suka piker perpecahan ! Harus awas ya.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well said, although I have no idea where the Orang Utans suddenly came from.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Well said, although I have no idea where the Orang Utans suddenly came from.


Heh Orang utang means wild person/human? in bahasa aka that spacy orange ape they have in Indonesia. Orang means person/human?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

That my dear fellow is really really low. If you want to insult people, you should have the spine to do it in their language or a language they understand. Else I suggest emailing Skorzeny, and you can go and tell him all you want.

It is guys like you who give French people a bad reputation as being arrogant gits. And that is so unnecessary, because France has so much to be proud of.

You know, if all those 'anglophones' here grate so much on you, maybe you should just bugger off and have your own little French only xenophobic BBS.


OK men, I apologize for this one, it was low indeed.

I reacted because I felt that Skorzeny, as a new member, was greeted as I have been : quite unfriendily.

Why it is so difficult to have a friendly discussion here ? Only because I'm a French arrogant git ?

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables:

Heh Orang utang means wild person/human? in bahasa aka that spacy orange ape they have in Indonesia. Orang means person/human?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Was that Indonesian? It looks a bit like a language you would find down there. Or did you just make it up? I had heard that Orang Utan(g) means Wild Human too.

Hmm, maybe we can ask Skorzeny to translate it, Indonesian was a language I never dreamed about learning, and I am sure Mk IV did not dream about it as well, so he should know it.



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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

OK men, I apologize for this one, it was low indeed.

I reacted because I felt that Skorzeny, as a new member, was greeted as I have been : quite unfriendily.

Why it is so difficult to have a friendly discussion here ? Only because I'm a French arrogant git ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pascal, that's cool. As for the unfriendly discusssions. To be frank, I don't think he was greeted unfriendly initially, but things sort of deteriorated due to his later posts. But that is just my opinion. His style/tone struck me as a bit, err, harsh, shall we say? And there is an old proverb (that I quoted previously at an appropriate place) my grandmother taught me: 'Wie Du in den Wald hineinrufst, so schallt es heraus.' Roughly: 'The way you call into the forest, it will echo back.' I think that happened here again. There is an awful lot of people with a lot of knowledge in this forum, and there are a lot of people who speak more than one language. Putting both groups down in what is in effect your second or third post is maybe not the best idea to win friends on the forum in the long run. In general I find this to be a very good forum, judging from what is going on elsewhere. YMMV.

As for the 'French arrogant git', I think there is a general problem that French people are seen as arrogant, at least going by some of my friends who can never understand why I like France. I think that is an undeserved reputation, and one of those generalisations that holds as much truth in it as Germans being humourless or US-citizens having no clue about the outside world, or probably less. Let me apologise for implying that you are one.

And now that we have got all that out of the way, it is time for the usual suggestion to Skorzeny that doing a search on the forum might answer a lot of questions, as all of his have previously been addressed. I would also recommend getting the game to you, even if it is not like WW II (no surprises there, since it is a game after all). There is a lovely manual in which a lot of the issues are addressed. Arty procedures are explained very well on the CMHQ annex. Find the link by going here: combathq.thegamers.net Hope that helps.



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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables:

NO! don't discredit my sterotypes Germanboy. They're all I have.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Okay Bastables, you, and only you may keep them. Here's another few, Soviet soldiers are mindless automatons, girls in Quebec look really great (wait, that is in fact true and not a stereotype), all German officers looked like Erich von Stroheim, the English are good losers. If you need more to underpin the stability of your perception of the world, just ask. Hope that helps.



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Guest Rollstoy

Jippie, another nice flame-war!

First of all kudos to Teutonic, who was the first to point out the most likely explanation: FOW setting. When I played the (full) game for the first time, the default FOW was set to off, and stayed off at the next game, even when changed to full previously. I got crazy when my FOs got killed instantly and it took me some minutes to figure out what was wrong. This (the save FOW preference bug) was fixed in a patch, if I recall correctly.

It was said that <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>... he was greeted unfriendly initially, but things sort of deteriorated due to his later posts.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I disagree. The tone of Fionn's post made him mad, and rightly so. Certainly the initial post was sarcastic, but things stayed calm until Fionn stepped in. Kudos to him, though, for the best statements in this thread: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A 150mm schwere INFANTRY GUN is NOT an artillery piece<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The sIG is obviously an artillery piece ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Thanks for the good laugh!

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